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Recommended Items
Runes: Dark Harvest (Snowball)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
Ability Order Standard
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Relatively hard to outplay. Use Void Assault and Leap to avoid as much of his burst and DPS as possible. Try not to fight him before 6 since he is a very difficult enemy to 1v1
Steamroll literally everything in teamfights through double resets and insane burst.
Steamroll literally everything in teamfights through double resets and insane burst.
Champion Build Guide
Much like Kha'Zix, this guide will constantly change and evolve over time in order to keep up to date with the game. The most recent update to the guide and Kha'Zix will be included in this section.
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Hey guys. Patch 14.11 just dropped, and what do you know? We got a Kha'Zix buff to compensate for the fiesta that was 14.10. I have updated most of the information in this guide, so those of you that enjoy learning through text can keep up to date with Kha'Zix at the moment. Though, I do recommend that you watch my newly released guide because I believe personally that the information presented there is more organized and valuable.
This guide is almost approaching 10 million views, can't thank each and every one of you enough for supporting me, and I'm glad to have been able to teach the bug for so long.
You may have seen me around on youtube and twitch lately. I create league of legends content regularly and it would be great if you could drop a follow on my channels to support me and watch more juicy Kha'Zix goodness and other stuff. Your support is greatly appreciated :)
This guide also has a video form which you can find here:

Before you do anything, you should know what you're getting yourself into. Take a look at this montage to see what Kha'Zix is all about.

Hi there, welcome to my Kha'Zix guide! I go by the name of Tinjus in the Oceania server. I'm a Challenger Kha'Zix main who peaked at #1 Kha'Zix OCE as well as #1 Kha'Zix in the world. I am making this guide to educate you all on how to play Kha'Zix and adapt his kit to your playstyle!
I've been playing Kha'Zix ever since he came out in Season 2, he was my very first jungler, so its very coincidental that he would be my main. He is just so unique in so many ways compared to every other champion in League, and for that I instantly fell in love with him. Many Kha'Zix players make major mistakes in their games that can make it incredibly hard to find success on the champion. In this guide my aim will be to educate you - the reader, on the ins and outs of Kha'Zix. I'll provide you with the best information available in regards to playing Kha'Zix efficiently, and hopefully by the end of this guide you will have learnt a thing or two about him! There is a fair amount of writing here, so I hope you're ready. Lets get started.

About Kha'Zix

One of the most unique champions in the game, Kha'Zix excels at assassinating out of position targets. He possesses massive amounts of damage in his kit as well as a high amount of utility, which is a deadly combination for any assassin to have.
Kha'Zix is incredibly flexible in that he can adapt to any situation using his special Evolution concept. Most players think that Kha'Zix is all about killing that one target, but the thing that separates Kha'Zix from the crowd is his versatility. He is able to assume many roles in a team composition other than his main role as an assassin such as peeling, fighting, disruption and even tank. A good Kha'Zix player should be able to adapt to his/her environment in order to get the most out of Kha'Zix's kit.
Kill. Consume. Adapt.
Kha'Zix's massive but situational damage means that he has to play his fights carefully in order to be successful. Fighting an enemy when they are not Isolated can greatly reduce his damage and chance of winning that fight. A good Kha'Zix player needs to choose when and where to fight in order to find success in a game. He also has no Hard CC which can sometimes be a problem for ganking. However, his relatively strong and reliable slows combined with his high damage are more than enough to pull off a successful gank.

There are 4 main rune choices for Kha'Zix which will enable different playstyles on the champion.

The most common setup is a


You can also run


For secondary runes run

For lesser runes, take



These are the items that are work well on

You'll want to consider one of these items first.

Your choice of boots will depend on the enemy composition as well as your personal preference.

These are items that are simply too valuable for Kha'Zix to not pass up in the majority of builds. Though you can technically choose to not run these, they enable Kha'Zix to perform his job properly.

Edge of Night grants a spell shield that enables Kha'Zix to engage more safely against targets that have important, powerful abilities. I consider this a core item since the added safety when engaging is invaluable to help you survive fights. It also gives your damage an added bump with lethality and a good chunk of attack damage. You should build this item anytime after the 1st item, but it's commonly built 2nd or 4th.

This is an extremely flexible item on Kha'Zix and should be considered core. It provides him with ability haste, a passive that lets his abilities slow, and counters enemies that build armor. This item is bought almost always 3rd item to negate armor growth on enemies and armor purchases. Even if the enemy is not building armor,

And to quickly touch on the alternative,

These items are situational and can be bought depending on what you need / want. Keep in mind

Opportunity is quite similar to ghostblade, however instead of the move speed active it has a small move speed stat, a passive that gives you extra lethality, and another passive that gives you lots of move speed on kills. I like to compare this to youmuu's because the times in which you'd buy them are similar, but they do share different purposes. Opportunity is more focused on raw killing power in which you get one kill with the extra lethality and reposition with the move speed. If you find yourself needing a bit more assassination power, this is a great choice, but if you feel like your damage is enough, then just go with youmuus instead since the youmuus passive and active are generally used much more often. Or, you can buy them both consecutively and you'll have some extremely powerful assassin tools to work with.

