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Stacking Champions Patch 14.12

Metallichydra's Tier List Metallichydra's Tier List
Last updated on June 15, 2024
31781 5
5 Votes
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A few champions in the game have an ability, usually a passive ability, that allows them to stack something infinitely. This allows them to become more powerful as the game goes on, even when they have reached their maximum level and gotten their full build. These are usually referred to as "stacking champions". Sometimes this goes unnoticed and has little effect on the game, while some champions are widely known by their ability to infinitely stack. This tier list aims to show how much their stacking ability helps define their playstyle.

Stacking defines them

Stacks play a major role in this champions playstyle


Usually noticed if the game lasts long enough

Stacks play a large role in this champions playstyle, though it won't matter that much until later in the game


Almost never noticed

Did you know these champions can stack something infinitely?


Honestly this cannot be called a stacking champioN

While they theoretically stack something infinitely, it will never happen

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Lavi Sorrow (2) | October 12, 2022 3:39am
Oh come on, Kindred's stacks are something really important and everyone knows about that...
GuilerRX | October 6, 2022 7:37pm
Since some patches ago, pyke and draven can stack indefinitely "execute damage" for both ults
Metallichydra (20) | October 7, 2022 1:16am
I'm pretty sure Pyke doesn't stack execute damage anymore.
For Draven, he loses the stacks whenever he kills someone, so it's more of a one-time effect.
SaintsBeast | May 6, 2021 5:53am
I like the tier list! Just wanted to ask since I never play veigar, what do his stacks do? Do they stack his ap level or is it for something else? I almost never play veigar so thats why I'm asking yk.
Metallichydra (20) | May 6, 2021 6:04am
If you hover your mouse above the icon, there will be a description made by me with an explanation on how their stacks work.
(Veigar gets more AP the more stacks he have)
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