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Gnar Build Guide by Nexon22412

Top The missing link guide

Top The missing link guide

Updated on February 25, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nexon22412 Build Guide By Nexon22412 7 1 12,756 Views 0 Comments
7 1 12,756 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nexon22412 Gnar Build Guide By Nexon22412 Updated on February 25, 2023
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Runes: Fleet

1 2 3 4
Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Go these every game
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The missing link guide

By Nexon22412
Gnar pros and cons
+Safe laning
+Good Teamfight
+CC machine

-Not always in one form
-No damage late Game
-Weak if behind
-In terrible state righ now
Gnar is Specialist Shapeshifter which constantly changes from Mini Gnar form to his Mega Gnar form.

Passive Rage Gene

Gnar's passive is called Rage Gene which cause Gnar to change his form when his Rage Bar hits 100. After the transformation Gnar's rage starts to drain for 15 seconds when it hits 0 Gnar changes back to his Mini form. Mini Gnar and Mega Gnar unlike other shapeshifter in the game, shares abillity cooldowns. Mini Gnar and Mega Gnar gain different Stats from Rage Gene. Mini Gnar gains Bonus Attack Range, Bonus Attack Speed and Bonus Movement Speed. Mega Gnar on the other hand gains Base Attack Damage, Bonus HP, Bonus Armor and Bonus Magic Resist.

[Mini Gnar]Q - Boomerang Throw

Boomerang throw is a skillshot that throws a boomerang at enemies and slows them, after hitting an enemy boomerang deals less damage to other enemies and starts returning, if gnar catches his Boomerang he refunds its cooldown by 40%. Boomerang will try to go back the direction gnar is heading.

[Mega Gnar]Q - Boulder toss

Boulder Toss is a Skillshot that throws large rock that deals AoE dmg and stops at first enemy hit, it also slows enemies hit. Tossed boulder will stay in place for 6 seconds, if gnar walks to it he picks it up and refunds his Q cooldown by 70%.

[Mini Gnar]W - Hyper

Gnar's attacks and abillities apply Hyper stacks to hit enemies after hiting enemies 3 times gnar deals Max Health Percentage as Magic Damage to them and gains Burst of Movement speeds which fades shortly after.

[Mega Gnar]W - Wallop

Wallop is skillshot which deals damage and Stuns enemies hit.

[Mini Gnar]E - Hop

Using hop gnar jumps into the chosen place, if he hits enemey or ally he bounces of them if hit an enemy it gets slowed. Gnar can jump trough most walls in the Summoners Rift. After using Hop Gnar gains Attacks Speed for a short amount of time.

[Mega Gnar]E - Crunch

Gnar jumps at Enemies but no longer bounces off them, instead he deals damage in a bigger area, slows them and no longer gains attack speed.


[Mini Gnar]Passive: Mini gnar's Hyper gives more Movement Speed.
[Mega Gnar]Active: Gnar throws enemies around him in a choosen direction which causes them to get Knocked Up and getSlowed for a shor duration. If enemies are pushed into the wall they're Stunned instead
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nexon22412
Nexon22412 Gnar Guide
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