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Blitzcrank Build Guide by support_diff

Support The Only Blitzcrank Guide You Will Need

Support The Only Blitzcrank Guide You Will Need

Updated on November 22, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author support_diff Build Guide By support_diff 41 2 102,320 Views 1 Comments
41 2 102,320 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author support_diff Blitzcrank Build Guide By support_diff Updated on November 22, 2023
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Runes: Glacial Augment

1 2 3
Glacial Augment
Hextech Flashtraption
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Bone Plating

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Ability Order The Ability Order

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Only Blitzcrank Guide You Will Need

By support_diff
I am Support_diff, a league of legends player and currently a support main though I have mained every role during my gaming career. I made this guide to be the most perfect Blitzcrank guide there is or will be. I will try to update this guide whenever I can and will also answer your questions as soon as I see them.
I already have created guides for Thresh, Ashe, Pantheon, Xerath, Varus, Teemo and Shaco and I am now working on some other guides, which will also be mostly in-depth guides for support champions. I am trying to make my guides as perfect as possible, so if you have a suggestion for a chapter or something else, I am all ears.
Hopefully you enjoy this guide and also learn to play Blitzcrank!
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Why Blitzcrank?
Blitzcrank is a notorious champion in LoL, as his hooks are known to be as fast as a lightning and his cc lasts longer than beef between Vayne top players and all the other people. Blitzcrank is also not that hard to master, and in this guide I am going to teach you how to play Blitzcrank, the second-most banned champion on the rift
Here are some things a good Blitzcrank can do:
  • Hook enemies every 15 seconds even in the early game
  • Make the enemy adc quit the game ather the 15th death
  • Do 1500 damage with an easy combo as AP Blitzcrank
  • Win nearly every matchup on the rift
  • Run the enemies down with his W
What you will learn

From this guide, you will learn:

  • what runes to use and when
  • what type of enemies you want to face and what not
  • who is your permaban champion (if you don't already know)
  • what kind of adc you want to play with
  • where to place your wards
  • what are your best combos


+ best hook in the game
+ fun to play
+ Has not got many counters
+ can deal good amounts of damage when building AP
+ can carry the adc


- kind of immobile
- not dealing great damage when not building AP
- banned very often


Blitzcrank is one of the if not the best support in the game, as it has the best hook, a good ultimate with low cooldown, decent movement speed and has only a few counters. Blitzcrank is really only countered by Morgana, because you can't play against her spellshield. He is also banned very often because of his hook and overall good kit.

Glacial Augment Runepage

Glacial Augment is a really good rune for Blitzcrank as it slows the enemies you hook and also decreases their damage against your teammates
Hextech Flashtraption is the best option here as it makes less predictable which is great for a very predictable champion like Blitzcrank
Biscuit Delivery is generally a very good rune for bottom lane champions as it gives you the mana and health to stay in the lane and is very good for champions with low mana ( Blitzcrank)
Cosmic Insight is the best option here as it lowers the cooldowns of your trinkets and summoner spells including Hextech Flashtraption
Bone Plating is one of the best runes in the game, especially in the laning phase, when the damage reduction can be 50% of their adc's first 3 auto attacks, which is more than enough to win you the fight
Unflinching is a very good rune for Blitzcrank as his biggest counter is cc and slow, because they really counter his power to engage

Aftershock Runepage

Aftershock is a great keystone for Blitzcrank because it makes you much more tanky in the early trades as it gives you so much bonus resistances that you basically don't take damage when it's active
Demolish is a great rune when you build tanky items, and if you don't, you wouldn't take this runepage anyways. The damage it deals to turrets is surprisingly high especially in the late game when you have a lot more max health
Bone Plating is one of the best runes in the game, especially in the laning phase, when the damage reduction can be 50% of their adc's first 3 auto attacks, which is more than enough to win you the fight
Unflinching is a very good rune for Blitzcrank as his biggest counter is cc and slow, because they really counter his power to engage
Hextech Flashtraption is the best option here as it makes less predictable which is great for a very predictable champion like Blitzcrank
Biscuit Delivery is generally a very good rune for bottom lane champions as it gives you the mana and health to stay in the lane and is very good for champions with low mana ( Blitzcrank)

