League of Legends (LoL) Question: The Double Morellon Builds
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The Double Morellon Builds
As title says, is Double
Morellonomicon still good? If no, what other options do I have to get the 40% CDR?

It depends on the champion you're playing, but if you're playing a standard mage (lulu / ori / etc) you could
1) CDR boots
2) scaling cdr glyphs
one of those along with nomicon / athenes will get you around 30, and you can get the rest from ludens / blue buff / blue pot.
You can also either run 3xScaling CDR or 6xFlat CDR + masteries and stay at 30%, and with blue buff you'd be at 40%.
EDIT: Or buy twin shadows. Personally I almost always change my boots for that item late game as a mage.