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Steph J Millz - Season 13 Camille Guide: The Way of Kamille
Updated on October 22, 2023

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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Camille I
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Max Q
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Grievous Wounds is a must have against Aatrox's current state. A champion with no resource bar that rely on CD's & spacing. Smart Aatrox players know how well they can zone & kite Camille throughout the lane & take full advantage of pressuring her early game. His only mobility against yours is his Umbral Dashes. Ones he uses one, he has a short CD for the next. That is when you strike.
Akali was originally a counter to Camille. Great kiting tools, can disappear, & could out damage Camille early with her combos. She was nerfed thankfully & is primarily seen in Mid lane.
You won't see mirrored matches in ranked. However, coming across another Camille player is all about outsmarting each other with your own abilities.
The greatest punisher to exist before Camille. Misposition? He wins automatically. If you are in his proximity, he will pressure you almost every time you CS. You cannot allow him to gain more than 3 bleeds stacks on you in a trade/fight. Darius players can save their pull for your Hookshot engages or attempts to escape. A smart Darius will prevent you from ever escaping a trade against him. Do not give him too much room in a fight to run you down & finish you with his ult. You can negate/dodge his with your ult, but it will only cancel the animation once.
Dr. Mundo
The real problem against Mundo is his tank stats, CC immunity, & unfair healing. You'll likely figure out that its no where easy to kill him, but it is easy to kite him.
A Fiora can out-trade, out-kite, & counter Camille in every fight. Fiora's parry can be used defensively & offensively against her. Whether its to counter her hookshot completely, or to cripple her with its damaging slowing effect. Its hard to trade back when she's slowed you, & its impossible to engage on her if she holds her Parry. Bait her Q engages. She CD is reduced on hit, however, if she lands nothing she has a longer CD.
Gwen has a powerful early game - mid game spike. She deals true damage herself & heal, can be untargeted with dashes, & had a ranged ultimate with 3 activations. She almost sounds like an equal match to Camille.
You can best Illaoi pre-lvl 6. If you do have a lead on damage, pressure short trades on her. However, AFTER that, if she has items & been playing like a blind swordsman in the lane, you'll notice fighting her is futile.
Irelia was a matchup that Camille HAD to respect as she was reworked & was taking the meta for a few seasons. The matchup can be looked at in similar ways to Fiora. Both of you can punish each other & outclass each other, but Camille still outscales her at the end of the day. Irelia can heavy snowball from any lead she gets which can put her lightyears ahead of Camille.
Counterstrike is the only ability Jax has that makes him a true threat at all to Camille because if he is able to negate your Q damage, you lost that fight. Standing next to walls at all times is the right strategy to follow so anytime he Leap strikes you have fast reaction to stun & push him away. Do not ever let him free walk up with his Counterstrike or you'll take free damage.
One GOOD knockback from Jayce can cancel your Hookshot jump & knock you out of your ult to cancel the effect setting you off completely. Range form is the best way to engage on him. Pay attention to the moment he changes so the CD is fresh. He has a strong early game to yours & can snowball heavily from any lead. Camille does outscale jayce, but his powerspikes throughout the game can give you trouble.
K'Sante does not hold much of a challenge to Camille, but he does hold a lot of disrupting tools to knock you off your game. He can cancel your Hookshot & always prepare to respond to your engages. He's a bruiser by nature, he'll only be strong for a short while until your items come into play.
You can best Kayle pre-lvl 6. However, Kayle will not let you do that as she knows her powerspikes comes from leveling & core item purchases. She will safe farm & focus on short trades to keep herself safe. When she's passed lvl 6, the fights will progressively become Moderate - Hard - Unfair once she's max level on passive. She is banned personally as she is one of the few champions to surpass Camille's monstrous late game.
No resources, fast ability activations, & 2 different health bars? This matchup is all about awareness of Kled's aggression to instantly punish him in return. He has a powerful engage combo but can be dodged to reduce his max damage output. Pay sharp attention to his courage bar when unmounted.
