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Smolder Ability (LoL): Super Scorcher Breath

Super Scorcher Breath Smolder

Smolder Ability: Super Scorcher Breath
Range: 500
Cooldown: 5.5 / 5 / 4.5 / 4 / 3.5
Cost: 25
Smolder belches flame, dealing 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 (+15% of ability power) (+1.0 per attack damage) physical damage, increased by 0-75% (depending on critical strike chance).

Depending on stacks of Dragon Practice, this ability evolves to gain the following effects:
- 25 Stacks: Damages all enemies surrounding the target.
- 125 Stacks: Sends 1 (+1 per 67 Dragon Practice stacks) explosions beyond the target that deal 75% of this ability's damage.
- 225 Stacks: Burns the target, dealing +2% bonus AD (+1% of ability power) (+0.8% of Dragon Practice Stacks) max health true damage over 3 seconds. Enemy champions that drop below 6.5% total health while burning are killed instantly.

Smolder's Abilities

Smolder Ability: Super Scorcher Breath Smolder Ability: Super Scorcher Breath Smolder Ability: Super Scorcher Breath Smolder Ability: Super Scorcher Breath
Super Scorcher Breath is used by Smolder

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