League of Legends (LoL) Item: Thornmail
Total Price: 2700 | Recipe Price: 1000 | Sell Price: 1890

- 60 Armor
- 350 Health
UNIQUE Passive: When struck by a basic attack on-hit, deal 10 (+25% bonus armor) magic damage to the attacker and, if they are a champion, inflict them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
- 60 Armor
- 350 Health
UNIQUE Passive: When struck by a basic attack on-hit, deal 10 (+25% bonus armor) magic damage to the attacker and, if they are a champion, inflict them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
I would disagree with everything you said. You are being very vague and ambiguous. Warmog's is a good item, and helps a lot in the tank department, but that aside, items are good based on situation. Warmog's is even better on champs who use health a a resource, and Thornmail is good for people who need an armor item, and want some damage output as well, especially since it's animation is less noticeable compared to say, Sunfire's cape. Randuin's is kind of flashy IMO, meaning it not so much a useful item(of course it is useful sometimes), but it has cool features. It's stats are ok tho, but aren't as good as other items.
also TM is easy to build and good for early game
But yeah,
Early resists are extremely important on both modes and Thornmail is a great item in that regard as it's very cheap. Physical comps are also much more common on TT and Dominion. Thornmail is a fine item there.
EDIT: I could've used different words with the
also Thornmail is good on both TT and Dominion if you feel that you need some extra bulk.
So if im going as nautilus and being a tank jungler is thorn mail a good idea compared to randuins omen