Naturally, this matchup is suppose to keep Camille retrained from the freedom of scaling. His kit has zero counter-play for Camille since he's a tank in his nature. He can also Q harass to pressure your HP at all times & build AP to increase its damage. If he's AP, he can snowball quickly against you, but you will outscale him in the end always. If he's tank, he will be the team's frontline & soak up all of your damage. High HP is a counter method to true damage dealers since he stacks armor & your Q cuts through it.
Your Hookshot can counter his E pull. But it cannot counter his ultimate activation. Your Hookshot will disappear mid pull & if already on the wall, the jump will be nulled out & not grant attack speed. He will frequently pressure you with Q & if not next to minions, you will take increased damage every hit. You must be durable enough to survive him in his ult or dodge every ability to reduce his damage output and prevent his passive from triggering sooner.
You can best Nasus pre-lvl 6. Once he has his ultimate, fighting him may not ever be a smart choice. You have to manipulate the lane to prevent him from gaining as much free stacks as possible & pressure every chance you get when he walks up to CS. His focus is stacking his Q up to a certain amount for the 1st 10-15 minutes of the game & then gradually gets aggressive when he has the necessary damage output to run you down. The fight progresses from Easy - Moderate - Hard - Unfair based on number of stacks he has. His Wither will scare the living daylight out of you if he's over 500 stacks.
Nocturne is part of the rare breed of champions that have a kit Camille just cannot match with in the lane. He is a jungler in the nature of the game, but some move him to top lane & even pick him to counter play Camille. He has a spell shield, a fear that channels when in melee range, & Q with range to harass & gain movement speed to engage. He only has a super strong early game against yours, if you can get passed it then he cannot outscale Camille. Tenacity is recommended to counter his fear.
Olaf has all the tools to 1v5 a game. Camille gains the ability to 1v5 if she does well. It does not take Olaf much to dish out huge damage & still be tanky to take the rest of the team. As an Olaf main myself, Camille can get smashed at any time unless she has a pressuring jungler. If Camille gets a lead on Olaf, she can snowball but Olaf can recover just from punishing her misplays instantly which is similar to what Darius does to her.
Ornn's is a tank. Camille's damage will be absorbed & brushed off a lot much like with Malphite. He doesn't have to leave his lane to gain items & his kit is a massive support to his team. Don't focus too much on fighting him outright. You can pressure him with trades & keep it light to not overextend on him.
A brutal pre lvl 6. He will be aggressive, he does outdamage you early, & he has a counter kit. You can time your Q with his stun animation jump to proc your passive before he combos you. Pay close attention to his passive stacks. At 4, he will look to engage on you almost every time or Q harass you. His E can be side stepped or you can find yourself just walking behind him during the animation to damage him. Watch for his roams across the map after 6. You heavily outscale him.
Poppy is one of the original all-around counters to Camille. 3 of her abilities disrupt Camille's decision making process on her Hookshot usage. If Poppy is too close to you or charged in for engage, you cannot use Hookshot until you create distance from her or she will activate Steadfast Presence in response to the sound of your Hookshot. I've seen it happen to me plenty of times to know. Her charge takes priority over your Hookshot jump. However, your Hookshot takes priority over her Ultimate's knockback when its well-timed. Stephjmillz showcased the E buffer animation many of times against this match.
Ranged laners vs Camille is always annoying. Quinn just happens to have a kit specifically designed to disrupt her opponent & grant her free access to her target to maximize damage output. She will never outscale Camille, but she can outperform her after 6 by roaming & gain powerspikes from specific items on her. She can blind Camille & cancel her Hookshot with Vault easily. However, your Hookshot jump can cancel her Vault as well depending on who activated their ability first.
Sett has the damage, the kit & the abs to throw down Camille on moment notice. He is difficult to trade with in the early levels as he always has a responding ability to Camille's engagements. He has no resources, relies on CDs & quick trades to take you out of the lane fast & has increased health regeneration on missing health. Heal cut is good to reduce that & if he builds like a duelist you'll outdamage him once you scale. Just don't let him snowball or you won't make it.