Electrocute Runepage

Electrocute is an amazing keystone, but only viable if you build AP. Its damage is very good and it procs from your combos. Some people think Predator is better, but I like the damage more as you are going to be a very high damage champion in the late game
Cheap Shot is the best option here as you are immobile so you don't need Sudden Impact and don't really do anything with the healing of Taste of Blood. Cheap Shot procs every time you hook an enemy, and its damage is true damage, which is really nice
Zombie Ward is a really great rune for supports overall, as it gives nearly as good stats as Eyeball Collection while also providing your team more vision
Relentless Hunter is the best option here as you will get faster to teamfights and objectives, which is really important to an immobile support like Blitzcrank. You can also take Ultimate Hunter as it is always nice to lower your ultimate's cooldown
Hextech Flashtraption is the best option here as it makes less predictable which is great for a very predictable champion like Blitzcrank
Biscuit Delivery is generally a very good rune for bottom lane champions as it gives you the mana and health to stay in the lane and is very good for champions with low mana ( Blitzcrank)
Summoner Spells
Flash is a must to take for most of champions, and Blitzcrank is one of them. With Flash you can escape or make a good-looking play every 5 minutes, and you can keep making the plays after that with Hextech Flashtraption.
Ignite is nearly every time the best option for second summoner spell, as it gives grievous wounds to the target, which prevent it from healing much, very good against Aatrox and other healer champions. The damage is also surprisingly high even in the early game.
Exhaust is a really good summoner spells, especially at early all-ins and late game fights. If the enemy team has a really fed Katarina, exhausting her will chomp 30% of her damage. If the enemy team has many champions with high burst damage, I suggest you to take Exhaust.
Don't get me wrong, I don't suggest you to take Heal, but there is one situation when you should take it. If you see a matchup with adc like Kai'Sa and a support without much cc, your adc should take Heal. If they don't, pick it yourself, as you already have Exhaust or Ignite in the bot duo.
Evenshroud is my favourite item in the whole game, as it gives your team more damage against enemies you hook and the ones around them. The damage is too good right now in my opinion, but I hope that it will not be nerfed soon

Everfrost's item active is really good, because you always need more cc as Blitzcrank. Your combos become longer and much more effective and also deal more damage because of the AP it provides you

Locket of the Iron Solari is the tankiest mythic option here, as it also provides resistances to nearby allies. The active's shield is really nice and can save you or your allies especially in the early game

Radiant Virtue isn't really one of my favourite items for Blitzcrank as you won't make the best use of the passive as you don't have much max health.

Shurelya's Battlesong is a really viable mythic item for Blitzcrank as it gives you and your teammates some movement speed which is really nice. Actually, if you want to take this, I suggest you to take Predator as your keystone

Abyssal Mask is a really good item if you play with a team with high AP against a team with a high AP damage. The maximum recistance you can get from it is 45 magic recist, which is a really good amount

Anathema's Chains is a really good item if the enemy team has a very fed carry like Katarina or Darius. Otherwise it is not very useful, so only buy it if you really need to

Force of Nature is only worth it if the enemy team has really heavy AP team comp, otherwise it is completely useless.

Randuin's Omen is a really great item against AD champions and has a really good active that can help you secure some kills. I only recommend it against a team with 2 champions building crit or 1 very fed champion building crit

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a really great and underrated item for Blitzcrank, but you should only build it if your build is missing one item and you don't know what to build next

Sunfire Aegis is a really great item for engage supports, but doesn't fit well to Blitzcrank's kit in my opinion

Thornmail is your antiheal item, only build it if the enemy team has one or more heavy healers. It is maybe even the best antiheal item in the game because you don't need to hit the enemies to make it proc

