League of Legends (LoL) Question: Support Malz, Viable?
Posted in Champions | Tags:
Spellthief's Edge

Support Malz, Viable?
I'm just starting to look at Malz after getting him in ARAM and enjoying the heck out of him. I know that his best position would be mid lane, but I was thinking about the useful CC and utility that he has to offer aside from his amazing AP ratios. With this in mind, and how quickly he'd be able to proc
Spellthief's Edge's passive, it got me thinking about playing him as a support. Is this a viable endeavor, or not? I'm not considering this to be a new, amazing support, more just if this would be a waste of time to even try. I'm much more concerned with fun than winning, but if it can't perform, then it's a waste of time. Thanks in advance.

TL;DR- It can be done, it can work, but it won't be good.