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Elise Ability (LoL): Spider Form / Human Form

Spider Form / Human Form Elise

Elise Ability: Spider Form / Human Form
Cooldown: 4
Human Form: Elise returns to Human Form, becoming ranged and all remaining Spiderlings become dormant. Spiderlings deal 8 / 14 / 20 / 26 (+15% of ability power) magic damage and take 25% reduced damage from multi-target abilities.

Spider Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider, becoming melee ranged and gaining 25 bonus movement speed and access to Spider Form abilities. She also summons all dormant Spiderlings.

Elise's Abilities

Elise Ability: Spider Form / Human Form Elise Ability: Spider Form / Human Form Elise Ability: Spider Form / Human Form Elise Ability: Spider Form / Human Form
Spider Form / Human Form is used by Elise

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JBerger589 (7) | December 10, 2012 9:05pm
It's a typo. Someone got over zealous with linear continuations.

Here is Riot's stat listings:
mrfuzzy78 (5) | November 1, 2012 10:07am
There are 5 values for spiderling damage. Am I missing something here?
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