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Ezreal Build Guide by support_diff

ADC The Complete Ezreal Guide

ADC The Complete Ezreal Guide

Updated on March 7, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author support_diff Build Guide By support_diff 17 2 31,098 Views 5 Comments
17 2 31,098 Views 5 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author support_diff Ezreal Build Guide By support_diff Updated on March 7, 2024
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Runes: PTA + Inspiration

1 2 3 4 5 6
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
Flash + Heal (Standard)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Complete Ezreal Guide

By support_diff
Hi, I am Support_diff. Don't let my name confuse you, I have mained every role during my gaming career, support is just the role with the playstyle that I like the most. I saw that there wasn't any "complete" guide for Ezreal, so I decided to create one. Hopefully you read the whole guide and learn something new, if you have something to ask, feel free to dm me, I am just happy if I can help someone!
✔ Very fun to play
✔ Safe farming
✔ Can be blind picked
✔ Scales well
✘ Not very good in early game
✘ Depends on hitting your skillshots
✘ Not good at killing tanks
✘ Needs lots of time to master
Flash is a must for most of the champions on the rift, and Ezreal is one of them. Some people think that you don't need it as you already have Arcane Shift, but that definitely isn't the case. Though Ezreal has a really good mobility with Arcane Shift, he can't escape easily with it if the enemies have any mobility or if he has already used it before in the fight.
Heal is a the standard second summoner spell for most of adc's, and Ezreal isn't different in this case. Heal gives you a ton of survivability early and the movement speed it provides also helps you secure kills as enemies won't escape as easily. It isn't the only option for second summoner spell, but it is definitely the most popular one.
Teleport is first of the two less popular options for second summoner spell I'm covering here. Though Heal is nearly always a better option, Teleport has it's own place and it fills it well. It is great when the enemies have very heavy early damage/poke that will make you recall often early as you will get back faster so you don't get behind in xp/cs. It is also better later than Heal as it helps you splitpush and get into teamfights faster if you would otherwise miss them.
Cleanse is the second summoner spell that isn't so often picked as Ezreal. If possible, it is even more unpopular choice than Teleport. It should only be taken against hard cc as otherwise it is just useless. It will save you from a lot of pointless deaths against champions like Morgana that provide more than enough cc.
Press the Attack and Conqueror are the only keystone options from Precision. They are also the most popular keystones for Ezreal. They both provide you a good amount of damage. I personally prefer Press the Attack as it provides you a good amount of bonus damage in longer fights. Conqueror is also great for longer fights, it is really just up to you.
alternative options
Presence of Mind is one of the best runes for Ezreal from the Precision rune tree as it gives you a lot mana during laning phase and later in the game though Manamune provides you enough mana in the middle/late game so you don't really need it then, but it is still by far the best option out of the three.
alternative options
Legend: Bloodline is the best option here for Ezreal as it provides you life steal, which is a great source of healing in longer fights. You also need it more than you need tenacity or attack speed as you mostly deal damage with Mystic Shot and not your auto attacks and the enemies shouldn't be able to cc you as you have Arcane Shift.
alternative options
Here you have two options in the Precision tree, Coup de Grace and Cut Down. They are both very good choices, but there is something you have to understand. Ezreal doesn't generally have high max health, so Cut Down is a really good option as it provides extra damage against nearly any champion. However, sometimes the enemy team has many champions with low health like you, which makes a lot worse. You may also build a tanky build or just some items with health, so you can also make the rune worse by yourself. If that is the case, you should consider building Coup de Grace as it works against any team comp with any build.
alternative options
Magical Footwear is one of the two basic adc secondary runes which I use nearly every game. It is basically just free boots that you get after some time, it is really good as you don't have to focus buying boots early with it. However, if the enemy bottom duo has hard skill shot damage champions like Xerath or Vel'Koz, it is better to take another secondary page as you will need the boots as early as possible.
alternative options
Biscuit Delivery is the other basic secondary rune for any adc. It, like Magical Footwear, makes you a lot stronger early and for Ezreal surviving the laning phase is a goal you aim for, after that you are pretty strong even without kills if you have a decent farm. Biscuit Delivery provides you a lot mana early and also works well with Muramana as it provides you bonus max mana.
alternative options
Doran's Blade is one of the starting items that are very popular among Ezreal players and it is not wonder why. It provides you a lot health and damage so you can adapt to both aggressive and passive play style early. It also gives you omnivamp which is great as you are going to heal a lot with your Mystic Shot.
Tear of the Goddess is my favourite starting item for Ezreal as it feels like an investment to the middle/late game as with it you can easily turn your Manamune into Muramana early. With it you also won't run out of mana as it provides you a ton of it. Though it doesn't provide you any health or attack damage it is still a very decent choice especially if you build lethality. However, if you are not going to build Muramana, it is totally useless.
Cull is an item I very rarely buy with Ezreal as it isn't too good in anything as it doesn't scale as well as Tear of the Goddess (even though it is its whole point), it isn't as good in healing as Doran's Blade. Of course that doesn't mean that you couldn't buy it, it just isn't as good as the others (in my opinion).