Shen is a formidable adversary. He can support his team looking across the map at anytime. He have to keep close proximity of him to cancel his ultimate. Dueling him can result in a stalemate in lane as his kit is really good at countering Camille's engages.
The real issue is if the enemy Sion is playing "Suicide Bomber" Sion into your turrets all game. You can't leave him alone. Its a battle of who can rush the base first with him. And he doesn't give a....
Pre-lvl 6 you cook him. As Bruiser Camille (Grasp), you season & devour him. However, don't try this after lvl 6. Its like eating that spicy pepper you knew was going to burn. He's screaming for about 6 seconds straight while still swinging critical strikes. Stack up on armor.
Riven is a skill based matchup favoring Riven if Camille cannot land on Riven due to her high mobility & huge counter-play potential. "Boxbox Riven" players are huge threats since they KNOW their champion & the matchup. You just need to stay in the KNOW about Riven & her CD's.
Rengar steps in a brush and just sits there.....until you step in range for him to pounce every time. Camille cannot match Rengar if he has good positioning for control of the brushes to freely pounce every opportunity he has. He breaks out of CC's & has empowered damage/effects to his abilities & can heal back the HP he lost in any trade. While you do outscale him, he has the tools to prevent you from reaching that prime status....
Renekton's shield break mechanic almost made this matchup impossible for Camille to do anything to save herself from his engages. His kit was designed to completely dominate many top lane champions & has huge powerspikes before he's even lvl 6. He could be banned to save yourself the struggle & risk of dealing with him.
Tahm Kench
Talm Kench used to be a nuisance for carries trying to scale & become a champion. He exploits your early game flaws & tries to force fights on you aren't prepared for. He's too tanky to fight in the early levels & only gets progressively tanky to soak up more damage. But that is all he can do. He needs a team to back him up & for him to save. He's not even close to matching a prime Camille.
Urgot's pre lvl 6 pressure can be underestimated at times. Once he has 6, you must ALWAYS watch your health bar when engaging similar to Darius. If your HP is below 50%, do not bother going for further engages. Slow it down.
A Volibear in the lane means he has anger issues. He wants to win. He wants to feel like he's a big bad boss. He'll go AP to show you what busted damage looks like. You like turret diving too huh? Least I can step on your whole turret so it can't save you either. Its weird....
Pre lvl 6, Yorick loses. And its almost because he's completely alone. "OH MAIDEN!" Then they both give you the "Now what" stare the whole game. Don't you wish you had personal in-game servants too?
The Monkey acts just like a Yi. Fight! Fight! Fight! If he's not fighting in the jungle, he is fighting his demons. Pre lvl 6 is all he will be doing with you & he may just all in anytime after 6. Be prepared.
Just like Shen, Gangplank can support his team with map awareness, & has a kit completely designed for lane dominance. His sense of humor is the greatest thing as it gives a consistent challenge to Camille's. Gangplank can see his victory long before Camille can see hers thoroughly.
If you want to put Garen & Darius in the same boat, it makes sense. Garen isn't the same as he used to be. He has better stats & a ridiculously easy playstyle. He's the most generic champion in the game still being relevance to this day. Could you believe it?
Do NOT challenge this. This matchup is nightmare and equal to Nocturne. You cannot contest with his early damage at ALL. He has to play really stupid for you to win.
You can pressure him down & force his blood pool for a direct engage that can give you many kills. He has to play very safe if he wants to make it to late game.
There are several jungler's with crowd control that can strongly assist snowballing in game. Amumu for example, has a direct stun & an AOE stun/root. Camille can chain combos from his engages.
As soon as she hits a cocoon, JUMP! The burst from you two is strong!
Once Hecarim leads the charge, it is up to you to pick the right targets as they're feared from his ultimate.
You two share a lore together did you not know? She'll help you keep your head in the game.
Zac is all about CC! Each ability he lands disrupts champions for free picks!
Much like Hecarim, when Sejuani leads the charge, keep up with her to stun-lock your targets.
Jarvan IV
The two of you can LOCK IN on your targets for SECURED kills!
