TFT Set 11 Build Comp Tier List
Find the best team comps for Teamfight Tactics Set 11: Inkborn Fables using our meta tier list. Building your team correctly will make or break your game. By using our TFT team builds, you will stay on top of the meta and up your game! Our Team Comps Tier list is updated for Patch 14.12 so you can stay on top of the ever-changing TFT meta.
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Fated Syndra is currently one of the best comps to go for. This comp makes great use out of Spatula for Fated/Dryad Emblem to either reach 7 Fated or 6 Dryad in late game to help cap out your board.
In early you you open with 3-5 Fated and 2 Dryad, itemize Kindred and try to rush for Level 8, where you want to roll down for Syndra, Ornn and if possible Sett/Azir/Annie. Once you're stabilized push towards Level 9 and look for the remaining legendaries or adjust your boards depending on your Emblems.
Usually Fated comps connect Thresh/Yasuo in early game for the defensive buff and swaps to Syndra/Ahri for the bonus AP and Damage. The Omnivamp from Sett can be useful in some fights, but it was heavily nerfed due to a bug fix. For this reason you want to give the Fated Emblem to Azir to increase his damage in late game even further. Dryad Emblem is also extremely useful to cap out late game board with 6 Dryad.

Vertical Reapers currently have great meta matchups and therefore perform quite well in the latest patch. The main idea is to rush for Level 8 to find Kayn and play 4 Reaper with multiple support units. Your goal on Level 8 is to upgrade your Tier 4 units and also to roll for Yone*3 if the game allows it as an additional win condition.
If you find a Reaper Emblem you can give it to Sylas and replace Khazix/Malphite for Galio/Reksai to activate 4 Bruiser trait. You can also aim for a Heavenly Emblem (usually on Kayn) and add Wukong as an alternative win condition.

Sage Lux is currently one of your best reroll options in the game. The main goal is to stabilize in Stage 3-2 with Level 6 and upgrade your units (Lux2, Janna2) and push Level 7 in early Stage 4. Slow roll your 3 Stars, especially Janna, Lux and Amumu are important. Zyra and Illaoi are nice to have, but optional.
Itemize Janna as your main carry and Amumu as your main tank and push towards Level 8/9 after you finished your 3 Stars. In late game you can add Rakan for Dragonlord or Wukong for more Sage, especially if you have a Sage Emblem.
Lux usually only acts main carry if you have the Augment Boiling Point, otherwise she takes leftover AP items or Statikk Shiv.

Open with Kobuko Hero Augment in Stage 2-1. Maximize economy and roll for Kobuko*3 in Stage 3-1 if possible, or slow roll until Stage 3-5. Once you have Kobuko*3 you want to rush towards Level 8/9 and play at least 6 Bruisers.
If you have Bruiser Emblem give it to Sett and add Irelia on Level 9 as an additional carry. If you don't have a Bruiser Emblem you want to run powerful units like Lee, Azir, Rakan with 6 Bruisers in total.

Only play this comp if you have Shen Hero Augment Ethereal Blades in Stage 2-1 or 3-2. Slow roll with Level 6 for Shen*3, can also pick up Yorick on the way. Position Shen in the second row so he can profit of the Behemoth bonus stats. Once you have Shen*3 you can push towards Level 8, add Ornn for 6 Behemoth and add Morgana for Ghostly. In late game you can replace Chogath for Udyr and run Wukong for Heavenly + Sage.
Give Shen 2x Guinsoo + Bloodthirster/Gunblade/Giant Slayer. This comp makes great use out of some of the new Artifacts, especially Talisman of Ascension is amazing on Hero Shen (or Hero Yorick) and will make a large difference for your late game.

Requires the Stage 2-1 Augment "Storied Champion". Maximize your economy and try to reach an early Garen*3 while maintaing a strong economy. Use the power spike of Garen*3 with his Hero Augment to rush for Level 9 so you can add Sett/Irelia/Lissandra to cap out your board.