Warmog's Armor is only good if you build Radiant Virtue as it works really well with its passive. It is the tankiest item in the game, so only build it if you feel like you need it.
Stealth Ward is the basic ward that you place and it shows the area around it for 90-120 seconds based on champion level. You will start with it and keep it until you get your support item upgraded.Then you will change it to Oracle Lens. Before you change it, make sure to use your remaining Stealth Wards if there is a good ward spot without a ward near you.
Oracle Lens is the trinket you will change your Stealth Ward to. When used, it reveals the wards and traps around it for 10 seconds. Wards will also be disabled, lingering for 2 seconds after no longer being revealed. Use it wisely, because it can be a real game-changer when used right, if enemies don't have sight to baron for example.
Farsight Alteration isn't really a popular trinket option as it is visible to enemies and only has 1 health, but is a viable choice for the following reasons: Lasts forever if not destroyed, does not count towards the ward limit, has a range of 4000 (very big) and has lower cooldown than Stealth Ward.
Control Ward is the most valuable trinket in the game. It costs 75 gold, but is definetely worth the price. They reveal area like Stealth Ward, reveal Stealth Wards and traps and disables them like Oracle Lens and last forever like Farsight Alteration. You can place them in important places like river bush or tribush, or put them to other places with a high probability of having an enemy ward nearby to reveal them instead of using Oracle Lens (dragon pit for example). I suggest you to buy one or two of them every time you go back to base, because they are so important source of vision.

Best Laning Phase Ward Placements

These are the best ward placements in the laning phase in my opinion as they provide vision to the most important places of the bot-side map like dragon pit, tribush, river bush and bottom bushes. You will be a lot harder to gank by enemy jungler because you know before they try to gank you and have time to retreat. If you are playing on the red side and the enemy team has Kayn, Zac or Shaco, I suggest you to ward the tri-bush looking bush near your gromp so they can't just jump on you without you knowing.

Best Ward Placements After Laning Phase

These ward placements are better after the laning phase has ended, because they provide very much vision control to the map and makes it harder for the enemy team to collect objectives, because there is always a control ward on dragon and rift herald or baron nashor. Your team will more easily control the teamfights and splitpushing with these wards.

Passive: Mana Barrier

Blitzcrank gains a shield based on his mana when dropping to low health. This is a good passive because it gives you more survivability and tankiness even in the early game, and it can save you from dying to Ignite for example

Q: Rocket Grab

Blitzcrank fires his right hand that deals damage, stuns and pulls to him the next enemy hit. This is the best hook ability in the game, so use it wisely. It is incredibly fast and is very hard to dodge. During the laning phase, you want to upgrade Rocket Grab whenever you can to lower its cooldown so you can hook the enemies more regularly. It is also a very good ability for invading as not many champions can run from the hook at level 1

W: Overdrive

Blitzcrank super charges himself to gain increased attack speed and movement speed for a while and is temporarily slowed after the effect ends. Overdrive is a very underrated ability as it makes it easy for you to run to the enemies and then combo them, probably killing them. It is also great for escaping enemy ganks

E: Power Fist

Blitzcrank charges up his fist to empower his next attack. The attack knocks up the enemy it hits and deals double damage. Power Fist is a very good ability because you can immediately knock up the enemies you hook, which gives your adc time to deal damage to them.

R: Static Field

Passive: while this ability is available, Blitzcrank's attacks mark the enemies he attacks, dealing damage to them one second after.
Active: Blitzcrank overcharges dealing damage, silencing and destroying the shields of nearby enemies.
Static Field is your best ability in my opinion, because it deals a lot of damage, silences the enemies it hits and has a really low cooldown (20 seconds at max level without ability haste)
Though Blitzcrank is not a hard champion to play, he still has some combos you need to play him well. If you use other combos, it is really hard to get kills as these are the ones that work. I have not included combos with item actives like Everfrost because I don't think it would be very important for you.

Rocket Grab+ Power Fist

This is your basic combo, and you will mainly use it before level 6. It is really amazing to secure kills as the cc is really long and the hook isn't that hard to hit.

Overdrive+ Rocket Grab+ Power Fist

This combo is mainly good for securing your hooks, as you can run to the enemies with your Overdrive and then hook them. This is your best combo before level 6.