Long Sword is the most aggressive starting item for Ezreal as it only provides you attack damage. It has a somewhat low price, but it isn't as good as it used to be as it provides less attack damage now for the same price. The good side is that you get the most attack damage early and you can buy both Refillable Potion or three Health Potions.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are the main boots choice for Ezreal as they provide you a nice amount of ability haste that would be good for a full price item. They are not situational, so if there is no reason to buy the other options, always buy Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
Plated Steelcaps are the first of the two situational boots options for Ezreal. They are good against hard attack damage or if the enemy team has many auto attack based champions. If the enemies don't have hard attack damage, they are pretty much useless to you.
Mercury's Treads are the second of the two situational boots for Ezreal. Like Plated Steelcaps are good against attack damage, Mercury's Treads are good against hard magic damage and crowd control. Again, if the enemies don't have magic damage or cc, they are completely useless.
Essence Reaver is the most popular first item option for Ezreal with its great passive using Sheen and good attack damage and ability haste stats. It works extremely well with Mystic Shot as it procs Essence Reaver's passive. It is by far the most popular option for first item right now, and it isn't hard to see why.
Trinity Force is the other first item option for Ezreal, even though it isn't even close to Essence Reaver in popularity. It is a very expensive item that is basically providing you with Essence Reaver's passive with another passive that is similar to Ezreal's passive, but I still wouldn't suggest buying it, maybe against an enemy team comp with a lot of assassins as it a bit tankier than Essence Reaver.
Muramana is one of the best core items and items overall for Ezreal as it provides your abilities much bonus damage and makes you able to use abilities all the time without running out of mana. It is even better if you start with Tear of the Goddess as it makes the transformation from Manamune and Muramana a lot faster.
Navori Flickerblade is one of the items that were moved from mythic items to normal items in the start of season 14. It has a great passive that makes it easier for you to use your abilities a lot in fights, which is really important as Ezreal.
Serylda's Grudge has become one of the most popular core items for Ezreal, and for a good reason. The slow it provides makes it a lot easier to target an enemy with your Mystic Shot. The ability haste and armor penetration it provides are also very good.
Spear of Shojin is one of the newer items on the rift, but it has gained a lot of popularity, also among Ezreal players. It has two passives, that both help Ezreal as the first one provides you ability haste, and the second (better) one provides you extra damage for spells hit, which works really well with Mystic Shot.
Black Cleaver is by far the most underrated item for Ezreal as it provides you a really good amount of ability haste, survivability and a great passive that has a perfect synergy with Ezreal as you will hit the enemies many times with Mystic Shot, Arcane Shift and Trueshot Barrage during a fight. You really have to try it, it is also part of my off-meta tanky Ezreal build.
Ravenous Hydra isn't as good for Ezreal as Black Cleaver but it has a really nice synergy as its passive works on Mystic Shot too and the stacking passive fits well to your kit as you won't die a lot at any phase of the game. It also provides you a great amount of stats.
Guardian Angel is a good item for every game, but it is a bit situational. Its main point is to save you from burst damage as it literally revives you, but it is also good against attack damage as it provides you some armor. If the enemies don't have attack damage or burst damage, it is better to buy something else.
Frozen Heart is one of the most situational items in the game as its only point is to provide you armor and counter attack damage champions. If the enemy team doesn't have hard attack damage, don't build it. It also works well with Muramana as it provides you a good amount of mana.
Maw of Malmortius is like Frozen Heart but just against magic damage. Like Frozen Heart, it is pretty much completely useless if the enemy team doesn't have hard magic damage. However, if they do, it is a really good item that can save you from many situations.
Ezreal gains increasing attack Speed each time he successfully hits a spell, stacking up to 5 times. This is a great for Ezreal as with his Mystic Shot it isn't hard to stack the passive. As you can see, there isn't an ability video for this passive, sorry for that.
Ezreal fires a damaging bolt of energy which reduces all of his cooldowns slightly if it strikes an enemy unit. Mystic Shot is the ability Ezreal is the most known for, it is basically a skillshot with a very low cooldown. It is a very good farming tool as you can last hit the minions from far with it so the enemies can't attack you.
Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. If Ezreal hits an enemy with the orb, it detonates and deals damage. This ability is great as it deals really good damage and isn't too hard to detonate with Mystic Shot or Arcane Shift. It is a great combo starter early as it can go through minions and you can also use it to turrets.
Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing bolt which strikes the nearest enemy unit. Prioritizes enemies stuck with Essence Flux. This is a great ability because it is basically a Flash that deals damage and has a 10 second cooldown. It provides Ezreal a great survivability as nearly no melee champion can kill you when you have Flash and Essence Flux up.
Ezreal winds up before firing a powerful barrage of energy that deals massive damage to each unit it passes through (damage is reduced for minions and non-epic monsters). It has an infinite range meaning that you can finish off low health enemies from other lanes which isn't actually very rare as especially in mid lane the fights often are very even.