So you two decided to make peace with one another & create a temporary allegiance? You two shouldn't lose.
The New Udyr has see himself run and 1v5 a whole team. That is Godyr that made a shocking return to Summoner's Rift....
Blue Kayn is cool if he's snowballing & the enemy team is full of squishy carries. Red Kayn is recommended majority of the time for his frontline in teamfight & CC for Camille to chain combos.
Nunu & Willump
Just make sure your Nunu is not just some kid ok? He can really do well for you & the team if he's directed right. If he knows his own directions, let him lead.
Assassins with high snowballing potential are good as long as the player is aware of their champion's limits. Kha'Zix can take a game himself playing well in the JG & the damage you two have can overwhelm targets.
Rammus's taunt welcomes a free pick. Let him roll into the enemy team & soak up the damage.
A smart Kindred can help you snowball your lane.
Her invisibility makes players have to remember to purchase Control wards. Otherwise, she can always freely gank any lane.
When an Orianna attaches her ball onto you, she's going to ping for you to jump right in. Trust her. She believes in you.
Zyra is a walking CC support. Completely ideal for team-fighting. Any support that has a full kit of CC further amplifies Camille's usefulness.
If a Cho-Gath is mid lane or even JG, remember he's a walking CC Battletank. If he doesn't do poorly early, he will be your team's frontline.
Lock your target in with your ult so Kennen can follow up with his ult. Complete chaos for the carries.
Alistar's knockup combo gives FREE picks.
All it takes is just ONE good arrow....
All it takes it just one good pull....
Black shield? Good I can dive in without getting blown up with CC. She hits a Q on anyone that's a clear pick. If she jumps in & ults, you jump in too!
If the Rakan is smart, he'll know how to set his team up for smooth picks & give you clear & safe engages.
Braum's stunlock combo with Camille is powerful.
You have Mr. Press R himself on yourself. Be thankful.
You two alone can actually take a whole game & snap it in half.
As annoying as Seraphine is, she can indeed be very useful when the tables are turned in your favor.
She's very powerful at locking down targets for Camille to follow up.
Always been a strong frontline. Once he engages, go all in. He is a CC tank after all.
A Wukong's all in is one thing to prepare against. Its a great thing to see him rip up the enemy team for you.
If you can lock the enemy carry in your ultimate, Brand's full combo can be a guaranteed hit.
The root is Camille's cue to engage.
Lulu will always keep the Camille alive. Do not fear death while she is behind you.
Let's hope your Lux has spent time in the archery training so her marksmanship is legendary.
Leona is always appreciated for her full CC kit.
Bard's unique playstyle can bring unprecedent advantages for you.
Any hook he lands = good engage Any ult he starts = good engage That is of course in a perfect world.
A smart Pyke will show you how to go for the kill & enjoy the spoils for not being wimpy.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate provides the team with map awareness. EVERYONE should be thankful for him. Protect him at ALL COST!
"NOW I'VE GOT YOU!" Followed by "AH AH AH!" Now that's something!
I wish I could see her more in game. Her kit works well for Camille.
Let's hope your Ahri is quite a charming one....
Both of you know how to jump scare quite well.
Sona's ultimate can be a game changer.
Protect your Soraka at all cost. She WILL be focused. If she is foolish, do not bother trying to save her. If she has strong map awareness, she can save you.
Lee Sin
Keep your Lee Sin level headed. A mentally blown Lee Sin will be the death of your team.
Similar to Blitzcrank, all it takes is one good pull. But not just that, it also takes one good lantern....
She most definitely has a wonderful engaging kit & great picking potential. Watch who she ults & lock them down with yours.
His AOE ring stun is an excellent set up tool for Camille's engage.
There are several jungler's with crowd control that can strongly assist snowballing in game. Amumu for example, has a direct stun & an AOE stun/root. Camille can chain combos from his engages.
As soon as she hits a cocoon, JUMP! The burst from you two is strong!
Once Hecarim leads the charge, it is up to you to pick the right targets as they're feared from his ultimate.