Rocket Grab+ Power Fist+ Static Field

This is your full damage combo, but sadly you can't perform it before level 6. In order to maximize your damage, I suggest you to hit your Power Fist and another auto attack before using your ult so the ult's passive will be more efficient. This is easier when you have your Overdrive on when you hook because it provides you attack speed.

Overdrive+ Rocket Grab+ Power Fist+ Static Field

This is your full combo, and the best combo you have in my opinion. Your Overdrive gives you movement speed to catch the enemies, then you hook them, use your Power Fist and another auto attack to get the most damage from your ult's passive and then ult the enemy to destroy their shields and silencing them so they can't escape.
= easy matchup
= average matchup
= hard matchup
Ashe is one of the easiest matchups for you, as she doesn't have roots or stuns before level 6, is really quishy and also immobile. She might try to stay behind the minions, but just run to her with your W and combo her, and she is already dead.
Morgana is your worst counter, because her spellshield makes it impossible for you to land your hook. You really can't do anything against her, so always ban her
Ezreal isn't really a threat to you as he doesn't deal much damage, but he can dodge your hook easily with his E which is basically just another Flash for him. Try to hook his support instead as he usually plays with an immobile support.
Soraka is simply no threat to you, as she is immobile, doesn't deal a lot of damage and can't heal herself without ulting or hitting her Q, which is really hard. Target her instead of her adc, as she could possibly save her adc with her heal. If you land your hook on her, she dies.
} Pyke has a great engage and damage, which is really bad for you. If you hit your hook on him, he can just dash away while also stunning you, and his passive basically heals all the damage he has taken from you and your adc. If he lands his hook on you, you can die due to his high damage.
Milio's Q is actually a pretty good counter against you because she can stun you and knock you back when you try to approach her or her adc. If you get to hit your hook on her, she will probably die. If you try to hook her adc, she will just Cleanse them with her ult, so try to hook her instead.
Yuumi isn't really a champion as she is nearly always attached to her adc, so that leaves only one champion to target in the laning phase. She also plays often with an immobile adc, so this matchup won't be hard to you at all.
Yasuo isn't really killing you with his damage, because if he tries to all-in you, you will E him, hook him and then kill him. Yasuo has a dash with a very low cooldown, so if there are minions nearby, he is nearly impossible to hook. He also has his windwall, which will block your hook if he cant neutralize it with his dashes.
Sivir's spellshield counters you, but if you can bait it or hook her before she can use it, she will die due to her lack of mobility. She has a great cs and can push waves easily even in the early game, so don't leave her alone in the lane.
Lux is the most overpowered support in the game, as she has great damage and also a good cc. She is also extremely squishy and immobile so if you can land your hook on her, she will die. In order to land your hook on her, you need to dodge her Q, but that shouldn't be too hard with your W. If you waste your W, she can root you and kill you easily if she has her ult available.
Pantheon is a very good support with a great cc and damage and also a decent poke. If you manage to land your hook on him, he will use his E to block all the damage you deal and then stun your adc and kill them. Your adc really needs to stay safe as his passive makes sure that he can kill champions very quickly if he has his adc nearby.
Xerath is a support/mid mage with a high damage, decent cc and a very good poke. He can be very hard to hook as he can stun you if you approach him or his adc. He is also immobile and very squishy, so if you manage to land your hook on him with Hextech Flashtraption and Overdrive for example, he will die.
Jhin is an immobile adc without good cc, so he won't be too hard to hook for you. Just don't step on his plants as he can root you easily if you do.
Thresh is a great support with very good engage and a good survivability. If you try to hook his adc, he will just throw his lantern at them and they survive. But if you try to hook him, that will cause a serious fight as he can use his lantern to get his adc nearby and even win the fight.
A good Zilean is a real threat to you as he can deal a lot of damage and stun you if you try to approach him or his adc. His ult also revives allies that die during it, so it is really hard to get kills as your damage is mostly just burst damage. He is also immobile, so try to hook him using your Hextech Flashtraption and Overdrive as you can surprise him and hook him pretty easily.