Stealth Ward is the basic trinket for Ezreal and generally any adc in the game. It helps you track the enemy jungler, keep your vision score up and help your team secure objectives. It is the basic trinket option and you should basically take it every game. It provides you a vision on an area for 90-120 seconds based on your level.

Oracle Lens is the second most popular trinket option for Ezreal though it isn't even nearly as popular as Stealth Ward. When used, it reveals traps and wards around you for 10 seconds. Wards will also be disabled, lingering for two seconds after no longer being revealed. It is great against champions like Teemo but you shouldn't really buy it in my opinion, Stealth Ward is just better.

Farsight Alteration is a weird trinket, to be honest, I don't really think it should exist. It makes you able to reveal an area from a really long range, they don't count towards the ward limit and last forever if not destroyed. They also have a lower cooldown than Stealth Ward. It works well if you have to reveal an important area like the dragon pit, but I think it is mostly useless.

Control Ward is the most valuable trinket in the game. It costs 75 gold, but is definetely worth the price. They reveal area like Stealth Ward, reveal Stealth Wards and traps and disables them like Oracle Lens and last forever like Farsight Alteration. You can place them in important areas where you need vision to like river bushes, or put them to other places with a high probability of having an enemy ward nearby to reveal them instead of using Oracle Lens (dragon pit for example). I suggest you to buy one or two of them every time you go back to base as they are a really important source of vision.
The pink ones are Control Wards
I hope that you started off with Tear of the Goddess, so I write this assuming that you did. In the early game your main goal is to keep your farm up while not dying. Additionally, you have to try to stack your Tear of the Goddess by using Mystic Shot on the enemies and the minions. It is a great farming tool as you don't have to get close to the minions to kill them. Don't play aggressively if you aren't facing a really easy matchup like Varus. You should be able to poke the enemies with Mystic Shot so it would be easier to win a fight against them when it is the time. Remember to ask your jungler for a gank if you need it.
In the middle game Ezreal starts to be really strong. You have now got your first item which is a great powerspike for Ezreal. You have also probably stacked your Tear of the Goddess, so you should definitely build Muramana as it gives you a really good powerspike. In the middle game, you can play more aggressively but always keep in mind that you are really squishy and bad positioning can get you easily killed. Help your team with objectives, keep your vision and farm up, that is pretty much everything you can and need to do to be a better Ezreal player than the vast majority. I won't be covering late game separately here as it is basically just middle game but you have more items.
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