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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Sunfire Aegis

Sunfire Aegis
Total Price: 2700 | Recipe Price: 900 | Sell Price: 1890

LoL Item: Sunfire Aegis
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 50 Armor
  • 350 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 15 (+1.75% of bonus health) magic damage every second to enemies within 325 (+100% bonus size) units, with the damage being increased by 25% against minions. This executes minions that would be killed by one more tick of damage. Damaging enemy champions or epic monsters with this effect grants a stack for 5 seconds that increases subsequent immolate damage by 10%, stacking up to 6 times for a 60% increase.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 50 Armor
  • 350 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 15 (+1.75% of bonus health) magic damage every second to enemies within 325 (+100% bonus size) units, with the damage being increased by 25% against minions. This executes minions that would be killed by one more tick of damage. Damaging enemy champions or epic monsters with this effect grants a stack for 5 seconds that increases subsequent immolate damage by 10%, stacking up to 6 times for a 60% increase.

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L.Dorago | December 4, 2021 8:17am
What does the (+100% bonus size) mean? does it mean that you deal the plus 50 bonus health from the mythic passive as extra immolate damage if you have a legendary item? eg. 21+1% bonus health(including health from the mythic passive)+50×(no. Of legendary items) as immolate damage? If that is right then that's kinda broke and scaling
Coragem Pura | November 30, 2020 3:18pm
With the preaseason 11, this item made tanks come back in the meta!
BlackRoseGirl (8) | February 5, 2019 12:42pm
Useless on Caitlyn XD LMAO!
tonnijames | October 22, 2016 12:21am
Unique passive does not stack. If you buy 2 sunfires you basically pay 2900 for 50 armor and 500 health lol
GrandpaTheGreat | January 5, 2016 11:49am
Been trying this as a first item on Singed against AD Opponents, and damn it's surprisingly effective. The range is surprisingly high, and the damage itself is practically the equivilant of 75 + 3 per level AP into his poison.
Vuks69 (2) | January 21, 2015 1:27pm
Aeadar wrote:

An odd buff/nerf to Sunfire Aegis, it will do less damage if you rush it, but be slightly more damaging late game.

Indeed. However I like it, especially on Garen - I'm free to get that brutalizer and maybe cdr boots before grabbing SC - without fear of losing valuable early dmg.
Aeadar (6) | January 16, 2014 11:03am
An odd buff/nerf to Sunfire Aegis, it will do less damage if you rush it, but be slightly more damaging late game.
Danierudesu | January 4, 2014 7:52am

If i have 2 of theese does the sunfire capes together deal 80 magic damage to nearby enemies?

Nope, because "UNIQUE" passives do not stack (The effect from the second Sunfire Cape will not add damage).
venomancer9945 (2) | December 8, 2013 9:21am
Mundo,Shyv and Amumu love this item ,is like bonus level for their Aoe abilities .
BlackRoseGirl (8) | February 5, 2019 12:41pm
Yup. It works especially well for Shyvana since all of her attacks are melee!
Fousek (4) | June 15, 2013 10:00am
And what about 2 sunfire capes in team on 2 bruisers, i guess still no stacking but did you tested it ?
racso50 | January 3, 2013 6:29pm
no because unique passives cant stack but regular passives can
racso50 | January 3, 2013 6:28pm

If i have 2 of theese does the sunfire capes together deal 80 magic damage to nearby enemies?
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