Understanding Matchups

As you can see, I have not listed even near all the botlane matchups here, because I think it's pretty much pointless. If you understand the types of the supports and adc's you want to or don't want to face, you don't need to look about matchups from a guide like this. Firstly, the class of supports you want to face is just squishy and immobile supports like Soraka and Janna as they are very easy to hook and even easier to kill. The supports you don't want to face have a good cc, good damage and good survivability, as they are too hard to kill for you but can kill you instead. The adc's you want to face in the botlane are also immobile and don't survive your hooks easily (I mean adc's like Aphelios and Jhin). The adc's you don't want to see in your games are hard to hook and have good damage, because you are pretty much useless against them but they can kill you kind of easily. If you have the easy type of adc and support against you, I suggest you to try out AP Blitzcrank, as it can be even more fun than the normal one and it is just really nice to see your combo oneshot an enemy as it deals enormous damage when you have some items and have upgraded your abilities enough.
= good synergy
= average synergy
= bad synergy
Draven is the king of the laning phase, if you hook an enemy, he will kill them fastly even at level 1 because of his axes' bonus damage. If you get to play with Draven adc, you will win your lane nearly every time if he is just good at playing Draven
Lucian works extremely well with Blitzcrank because his burst damage in the early game is just enormous and he has his dash that is kind of good follow-up to your combo. If you have wanted to play AP Blitzcrank with Electrocute, now it's your time to try it
Caitlyn is one of your only natural synergies (synergy by abilities, not playstyle) as she can put a mine under the enemy you Q+E and deal a very good amount of damage with her passive and other abilities that proc her passive
Yasuo is another natural synergy, as your E just works so well with his ult as he needs a knockup to perform it and you have one in your kit. He can also protect himself from enemy jungler ganks and enemy laners very well, so you don't have to worry about him too much.
Tristana is one of my favourite adc's to play with, no matter what champion I play, because she has it all. She can save herself from death with her jump, she has a great burst damage and is also good in longer fights and she has a great follow-up to your hook (the jump). If you can hook an enemy, she will make them recall or go to the spawn by Grey Screen Express.
Don't play with Ezreal adc. Really. He doesn't deal good damage, doesn't have any real follow-up to your hook and his only thing he cares about is saving his own life with his E.

Understanding Synergies

I didn't write much about the matchups, and I wrote less about synergies. Again, you don't have to know what to do while playing with any adc, you just have to understand the different types of adc's and do you want to play with them or not. The type of adc's you want to play with is adc's with a great damage and some follow-up to your hook, as they are the things they need to have to secure kills easily, as you do most of the work. The type of adc's you don't want to deal with is adc's with low damage and little to no follow-up to your hooks as they are just completely useless for you and playing with them is a waste of time.
Why To Try AP Blitzcrank?
As you maybe already know, Blitzcrank is supposed to be a support in a traditional way, supporting your adc and securing them kills and making them safe even though you sometimes die in the process. Sometimes this feels a bit boring, and then it is time to try something different. In my opinion this is an awesome build that makes you really strong while it also doesn't make your laning phase harder. If you are playing against bot lane duo without hard cc or too much mobility, you really should try this out. You will be oneshotting the enemies with your combos as they now deal enormous damage due to your AP and Electrocute.

Before The Game Starts

Most guides start the gameplay chapter from where the game begins, but I want to tell you what to do before that to make sure you have all the advantage you can so you can have a better game. The first thing to do is after you have banned Morgana and the bans are revealed, look out for the enemy support's picking position and try to take a position after them so they pick before you. When they have picked, think about if you can play with Blitzcrank against them or not. If you know a counter to them and like to play it, you can just take it instead of Blitzcrank. If you chose to take Blitzcrank, now you have to think about your runes. If you are laning against a duo with high damage, I suggest you to take Aftershock as it makes you a lot tankier even during the laning phase. If the enemy duo is somewhat average, not too much damage but not too squishy either, you should take Glacial Augment. If the enemies are very squishy and don't have too much cc, I highly recommend you to take Electrocute and AP Blitzcrank as it can be a lot of fun and is also a very good pick against squishy enemies.


