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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Eazy kills
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Description OP
Forget the burst, embrace the dive! Ditch the traditional AP Fizz and unleash the terror of Tank Fizz. Start with Sorcerer's Shoes for early magic pen, then dive headfirst into Heartsteel for beefy health stacking. Unleash Lich Bane's empowered auto attacks and clear waves with Sunfire Aegis' aura. Maximize your tankiness with Unending Despair and Jak'Sho's resistances and sustain. Need more armor? Grab Frozen Heart. Facing heavy AP? Void Staff awaits. Want burst and mobility? Consider Rocketbelt or Morellonomicon. Stormsurge or Banshee's Veil offer nice utility.
Runes prioritize tankiness: Grasp heals you in trades, Demolish helps push towers, Conditioning scales your resistances, and Overgrowth boosts late-game HP. Sprinkle in Transcendence for mana refund and Scorch for early lane poke.
Want easy kills? Ignite ignites! Facing a bully? Teleport back and farm safely. Embrace the off-meta, become the unkillable menace, and turn the tide with Tank Fizz!
Runes prioritize tankiness: Grasp heals you in trades, Demolish helps push towers, Conditioning scales your resistances, and Overgrowth boosts late-game HP. Sprinkle in Transcendence for mana refund and Scorch for early lane poke.
Want easy kills? Ignite ignites! Facing a bully? Teleport back and farm safely. Embrace the off-meta, become the unkillable menace, and turn the tide with Tank Fizz!
Forget the fishbowl, it's time to dive into the depths of tankiness with Fizz! Forget his burst-assassin ways, this build focuses on soaking damage and disrupting the enemy team. Here's the lowdown:
Gear Up:
Sorcerer's Shoes: Mobility is key for diving the backline or escaping sticky situations.
Heartsteel: Stack health, deal damage with its passive, and become an unkillable juggernaut.
Lich Bane: Convert some of that health into bonus damage with your abilities.
Sunfire Aegis: Burn enemies who dare get close and clear waves with ease.
Unending Despair: Amplify your magic resist and slow enemies, making escape near impossible.
Jak'Sho, The Protean: Adapt to the game, gaining resistances based on nearby enemies.
Situational Picks:
Frozen Heart: More armor against those pesky AD threats.
Void Staff: For when enemies stack magic resist.
Morellonomicon: Punish healing-heavy opponents.
Stormsurge: Charge up your abilities for faster engages or escapes.
Banshee's Veil: Block a crucial ability and shield yourself from magic damage.
Cosmic Drive: More ability haste for more disruption.
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, and Overgrowth for maximum tankiness and lane sustain.
Sorcery: Transcendence for scaling ability haste and Scorch for early lane pressure.
Flash & Ignite: Secure easy kills and snowball your lane dominance.
Flash & Teleport: Stay safe against bullies and roam to impact the map.
Remember, this is a bruiser Fizz, not a full tank. Balance damage and survivability to become a disruptive force on the battlefield, ready to outlast the enemy while still packing a punch!
Gear Up:
Sorcerer's Shoes: Mobility is key for diving the backline or escaping sticky situations.
Heartsteel: Stack health, deal damage with its passive, and become an unkillable juggernaut.
Lich Bane: Convert some of that health into bonus damage with your abilities.
Sunfire Aegis: Burn enemies who dare get close and clear waves with ease.
Unending Despair: Amplify your magic resist and slow enemies, making escape near impossible.
Jak'Sho, The Protean: Adapt to the game, gaining resistances based on nearby enemies.
Situational Picks:
Frozen Heart: More armor against those pesky AD threats.
Void Staff: For when enemies stack magic resist.
Morellonomicon: Punish healing-heavy opponents.
Stormsurge: Charge up your abilities for faster engages or escapes.
Banshee's Veil: Block a crucial ability and shield yourself from magic damage.
Cosmic Drive: More ability haste for more disruption.
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, and Overgrowth for maximum tankiness and lane sustain.
Sorcery: Transcendence for scaling ability haste and Scorch for early lane pressure.
Flash & Ignite: Secure easy kills and snowball your lane dominance.
Flash & Teleport: Stay safe against bullies and roam to impact the map.
Remember, this is a bruiser Fizz, not a full tank. Balance damage and survivability to become a disruptive force on the battlefield, ready to outlast the enemy while still packing a punch!
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