League of Legends Summoner Spell: Teleport
Level: 7
Range: 0
Cooldown: 360
Level: 7
Range: 0
Cooldown: 360

After channeling for 4 seconds, removes any homestart or homeguard buff and blinks your champion to target allied turret. Upgrades to Unleashed Teleport at 10:00.
@tajatysz If you're German: Minion=Vasalle. Minions are the little "monsters", who help you and go with the lane.
He was referring to a spelling mistake that was later fixed.
Also, I believe you can tele to Jarvan's standard O.o
This also provides great control over drago and baron cause once you see them start it, you can tele to the ward that should be there
By casting it on the minion the turret is focused on, the wave can't be killed until I get there.
Very wonderful spell for pushing.
It's also great for recalling without consequence in the lane-phase.
Ashe: Put a ward mid, bluepill, ECA from base, and teleport to ward. A well-aimed arrow means a GG for your target.
If you are planting wards, you can port to these. Shrooms too. There are a lot of uses for this. its a great spell