League of Legends (LoL) Question: Triforce on Evelynn?
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Trinity Force

Triforce on Evelynn?
I've been playing Eve a lot more as my primary jungler, and I was wondering if
Trinity Force was a viable item to buy on her. I usually build tank for the first 3-4 items and all of the guides I've read say to pick up
Blade of the Ruined King last. Can someone explain whether or not Triforce is a worthwhile pick up instead (why or why not), and if so, under what circumstances it's better than BotRK?

The item itself is very, very expensive, which is something I don't like when playing jungle in general. The item on her synergizes very good, but you're better off building it when you're reasonably far ahead, as the item itself will take pretty long to build when in the jungle.
Spammable Q is obviously very good with her spellblade, and she benefit pretty good from the movement speed rage passive on top of her own build-in movement speed steroid, which is a great advantage against a skillshot-reliant team.
AD+AP are both stats that scale on her abilities, and the attack speed + crit chance both work well on top of her own 120% AS steroid. Is there any stats of trinity force wasted on her? Probably only the mana, which is not a very valuable stat anyway.
It definitely increases her damage by a huge amount with just this item, so I'd say yes but only if you can take the time for it to build this item.
When compared to BoTRK, you're going to miss out the slow active, which will reduce the effectiveness of your gank. Damage-wise, triforce is a lot better. I'd build triforce over BoTRK if you team can assist your gank pretty good already, think of champions like
But to answer your question, I would actually say no. Mana isn't an issue on her, she already has a very potent attack speed and movement speed steroid, and for junglers, its difficult to build to Tri Force.
Im not its not a good item to build on her, I'm just saying there are better items since she doesn't need some of it's stats.