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Recommended Items
Runes: 1v9 Runes (My Favorite)
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order Skill Order
A Harmless Scarecrow (PASSIVE)
Fiddlesticks Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Why Play Fiddlesticks?
Reasons why I play Fiddlesticks
1. One of my favorite parts about Fiddlesticks is his aesthetic. He is a great champ to pick up if you're someone who enjoys characters with a dark aesthetic like I do. Champs who fit this aesthetic as well are
Shyvana, etc which are all champs I play. Personally, I care about the aesthetic of the champ I'm playing and I'll have more fun playing them if they suit my tastes.
2. Another reason I play Fiddle is his farming. You can farm multiple jungle camps at once with while maintaining your health (thanks to
Bountiful Harvest). With proper pathing, you can easily be ahead of your enemy's CS, meaning you'll have more gold, meaning you'll have better items, etc. You get the jist.
3. With the Fiddlesticks rework, you get an insane amount of free vision control with the new passive,
A Harmless Scarecrow. Vision is SO important and gives you control of the map when it comes to objectives, ganks, and teamfights. His Effigies act as an oracle lense, a ward, as well as a mind trick on the enemies which can throw them off or even burn a
Flash if you're lucky.
4. Fiddle's crowd control and sneakiness makes him AMAZING in teamfights, especially once he hits level 6. You can turn any teamfight around with
Crowstorm and shut down carries (such as a fed
Yasuo) easily with
Terrify or
Reap crowd control. If the enemy team respects you, they'll be scared of you and if they don't respect you then they'll regret they didn't!
5. Fiddle's kit isn't mechanically demanding. There aren't an insane amount of mechanics involved with playing
Fiddlesticks, meaning you can really focus on other things like who to fear or silence in teamfights, where to prep for a
Crowstorm flank, objective control, and more. I care a lot about macro, so Fiddle's simplicity allows me to max out my game macro so I can take over and carry my team.
6. Fiddle's playstyle is best described as an ambush playstyle. If you enjoy ambushing ususpectiing enemies or love the idea of surprising the enemies out of nowhere, then Fiddle is a great champ to consider. It's kind of like playing mindgames with the enemy, which I personally really have fun doing.

2. Another reason I play Fiddle is his farming. You can farm multiple jungle camps at once with while maintaining your health (thanks to

3. With the Fiddlesticks rework, you get an insane amount of free vision control with the new passive,

4. Fiddle's crowd control and sneakiness makes him AMAZING in teamfights, especially once he hits level 6. You can turn any teamfight around with

5. Fiddle's kit isn't mechanically demanding. There aren't an insane amount of mechanics involved with playing

6. Fiddle's playstyle is best described as an ambush playstyle. If you enjoy ambushing ususpectiing enemies or love the idea of surprising the enemies out of nowhere, then Fiddle is a great champ to consider. It's kind of like playing mindgames with the enemy, which I personally really have fun doing.
Why you SHOULDN'T Play Fiddlesticks
I wouldn't reccommend playing Fiddlesticks if any of the following applies to you:
Fiddlesticks. These are simply things that are necessary to achieve a high level of gameplay on the champ.
1. If your macro and overall map awareness are below average. Fiddlesticks requires these two to be strong.
2. If you only play auto-attack champs.
3. If you want a champion who invades the enemy jungler constantly.
4. If you don't understand "choke points" and how to use them.
5. If you don't enjoy fighting for vision control.
6. If you don't like playing around teammates.
If these apply to you, I'm not saying that you shouldn't try 2. If you only play auto-attack champs.
3. If you want a champion who invades the enemy jungler constantly.
4. If you don't understand "choke points" and how to use them.
5. If you don't enjoy fighting for vision control.
6. If you don't like playing around teammates.

How to max your abilities

Ability Overview
Passive: A Harmless Scarecrow
![]() From level 6 onward, placing an Effigy also summons a demonic eyeball at the location that grants obscured vision of enemy units in the area for 6 seconds, which also reveals and disables enemy wards and stealthed traps. |
Q: Terrify
Once leveled up, Fiddlesticks will have ![]() ![]() Fiddlesticks hurls a crow at the target enemy. After a 0.4 second travel time, the target takes 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% (+2% per 100 ability power) of target's current health in magic damage and is feared for a short duration. Terrify has a minimum damage threshold and is capped at 400 against monsters. Enemies can only be feared by Terrify's passive once every few seconds. Terrify's active damage and minimum damage threshold are doubled if its target has recently been feared, Feared enemies are slowed by 90%. |
W: Bountiful Harvest
Fiddlesticks tethers itself to all nearby enemies and channels for up to 2 seconds. While channeling, tethered enemies are revealed as it siphons their souls, dealing 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 / 45 (+8.25% of ability power) in magic damage to them every 0.25 seconds, with the last tick dealing (+12 / 14.5 / 17 / 19.5 / 22% of target's missing health) in additional magic damage. Total damage is reduced to 50% against minions. Fiddlesticks heals itself for 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt, reduced to 15% against minions. If all targets break their tethers by moving out of range, the ability ends immediately. If the ability is fully channeled or all targets are slain, 60% of the remaining cooldown is refunded. |
E: Reap
Fiddlesticks swings with its scythe in a crescent-shaped area on the target location, dealing 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+50% of ability power) magic damage and slowing enemies hit for 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for 1.25 seconds. Enemies hit in the center of the area are also silenced for 1.25 seconds. |
R: Crowstorm
After channeling for 1.5 seconds, Fiddlesticks blinks to the target location with a murder of crows flying wildly around it for 5 seconds, dealing 31.25 / 56.25 / 81.25 (+11.25% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies every 0.25 seconds for a total of 625 / 1125 / 1625 (+225% of ability power) magic damage. |
Primary Path:
With my aggressive play style it's not uncommon for me to have 20+ or 30+ ![]() |
I usually don't take ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
As soon as you have ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Secondary Path:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What about shards?
Shards will be the same for Fiddlesticks. I always go for:

Which Mythic?
Night Harvester is a great option for Fiddle, though not my go-to. It offers insane burst damage & it definitely compliments ![]() |
Hextech Rocketbelt is my favorite Mythic on Fiddlesticks. It's a great option if you’re looking for more mobility. In my opinion, movement speed on Fiddlesticks is underrated. ![]() ![]() |
Liandry's Anguish is a great option if the enemy team is particularly tanky thanks to it's burning % health passive. Unlike ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fiddlesticks Core Items
When it comes to Mythics, I usually go for the ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Boot Options
![]() |
Sorcerer's Shoes When playing Fiddlesticks, you're pretty much always going to want to pick up ![]() |
![]() |
Ionian Boots of Lucidity Ionian Boots can help get your ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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