When the game is going to start, think about one thing. Invading. Blitzcrank is generally one of if not the best invader in the whole game, as his hook is just priceless at level 1 because it kills the enemy nearly every time if your team knows how to invade well. Invading is a great way to start a game as you will possibly start with an enemy killed (and more time for your adc to farm) and it can decide how the laning will end. The best rune for invading is Glacial Augment as it slows the enemy you hook, which is a great thing as you need to secure the kill very well because it is really important for the rest of the game.

Laning Phase

If I asked 100 challenger LoL players what is the most important stage of the game, most of them would probably say laning phase, because it can change the rest of the game utterly, because the feed you can get in there (or your adc as you play support role) will carry you in the middle game and lead to a win in the late game. If you lose laning phase hard, you will probably lose the rest of the game as it is really hard to kill the fed enemies and take objectives when the opposing team is much stronger. In laning phase you have some main targets you should focus on, which are: securing your adc kills, saving your adc from enemy jungler ganks and enemy mid laner roams, provide vision to your team, secure dragons to your team, possibly roam at other lanes and deal damage to turrets (which is really hard for Blitzcrank). Starting off the first and the most important one, securing your adc kills. It might feel like I can't teach you how to get more hooks hit and enemies killed in the early game, but yes, I can. Blitzcrank is an easy champion to play, but people just don't get the basic things, such as using your W. There are two tactics that are stupidly easy but really do work. First one (like I told you in my last sentence), using your W. People usually use it only to escape, which is not an effective way of using it, as you will be slowed at the end anyways so you can't use it for long distance runs. When the enemy adc is farming and the enemy support isn't on your path ready to engage you, you should just use your W, run near enough to them and hook them. It is really easy way to increase your chance of hitting your hook without making it hard for your adc to capture the kill afterwards. The second one, using your Hextech Flashtraption. As you may have noticed, I have included Hextech Flashtraption in all of my runes, as it is just so good for Blitzcrank. If you are pretty sure that the enemies don't have a ward in the bush that is the nearest to the minion wave, go to that bush and start channeling Hextech Flashtraption or just use your Flash if you still haven't used it. The enemies will be surprised of you blinking out of the bush you just went in, and you can walk near enough them so you can hook them and secure that kill for your adc. You can also use them both combined, first use your Hextech Flashtraption or Flash and then use your W to run towards them. I think they are all very good ways to secure kills to your adc and really increase your percentage of hooks hit. Now to saving your adc from enemy jungler ganks. This is not very easy for Blitzcrank as you don't have any saving-only ability like Thresh and you don't have too much vision like Ashe either. Your only way of saving your adc from ganks is to have wards in the river and tribush so the enemy can't surprise you from behind. If you look at the minimap all the time when you don't have to farm, you will see the enemy jungler before he is too close to your lane. You can also try to Q the enemy jungler from your adc if you are already safe. Providing vision to your team is really easy, just buy and place Control Wards, take Oracle Lens after you have upgraded your support item and use Stealth Wards to the spots I told you about in the "trinkets&warding" chapter. If you remember to do them all throughout the game, you will probably end the game with the most vision score in the game which means that you have done your vision providing, at least better than the enemy support. Now to the next one, securing dragons to your team. This is not very easy, as you always need vision at the dragon pit and river bush to know when the enemies are going to take the drake or just know when to take it yourself. If you see the opposing bot laners go to the river, already ping your team to come to dragon, as they are probably going to take it. You will get at least your midlaner to the fight and your jungler too if he isn't too far away from the dragon. If the enemies start taking the drake, I suggest you to pick one of them with your hook so the fight will be at least 3v3, no 4v3 for the enemy team. Now the next one, roaming. Blitzcrank is a great champion for roaming, as he has the best hook ability in the game and is also good at securing kills with his combos. You can buy Mobility Boots to have easier roaming as you will be much faster moving in the river. When you roam, it is really important to tell your mid laner before coming to their lane, as you don't want to surprise them by coming to their lane and then just dying. Remember to only roam when you have time (you have pushed the wave, the enemy laners have recalled or died) so you won't leave your adc in a bad situation. Now to the last one, dealing damage to enemy turrets. This is the hardest part for Blitzcrank as you don't have any kind of range or abilities that are good for taking turrets down (except your E but it doesn't help too much). Only try to take turrets down when the enemies are not on the lane or dragon, as you will die if you try to take turret while the enemies are on the lane because you have to go next to the turret in order to deal damage to it. If the enemies are taking down the dragon, you need to go there with your team or you have misunderstood the dragon taking part utterly. Dragons are permanent and too important to lose over one plate of the turret. This is everything I had to say about laning phase, now we are heading to the middle game.

