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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Thinking of making a useful Guide

Posted in Champions | Tags: Ashe 3,669

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    Thinking of making a useful Guide

    Hey, So i am about to make a new guide for Ashe, now i know the champion is used a lot and is very easy to play, but i think that generally it is a great champion that has a ton of damage both in early game and in late game.

    So my question is: What are the most Preferred Runes or Item Builds used for Ashe? And how are you supposed to play Ashe Early/Mid and Late game. Even tho i do play a lot of Ashe i dont know exactly what to do in these situations so i would love some help for that. Thanks :)
  • Answers (2)

    SoggyOreos (1) | November 27, 2018 10:02pm
    I'm going to be honest, I don't think that you should be making a guide on a champion when you don't know their preferred runes, item builds, and how to play them in the different phases of the game. I'm not trying to put you down or anything but I just don't think that you should make a guide for Ashe YET.

    But if you're going to continue on your plan, I don't think theres anything wrong with reading other's guides on Ashe to inspire your guide. I believe that you can use other people's guides to build your guide as long as you don't copy that person's guide word for word.
    Fruxo (326) | November 28, 2018 8:47am
    Okay, i will do as you said, and take some time + play the champion so that i can work out some good runes/builds that might work that i think is good. And then ill think of the other things.

    orrvaa (41) | November 28, 2018 8:40am
    As SoggyOreos said, the main things about a champion is runes and builds (the main things players search here), these are the tl;dr of the guild.

    You should get more experience with different builds, runes and Ashe in general so you have in mind what Ashe should do and what are the "instruments" to do that and even what are the best ones.

    After you ready with this you will be ready to start work on the guild :D
    Fruxo (326) | November 28, 2018 8:48am
    Thank you, i will do!
    Hamstertamer (74) | November 28, 2018 1:57pm
    Actually, the main thing I look for in a guide is matchups and laning tips. I always considered that it's easy to figure out runes and items for yourself (never needed a guide for that), but only an experienced player of the champion knows how to adapt to anything he's up against, which is the hard part.
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