Umbral glaive is a cheap, cost effective powerspike that provides all of the stats Kha'Zix needs and gives you an incredible vision controlling passive that makes setting up for assassinations much easier. It's typically bought as your first item with your mythic coming after it, and pairs nicely with

This item gives you the standard ad lethality combo but it also comes with a huge amount of haste and a passive that refunds part of your ultimate cooldown on kill. This is an incredible item if you're playing R evolve style builds in which you can use your R go in for a kill, and then have your ult back up very fast. If you get multiple kills in a fight then you can even ult back to back which is just insane. 2nd item onward.

The Black Cleaver is a pretty solid item that works wonders for Kha'Zix against beefier targets like bruisers and tanks. The health, ability haste and shredding passive are all great stats that really help Kha'Zix deal with the bruiser type champions and tanks. I would say that this item is typically reserved for bruiser Kha'Zix, but if you desperately need to deal with bruisers and heavy tankiness, then it can be a solid option as it also helps your team deal more damage.

This is the most reliable scaling option for kha'zix. if you can get through stacking the tear early game, you will be rewarded with an incredible on hit passive that works with your abilites, a huge chunk of ad and damage beyond your wildest dreams. Definitely a very underrated option for Kha'Zix but its not taken very often because of how slow it takes to come online.

Very situational, but

This is the go-to item of choice for when you need to counter excessive healing on the enemy team. Build this item against champions with high healing such as

These are probably the best defensive items in the game for Kha'Zix. If you feel that you desperately need some beefiness to survive against high damage team comps or fighter champs, then buying either

This is a very respectable last item option if you want to make sure you stay alive during teamfights. I personally don't ever build this unless dying is inevitable in late game teamfights. Use your best judgement.

If I haven't listed a particular item in this section, it is because I feel that it is not worth covering since

This is a very standard assassin Kha'Zix build that does a ton of damage. Youmuu's early for the movespeed, then we scale with profane and serylda's. Finish with Edge and Eclipse to stay safe.

This is another very standard build that uses the cheap lethality items to get a fast powerspike early. You can then run around and kill squishies like it's nothing with high tempo and lethality. Great build for players who like to play aggressive early.

This is a selfish build that utilizes hubris and eclipse early to obtain a huge amount of attack damage, allowing your Qs to hit like absolute nukes provided that you can get kills early. Definitely an extremely strong setup, but it lacks the mobility that the other builds have due to a lack of youmuu's, so you can replace eclipse with it if you want to be faster.

This is a bruiser Kha'Zix build that lets you survive fights against more difficult team compositions. It's a good build to run with

RIP Hybrid Kha'Zix 2016-2016

Unseen Threat
Empowered auto attack that slows target hit and deals extra magic damage. Reactivate by walking into brush, using

Taste Their Fear

The assassin rework brought quite a unique change to his Q which allows him to demolish anyone that is isolated through the constant spamming of Qs. This means that you can take out isolated enemies, neutral objectives and the jungle extremely quickly. Evolve this ability if you want to duel the enemy and have strong objective control.

Void Spike

Kha'Zix's poking tool. Provides him with decent medium range damage and poke as well as sustain in the jungle.

Max this second, and evolve it second or third if you want to play more of a supportive role on your team or have extra sticking power. This evolved ability will allow you to peel with ease and catch out enemies with that 80% slow.


Kha'Zix's main gap closer. Gives him much needed mobility in order to chase down and assassinate targets as well as an escape tool.

USE THIS ABILITY VERY CAREFULLY, DO NOT JUMP JUST BECAUSE IT LOOKS COOL. TAKE YOUR TIME AND JUMP IN WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT OR WHEN YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET A RESET. Max this last, and evolve it whenever you want. I usually evolve it second, since that is the best time to make use of the resets you get from it.

Void Assault

Kha'Zix's main utility tool. This should be used sparingly for the right moments. Make sure to use your passive

Put a point into this WHENEVER YOU CAN - That means levels 6-11-16. I recommend evolving it at level 6 or 16, but you can evolve it at anytime you want. This is arguably one of Kha'Zix's most well-rounded evolutions and it's great for any situation.


