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Camille Build Guide by TheOperatorsBox

Support The Mechanical Mistress: A comprehensive guide to Camille Support {WIP}

Support The Mechanical Mistress: A comprehensive guide to Camille Support {WIP}

Updated on February 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOperatorsBox Build Guide By TheOperatorsBox 5,029 Views 0 Comments
5,029 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOperatorsBox Camille Build Guide By TheOperatorsBox Updated on February 21, 2024
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Runes: Not Using Swiftness Boots

1 2
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Bone Plating
Shield Bash

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
General Use
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

The Mechanical Mistress: A comprehensive guide to Camille Support {WIP}

By TheOperatorsBox
Hello! If you're reading this, welcome to my Camille support guide! This is still a heavy work in progress and will be continuously updated, but I am publishing it prematurely to offer some knowledge ahead of completion. Please comment with any suggestions and leave a vote if this guide was helpful!
Boots Rush
+Hyper-Aggressive playstyle
+Fantastic playmaking and engage potential
+Can snowball hard on her own or help others snowball
+Incredibly versatile in what role she can play
+Fun combos and strong mobility
+Can roam extremely well
+Does decent damage on her own
+Can split-push in mid > late game if needed
+Scales extremely well
+Wide item pool
+Strong dueling/bruiser potential
-Very much feast or famine, suffers early game
-Requires a competent laner or premade comp to not suffer. Not ideal for solo queue or for passive laners
-Struggles against ranged champions and some enchanters
-Minion and lane state dictates your threat potential
-Not suitable for beginner supports nor beginner Camilles
-Requires decent macro-knowledge and laning fundamentals
-Requires good comboing for max damage potential
Adaptive Defenses (P): Camille's passive gives her a 20% Max Health shield for either Physical or Magic damage based on your target and current defenses. This gives her strong survivability against single targets or groups that deal similar damage types.
Precision Protocol (Q): A versatile ability offering an AA reset, 20-40% AD extra Physical damage on hit, and 30-40% bonus movement speed to help you stick onto targets easier or disengage quicker. It can be recast within 3.5 seconds with no cost, but if you wait 1.5 seconds or more the bonus damage is doubled and 40-100% of the damage is converted into True damage.
Tactical Sweep (W): Camille's W ghosts her for 1.1 seconds while being casted, dealing 70-190(+60% AD) Physical damage to all enemies within the cone and an extra 5-7&(+2.5% per 100 Bonus AD) Max Health damage to all enemies in the outer half of the cone. Enemies are slowed by 80% for 2 seconds and Camille heals 100% of the post-mitigation damage dealt against champions in the outer half. Damage capped at 300 for monsters, and non-epic monsters and minions take half damage. 650 range and 70° angle.
Hookshot (E1): Letting you relive Attack on Titan in League, Camille's E is one of the most versatile abilities in the game and is the crux of the support strategy. She fires an 800 range 100 width grapple that, if it collides with terrain, will force her to dash and attach to the terrain for 0.75 seconds. During this time, she can cast Wall Dive. She can be knocked down during the dash but can also get her out of some sticky scenarios even under CC. This can be casted while moving or casting other abilities except for Hextech Ultimatum, which will cancel the grapple.
Wall Dive (E2): Camille dashes 400 units, 800 units if towards an enemy champion, in the target direction and deals 80-200(+90% Bonus AD) Physical damage to all targets within 130 units of the landing area. Camille stops if she collides with an enemy champion, knocking them back and stunning them for 0.75 seconds. She also gains 40-60% bonus Attack Speed for 5 seconds upon collision with an enemy champion. She cannot knock back champions through terrain, but she can cross terrain with Wall Dive to reach her location. Casting Flash during Wall Dive will interrupt it but Camille will affect enemies around the new location, allowing for many cheeky plays to be made with E2>Flash. Precision Protocol and Tactical Sweep can be cast during Wall Dive as well.
Hextech Ultimatum (R): Camille's Ultimate ability is juss as versatile as the rest of her kit, providing a Janna style knockback within 425 units but singling one champion out and preventing their escape. This ability has a 475 range, leaping towards the target and becoming untargetable over 0.5 seconds. This interrupts ongoing channels. While within the zone, Camille's attacks deal 20-40(+4-8% Current Health) extra Magic damage. The only abilities to bypass this lockdown are Kayn's Ult Umbral Trespass and Yuumi's W You and Me! If target is affected by either Poppy Urgot or Lee Sin's Ults, however, that can also bypass the lockdown.
Trinket Switchout
Bruiser/General Core
Anti-AP Core
Situational Items
Anti-AD Potential
Damage Potential
Table of Contents
Pros & Cons
02-16-24 V0.1 - Published partially, abilities and pros/cons sections completed as well as item notes and general build. In-depth explanations still need to be written out and formatted.
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