League of Legends (LoL) Question: Thornmail?
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Had some spare gold last game, so I decided to build a thornmail on Braum (playing as support)
But the thing is, I'm not sure if it actually works as such. He destroys the projectiles, before it, as such, "touches" him. So does it actually reflect the damage? Also, does it reflect the damage from the first hit on him? Because it's 100% damage reduction and projectile destruction, but Thornmail says it acts before damage reduction...
Also, not to do with Braum, but does Thornmail work against things like Ezreal's Q which count as basic attacks?
But the thing is, I'm not sure if it actually works as such. He destroys the projectiles, before it, as such, "touches" him. So does it actually reflect the damage? Also, does it reflect the damage from the first hit on him? Because it's 100% damage reduction and projectile destruction, but Thornmail says it acts before damage reduction...
Also, not to do with Braum, but does Thornmail work against things like Ezreal's Q which count as basic attacks?
"Damage is reflected when hit by an attack, regardless of whether the attack deals damage. If the attacker is blinded, or the wearer is protected by a shield or invulnerability, damage will still be reflected."
About Ezreal Q:
"Thornmail will reflect 30% of the physical damage dealt by the attacker, including most physical on-hit effects.
Thornmail is also triggered by