Evolution is one of the most unique aspects of Kha'Zix. Throughout the game, he is able to evolve his abilities in order to adapt to any situation. In this section we will be going over each evolution individually and will also be going over evolution orders and builds.
There is no set in stone evolution order that you should use. You should be able to evolve based on the SITUATION, adapting to the game and picking the right tool for the job. For example, if you want faster clearing and DPS, evolve Q. If you want strong skirmishing and outplay potential, evolve R. If you want strong teamfighting and peeling, evolve W. It is extremely important that you adapt to the game rather than just going the same evolution order over and over again.

Taste Their Fear - Dueling tool

Ever had a person on the enemy team complain about how OP Kha'Zix is? Thats probably because of evolved

This evolution is an incredible dueling tool. Absolutely no one is going to be able to 1v1 you unless you die to burst, and the reduced cooldown means that you can take neutral objectives and the jungle extremely quickly. It also spells impending doom for tanks, especially if you have

Void Spike - Supportive Tool

Void Spike is an incredibly useful addition to Kha'Zix's kit. Evolved

Void Spike is a remarkable tool. It provides Kha'Zix with sustain in the jungle as well as a bit of poke and cc. The evolved version is even better, and is the best evolution in the game for playing with your team and helping them. The ability is usually evolved second or third if you want to have extra sticking power or play more of a supportive role in the team. Evolved

Leap - Gap Closer

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nah its just

The ability that Kha'Zix is known for, evolved

Void Assault - Main Utility and Outplay Tool

Where did he go? That slippery bug was just there! HOW DID HE GET INTO THAT BUSH?! Two words,

I can't tell you how useful this ability is. It depends on how you use it.

Evolution Orders
There is not a standard evolution order in which you MUST follow. You should evolve based on the situation and pick the right evolution for the appropriate situation. This section will list some of the viable orders and their uses.
The three main evolution orders include:

Please note that these evolution orders are not always ideal for certain situations. They all have their uses, and choosing between them based on the situation will result in greater success in your games.
These are definitely not all the evolution orders in the game either. If you'd like to learn more about adapting with evolutions, check out this evolution guide I made in collaboration with the Kha'Zix Mains community.

Basic Mechanic 1 -
Taste Their Fear mid-air

Basic Mechanic 2 - Standard Assassinate Combos

The combo explained above dishes out the most damage as fast as possible, but there are a lot of situations where you will need to jump first before you use your

Basic Mechanic 3 - Refreshing
Unseen Threat

Once you've mastered the basic mechanics of Kha'Zix, you can try out these more advanced mechanics that require quick reaction times and fast mouse movements. You can try these for fun, but I recommend you get the basics down first before you advance.

Advanced Mechanic 1 - The Double Jump
Ah yes, the notorious double jump, probably one of the coolest mechanics in the game. This enables Kha'Zix to double the distance of his jump in certain situations by casting

How to do it:
1. Get the target low enough to be killed by your

2. Once the target is low enough, stand next to the target and cast your

3. Once you have cast your

4. The target should have died, and your

Here's a quick example of a double jump performed to perfection. Notice how I walk up to the first target before jumping over them in order to get the most distance possible.
Advanced Mechanic 2 - Outplaying with
Void Assault
Void Assault is a great ability, it enables Kha'Zix to make swift, unpredictable movements in order to skillfully outplay his opponents. A good Kha'Zix player will be able to use

Unpredictable movements
1.Run towards the enemy, this will make them think they can land an easy skillshot on you.
2. Wait for the enemy to throw their skillshot at you. This requires fast reaction times.
3. Once the skillshot is out,

4. Proceed to all-in your opponent, using

Here is another nice example of using Void Assault to dodge skillshots. The burst of speed from my ultimate allowed me to dodge Elise's cocoon which let me flash on her for the kill.
1. Run from whatever is chasing you!

How to outplay an opponent with

1. Start a fight, using your abilities as necessary.
2. While using your abilities, use

3. If the enemy still wants to fight, save your

These cover the advanced mechanics of Kha'Zix, though they seem relatively easy, it can be hard to maintain a consistent pattern of movement where you avoid damage and cast abilities in between.
This video covers all noteable basic and advanced mechanics on Kha'Zix. It is highly recommended that you view this as the text in this guide does not cover everything.

Generally, your focus early game is to get level 6 as fast as possible. This is why I recommend full clearing, so that you can get a very early level 4 and potentially faster level 6 shortly afterwards. Kha'Zix is at his strongest point once he gets his

Kha'Zix is quite a potent split pusher due to his high mobility. If an enemy squishy comes to clear the wave alone he can easily kill them and apply massive pressure to the side lanes. If you are against a comp that is hard to teamfight against, keep this strategy in mind.