Push for Level 7 in early Stage 4, stay above 50 gold and slow roll for 3 Stars. Main Carry is Zoe*3 with Zyra*3 as secondary carry, however if you find early Zyra*3 and not many Zoe you can itemize Zyra first and use leftover AP items on Zoe instead.
Main tank is either Illaoi*3 or Shen*3 depending on your rolls and how contested the units are in your lobby. If Illaoi is your main tank add Garen for Storyweaver/Warden, if Shen is your main tank run either Riven*3 or Galio*2 instead of Garen. With Ghostly Emblem you can aim for 6 Ghostly in late game,

Lillia has consistently performed as a top carry every since her targeting fix. She is either played in a Mythic Invoker setup or with Dragonlord Sage, with both comps performing quite similar at the moment.
You can open with Mythic Heavenly with a budget setup based around Kogmaw and rush for Level 8 in early Stage 4. Roll for Tier 4 units like Lillia/Morgana/Nautilus and the rest of your core units. Once you're stabilized push towards Level 9 and cap out your board with Wukong and Rakan. This comp makes great use out of Sage and Heavenly Emblems.

Usually Lillia aims for a Sage/Dragonlord setup, but if you get your hands on a Mythic Emblem or strong Augments you can run this version instead. The main difference is that this version runs 4 Invoker and therefore you want Blue Buff over Shojin. Annie acts as your main tank with a Mythic Emblem together with Nautilus or Tahm*3.
Best case scenario in late game would be to reach 10 Mythic with 2 Emblems and Level 10 or find a 3 Star Tier 4 unit together with 2 Star Legendaries to help cap out your board.

Umbral is a rather tricky comp to play, you can make it easier on yourself if you only commit on this comp with either "Wrath of the Moon" or an early Umbral Augment from either a Portal or an Augment.
The core concept is to rush for a 6 Umbral power spike use it to push towards Level 8/9. If you find a lot of Alune you can roll for Alune*3 first, but you can also decide to keep her as 2 Star in the mid game and focus more on legendary units as your win condition.
Umbral Emblem usually goes on Kayn/Lee in mid game and Irelia in late game. Sett takes Lee Sin items in late game, once he is upgraded or stacked enough AD.

While Duelist comps have been suffering in previous patches, they are currently in a great spot and worth playing if you aren't contested. Having +1 Duelist from an Augment like Duelist Crest/Crown makes a huge difference for this comp so you can reach 8 Duelist in late game to cap out your board.
The core concept for all versions is usually based around having a strong early mid game and pushing Level 7 in early Stage 4. From here you have to make a decison on how to approach the game. You could stay Level 7 and roll for Tristana*3 and Volibear*3, but I would rather recommend rushing for Level 8 and focus on Lee Sin as your main carry instead. You can still find Tristana and Volibear later in the game, while Lee Sin and a potential Irelia will help you to stabilize in mid game.
Augments make a huge difference for the power level of this comp. Look for Extendend Duel, Duelist Crest/Crown, Keepers or Fine Vintage as your comp will perform perform much better if you have one of them.

4 Sniper with 4 Warden is still performly very well in the current meta. Ashe acts as your main carry and Amumu as your main frontline. Give secondary items to Aphelios, you can transfer them to Sett*2 in the late game, Nautilus can take leftover tank items.
In early game you open with a Sniper/Warden board and rush for Level 8 in early Stage 4, Look for Ashe, Nautilus and upgrade the rest of your core. Once you're stabilized you can push for Level 9. With Level 9 you can add Syndra for 3 Fated, or if you have a Porcelain/Sniper Emblem you can run 4 Porcelain with Lissandra or 6 Sniper to cap out your board.

The overall goal is usually to rush for Level 8 in either stage 4-2 or 4-5 and roll down for a Bruiser / Trickshot setup. This usually requires a strong early / mid game or you will end up dropping too much HP on the way. You want to play Kaisa as your main carry and Galio as your main tank. Once you are stable you can push towards Level 9 and look for Xayah*2 and Udyr to cap out your board.
Due to Lillia being in the meta, you want to run Hoj, or some other form of sustain for Kaisa.

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