League of Legends (LoL) Question: Starting 9 pots + Red Elixir viable on Garen?
Elixir of Fortitude
Health Potion

Starting 9 pots + Red Elixir viable on Garen?
So recently, I have been seeing a lot of Riven players (as well as a few Tryndameres and a Lee Sin) who start out with 9 health pots and a red elixir. That start seems to work fairly well for them so I started wondering what other champions would benefit from starting 9 pots and a red elixir.
I play Garen a lot and started to wonder if starting 9 health potions and a red elixir would be good. Potentially adding 9 health pots to Garen's great passive sustain along with an early damage boost from the red elixir could set up Garen to carry the game.
So basically is starting 9 health pots and a red elixir viable of Garen? What about Renekton, Rengar, or Zed? Also are there any down sides to starting 9 health pots and a red elixir?
I play Garen a lot and started to wonder if starting 9 health potions and a red elixir would be good. Potentially adding 9 health pots to Garen's great passive sustain along with an early damage boost from the red elixir could set up Garen to carry the game.
So basically is starting 9 health pots and a red elixir viable of Garen? What about Renekton, Rengar, or Zed? Also are there any down sides to starting 9 health pots and a red elixir?
If your champ has a good amount of sustain (I'd say champs like Garen, Tryndamere to a lesser extent [You want to save fury to dish out damage in trades], etc.) then take a red elixir, a ward, and as many pots as possible.
If you're playing someone like Kennen or Katarina, who without items have no sustain, take all pots and a red elixir, or replace the red elixir with ward(s) depending on the jungler.
-- Good Luck.
Take some pots out for a ward tho
also, if you can do double golems early on, you can fight at level 2 as soon as you hit level 2 for a level advantage, and pop your elixir. having a red elixir that early tells your enemy to "back off or die" usually.
You mean Sight Wards?
It gives 120-325 health, based on champion level, and 15 attack damage for 3 minutes.
Dyrus used in solo queue a lot of zed with starting red elixer.
On renekton it is good I think, to increase his early game snowball.
I dont play rengar top, so that is a think I dont know.
(only one thing, you can better start red elixer, 7 pots and a ward)