You two share a lore together did you not know? She'll help you keep your head in the game.
Zac is all about CC! Each ability he lands disrupts champions for free picks!
Much like Hecarim, when Sejuani leads the charge, keep up with her to stun-lock your targets.
Jarvan IV
The two of you can LOCK IN on your targets for SECURED kills!
So you two decided to make peace with one another & create a temporary allegiance? You two shouldn't lose.
The New Udyr has see himself run and 1v5 a whole team. That is Godyr that made a shocking return to Summoner's Rift....
Blue Kayn is cool if he's snowballing & the enemy team is full of squishy carries. Red Kayn is recommended majority of the time for his frontline in teamfight & CC for Camille to chain combos.
Nunu & Willump
Just make sure your Nunu is not just some kid ok? He can really do well for you & the team if he's directed right. If he knows his own directions, let him lead.
Assassins with high snowballing potential are good as long as the player is aware of their champion's limits. Kha'Zix can take a game himself playing well in the JG & the damage you two have can overwhelm targets.
Rammus's taunt welcomes a free pick. Let him roll into the enemy team & soak up the damage.
A smart Kindred can help you snowball your lane.
Her invisibility makes players have to remember to purchase Control wards. Otherwise, she can always freely gank any lane.
When an Orianna attaches her ball onto you, she's going to ping for you to jump right in. Trust her. She believes in you.
Zyra is a walking CC support. Completely ideal for team-fighting. Any support that has a full kit of CC further amplifies Camille's usefulness.
If a Cho-Gath is mid lane or even JG, remember he's a walking CC Battletank. If he doesn't do poorly early, he will be your team's frontline.
Lock your target in with your ult so Kennen can follow up with his ult. Complete chaos for the carries.
Alistar's knockup combo gives FREE picks.
All it takes is just ONE good arrow....
All it takes it just one good pull....
Black shield? Good I can dive in without getting blown up with CC. She hits a Q on anyone that's a clear pick. If she jumps in & ults, you jump in too!
If the Rakan is smart, he'll know how to set his team up for smooth picks & give you clear & safe engages.
Braum's stunlock combo with Camille is powerful.
You have Mr. Press R himself on yourself. Be thankful.
You two alone can actually take a whole game & snap it in half.
As annoying as Seraphine is, she can indeed be very useful when the tables are turned in your favor.
She's very powerful at locking down targets for Camille to follow up.
Always been a strong frontline. Once he engages, go all in. He is a CC tank after all.
A Wukong's all in is one thing to prepare against. Its a great thing to see him rip up the enemy team for you.
If you can lock the enemy carry in your ultimate, Brand's full combo can be a guaranteed hit.
The root is Camille's cue to engage.
Lulu will always keep the Camille alive. Do not fear death while she is behind you.
Let's hope your Lux has spent time in the archery training so her marksmanship is legendary.
Leona is always appreciated for her full CC kit.
Bard's unique playstyle can bring unprecedent advantages for you.
Any hook he lands = good engage Any ult he starts = good engage That is of course in a perfect world.
A smart Pyke will show you how to go for the kill & enjoy the spoils for not being wimpy.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate provides the team with map awareness. EVERYONE should be thankful for him. Protect him at ALL COST!
"NOW I'VE GOT YOU!" Followed by "AH AH AH!" Now that's something!
I wish I could see her more in game. Her kit works well for Camille.
Let's hope your Ahri is quite a charming one....
Both of you know how to jump scare quite well.
Sona's ultimate can be a game changer.
Protect your Soraka at all cost. She WILL be focused. If she is foolish, do not bother trying to save her. If she has strong map awareness, she can save you.
Lee Sin
Keep your Lee Sin level headed. A mentally blown Lee Sin will be the death of your team.
Similar to Blitzcrank, all it takes is one good pull. But not just that, it also takes one good lantern....
She most definitely has a wonderful engaging kit & great picking potential. Watch who she ults & lock them down with yours.
His AOE ring stun is an excellent set up tool for Camille's engage.
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