League of Legends (LoL) Question: Status of Mundo?
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Dr. Mundo

Status of Mundo?
what is the current Status of
Dr. Mundo (jungle and top)?
Blade of the Ruined King counters him quite hard, but it got nerved, so how much is he affected of it now?

He's just played less because vi, xin zhao, and jarvan are too good at the moment. (Other champions too, like hecarim)
His sustain is not really a problem, and he is an amazing late gank tank because of his percentage damage.
The guy is pretty weak solo top, due to a very weak early game.
Mundo is also pretty weak since the jungle got buffed.
He just cannot kill the jungle that easily anymore since he was AOE dependant.
He gets wrecked by the enemy easily.
I think your just talking from a theoretical point of view and I can see why, but if you get first item giants belt or kindlegem , the bealth cost problem goes away after the first recall or a few minutes later.
True story
Which is the whole problem with Mundo.
Whether it be a draining W or a draining Q/E, it still drains his health.
He clears faster than most junglers be,cause his aoe clears the small creeps and his cleaver and e destroys the big creep
Sounds rather dependant to me.
That's like saying xin zhao is aoe dependant
If you start with W, you will lose a lot of health since it drains your health. At the same time it is necessary because you need it to clear camps. Since you need to use your W to clear camps (especially early game), you are aoe dependant.
AoE works not so well in the S3 jungle, since the big monsters are much stronger than in S2, requiring more single target damage. Mundo needs W for jungling, W drains health, monsters are stronger against AoE including the W of Mundo.
I cannot say if Mundo can't jungle anymore due to this problem, because I haven't seen even 1 jungle Mundo in S3, while I have seen many in S2.
Is quite suspicious, no?
amumu is good because he has fast clears and stuns, yes, he has fast clears despite being aoe.
All the Mundo junglers I have seen my life, started with his W. I doubt that all those people were wrong.
Amumu has a lot of reasons why he is a great jungler, not just his aoe spells :O
He has % damage (W), great damage reduction (E) and also great gankability.
Using your arguments, amumu would be a dead jungler.
His jungle speed is entirely based on it.
He just dosent fit the meta