There is no need to rush anything while ahead, just continue to farm and prioritize objectives, while avoiding risky plays such as turret dives and solo invades. Controlling the enemy jungler will ultimately result in the removal of jungle pressure from the map, allowing you and your team to control the lanes. In order to transition the lead into a win, objectives must be prioritized and teamfights will generally occur throughout the game. If you have a big enough lead, you should be able to win those teamfights for your team and snowball the game by taking Baron and inner towers.

Nah. Sorry, that excuse isn't acceptable. You can't win because you can't carry. It's that simple. It sounds harsh, but 8 times out of 10 you are going to get teams that don't know what to do. You can't just sit around and watch, you need to take ACTION to win the game. This doesn't just apply to Kha'Zix, this applies to every single champion in the game and league of legends in general. If you can't win because your "Teams are Bad", then it's likely that you are doing something wrong. Relying on your team for everything isn't going to get you anywhere. If you want to win, you need to carry. Be proactive about your decisions and lead your team to that victory screen. I have played this game for 9 years now, and I never would have gotten so experienced at

I can't stress how important this is. Being proactive before the game even starts is a fantastic way to go about. Planning out your actions before the game starts means that you can go into the game with a specific attitude and goal. You are able to get a good idea of what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. This mainly involves looking at you and your enemy's champions, then making a judgement based on the champions in the game.
Do not worry about searching the players up. Searching for players' ranks simply clouds your judgement and decision-making skills. You will feel more inclined to kill the guy who is challenger even though it isn't going to impact the game.
Lets use this as an example:

You are the

Do you see the importance of having a game plan? It allows you to stay one step ahead of everyone and greatly helps the chances of getting a lead and snowballing into victory.

You may think that your 1 death means nothing, but it has a much bigger impact than you think. If you are wanting to solo carry your game, you need to avoid dying for nothing at ALL COSTS. If you die, there is a good chance that your team will die alongside you and that leads to massive throws. Dying puts you out of the game for at least 30 seconds in the mid-game, which is a big deal if you die for nothing.
Dying can be tolerated if you are dying for a good cause, such as for winning a teamfight or stealing baron. Killing two or more enemies in turn for your death can be considered as a worthy trade-off, although if possible, staying alive is the best option. Try to get 1 for 0 picks on the enemy team, this will result in you having a number advantage and will boost your chances of winning a teamfight or taking an objective. Avoid making risky plays simply because your team is likely to follow you into them and die. Make sure to think before you act, this can be hard you are in the middle of a fight or need to react quickly, but thinking before you act will stop you from making silly mistakes that could otherwise be catastrophic.

I can't stress enough how crucial it is to maintain good farm throughout the game. If you don't farm, you put yourself behind by lacking the gold needed to purchase your items. No farming = No gold. No gold = No items. No items = Behind = Harder to carry. In between looking for ganks, start from one side of the jungle, then work your way up to the other camps in order to spend less time walking and more time farming.
As a jungler, try to aim for 50 CS every 10 minutes, or 100 CS at 20 minutes. It is important to set CS goals like this, as it encourages you to reach that 50 CS mark and you'll know when you're behind on farm. Don't worry about 'outfarming' the enemy jungler, focus on your own game and get as much gold as you can so you can work towards your item powerspikes.

Kha'Zix is a clean up artist, which means you cannot simply just jump in and expect to kill everything at the start of the fight. Let your teammates deal their damage, and once the enemies get low, proceed to finish them off, getting the resets and winning the fight.
Make sure to keep an eye out for CC, as CC can completely shut you out of a fight. Even if you survive the CC, jumping in at low health is not ideal.
Remember that Kha'Zix is incredibly versatile in that he can choose when and where to fight. If you think a fight is unwinnable, don't be afraid to ditch your team and do something else, such as push a lane, or take a tower. Towers are the most important objective in a game.

So, did you learn anything?
To sum it up, Kha'Zix, The Voidreaver is an incredibly versatile and flexible champion in that he can adapt to any situation. He has very high damage, great mobility and utility, and can easily snowball a game into victory. You just have to play your cards right, that means position well in fights, clear the jungle efficiently, execute combos correctly, and most importantly adapt your playstyle according to the situation. Need peel and support? Evolve

Change is Good. - Kha'Zix
Thanks for reading my guide! If you learnt something about The VoidReaver, this guide's purpose has been fulfilled. All feedback is appreciated, so drop a comment if you have any questions or recommendations and i'll do my best to answer back!
If you'd like to learn more about Kha'Zix or see him in action, you may like to check out my youtube channel. It'll soon be containing Kha'Zix related content and is the perfect place to brush up on your Kha'Zix mechanics and jungling in general.
Connect with Tinjus and learn more about Kha'Zix:
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