Skill matchup. Rush plated and try don't not fight without ghost if you're not fed. Poke with Q in early when his Q on cd. You can by antiheal at some point but it's useless if you're really ahead or really behind.
Boring matchup, she poke you hard early so take second wind and doran's shield. You can't win fights if she have smoke up, run her down if she use it for no reason. She OS you lvl 6 for no reason care.
Take Doran's shield and second wind. Rush plated and pray for a jungle gank. If you get ahead you can run him down. Try to cancel tarzan with your E.
Care W poke. Easy snowball Camille is so bad rn
Wait in lane bush lvl 1 and run her down if she want to CS. Even if you get ahead she will kill you in 0/5 so roam.
Run him down he can't touch the wave. Don't stay in CS when he E and don't greed on if he's lvl 6.
Dr. Mundo
He will farm with Q and outscale you hard. Care his poke, stay in your wave. If he walk up to close and have no passive ghost him.
Skill matchup but advantage to Darius if you know playing against Fiora. She can W your ult so try to bait it before all in. She outscale you hard.
W and walk away when he E, grab when he Q and don't stay on lane when 50% hp or less. If you get ahead he's a caster minion, if he get ahead you'll have to be better at league.
Hard in high elo but i never played vs a good gnar so let's say this is even. Second win doran's shield, run him down when he don't have E and mega gnar is on cd.
Boring if he want to stay alive you will be 0/0/0 at the end of lane. Care R under is tower and ghost him if he walk too close. You can take second wind in this matchup.
If she get ahead she fucks you but you win hard early. Try to dodge E Q then ghost her.
Don't play, farm and roam
Even if you're 5/0 she still can 1v1 you. If she miss E run her down. Anti heal is good
Care lvl 2-3 she fucks you with 4 stacks. Dodge stun and run her down.
Even if jax is not grandmaster. Poke him with Q lvl 1, E when he E and you will win your lane. In all-in, try to not Q when he have jump up or grab Q him.
Cringe lane he have so much dmg and he is tanky af when in melee. Try to W him when he push you so you can ghost him and maybe kill him. Second wind and doran's shield.
A good ksante will never die early and out tank/damage you lvl 6 good luck.
You know why
Just a no interaction lane, try to get as many cs as possible. You can kill her lvl 6 if she misspose.
Don't let her hit a single cs and ghost her if she walk too close (care lvl1 you lose all in if she have lethal)
Second wind doran's shield.Rush mercury. If you have sums advantage you win, if not you're his dog.
Skill matchup, little advantage Kled. Never trade when his W is up and it will be fine.
So free. Take second wind and if he play comete doran's shield. Rush black cleaver and he will never tank you until 4 items. care ganks.
Free but if you don't get ahead he will be unkillable
He stat check you if you're not ahead. You lose in brazil if even. Try to poke with Q and kill him early if he take bad fights.
He can't touch cs, just freeze or slowpush if not possible. You can go boots of swiftness and deadman's plate second if hate beeing slowed. In high elo it's boring cuz he will go ap and just poke you.
You lose lvl 1, win 2-5 and it's skill matchup lvl 6-18.
Tank the universe and os you lvl 6, if you don't snowball early it's impossible to win a single fight.
Insane poke, insane burst and damage imunity with E, you can't win early if he have arms but you if get ahead it become really easy.
Not really played top but it's free if you don't get poked with Q
Unplayable, rush plated and pray for a gank. If you get ahead you will can kill her with ghost + flash
You lose short trades and win all in. If you cancel his E with your E ghost on kill, never stay on lane with less than 40% if he's 80% or more, he will dive you.
Good riven will fuck you no matter what you do, if she's not good it's so free.
Free in patch 14.6. If he get buffed one day it will be even.
He can't stay on lane he will just proxy so depush and roam.
E when he Q and it's a kill. He outscale you hard but you can snowball faster
Tahm Kench
Care lvl 1-2 he's strong. If you kill 1 time you kill 10 times.
Never W when blind or you lose, you can E Q him when blind then run him down. Just care to not get too poked early.
You can play lethal to win lvl 1-2. Rush plated. When he all in you with ult, just keep yours and ult him to reset stacks just before he go back so he die by bleeding.
Twisted Fate
Care early poke with RR, and it will be free
If you dodge and cancel his E you win, if not you lose
He outsustain your damages if he get ahead and can kill you early so just try to poke with Q and all in when he use important CD on wave
No counterplay tbh. You can heal more if you hit both him + clone with Q, but he have so much way to cancel your damages and healing it's cringe.
Xin Zhao
If he know what he's doing it's really hard.
You lose lvl 1 you win 2-5 and win post 6 of you dodge Q2 and R
Free if you don't int lvl 1-2
You can kill him early but you will lose all trades when he get 6. Dodge E and he can't kill you
He can poke you with W when you farm but you fuck him in all in.
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