Middle Game

Now the laning phase has ended, and it is time for middle game to hop in. In middle game your main goal is to get your adc and yourself even more fed in order to win in the late game. You will now ward by the second ward map in the "trinkets&warding" chapter to provide your team the most vision you just can. In the middle game you should be roaming all around the map, capturing enemies and help your teammates to get objectives. The roaming is pretty much automatic for you as you just start having teamfights all over the rift and will join most of them because you are kind of fast with your W and Mobility Boots. If you chose to play AP Blitzcrank, the middle game is a big power spike for you as you already deal more damage than before and will be much more effective in teamfights than 1v1's or 2v2's. If you haven't lost any dragons or turrets in the laning phase or middle game you are in a really good position as if the enemies get down dragon or turret, the damage is permanent but the kills don't matter that much if the enemies are not very fed or have a great gold advantage.

Late Game

Late game is, as the name says, the last part of the game. In the late game, everyone have items and damage, so the feed you have got in early game doesn't matter too much if you aren't infinitely stacking champion or haven't done anything with the feed you have got. If you want the feed to matter in the late game, you have to keep your gold income stable and take objectives as you are stronger than the enemies. Take down dragons, barons and turrets whenever you just can as the enemies won't be able to fight you if you have your team with you. If you aren't fed, try to get your team to dragons whenever they spawn so you can take them before the enemy team gets there or at least have 5 teammates in a teamfight, which means that you will probably win if the enemies don't have every champion in the fight. In teamfights, try to pick an enemy with your hook and do the rest of the combo to secure the kill for your team. Don't hook a tank as you won't kill them anyways, hook a squishier champion with more damage input in order to win the team fight. There will always be a teamfight around the objectives, so try to be there when the fight starts. Remember to ward and use Oracle Lens to provide your team the most vision you can as it is now more important than it has been int the early or the middle game. This is everything I have got to say about the gameplay, thanks for reading it.
Game Goals
If you don't have other goals in game than winning, your progress as a player will be significantly slower as you don't know how to get better or what to improve. Most of these goals are optimal and you don't have to and probably couldn't achieve them all in a single game at one time. If you try to achieve the goals by improving your weaknesses, you will see your skills and win percent increase in no time.


-4 kills or assists
-0-1 deaths
-50% kill participation
-1 roam if you have had time
-2000 damage dealt
-2300 gold
-support item's warding active unlocked
-level 6
-1 dragon killed
-4 wards placed
-1 ward destroyed
-2 control wards placed


-10 kills or assists
-0-3 deaths
-50% kill participation
-2 roams leading to a kill
-5000 damage dealt
-5000 gold
-level 8/9
-2 dragons killed
-3 turrets destroyed (whole team)
-10 wards placed
-4 ward destroyed
-4 control wards placed


-17 kills or assists
-0-6 deaths
-55% kill participation
-8000 damage dealt
-8000 gold
-level 13
-3 dragons killed
-5 turrets destroyed (whole team)
-33 wards placed
-8 ward destroyed
-6-10 control wards placed
When you should take Aftershock?
the right answer

What type of supports you want to face?
the right answer

Who is your permaban champion?
the right answer

What kind of adc you want to play with?
the right answer

What are the two most important warding spots in the early game?
the right answer

What is your full damage combo?
the right answer
The End
That's all about my Blitzcrank guide, leave a like and a comment if you liked it or learned something new, have a great time while playing Blitzcrank!
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