auto her to proc her shield passive and then run away and then fight her while its on cooldown. try to silence and then ult her before her r so her shield doesnt block the execute. Also ok to trade with her after her true dmg kick is on cooldown
Perma Ban or dodge broken ahh champ. If you fight her pray she is bad. take ignite or get early GW. Silence her and use ur r to execute b4 she can heal or parry. When she R's hug a wall so she cant proc her last vital. walk in and out of lane to reset vital passive behind you for some cheese.
phase rush gnar is not fun. bait his flip jump or mega gnar and then beg jg to gank while its on cd. dodge his boomerang or q out of the slow
I hate this champ she can be inting and 1v5 with black cleaver, hullbreaker, and R. Beat her up while her R and e are on cooldown. Dodge tentacle = ez matchup. I just suck at dodging/ baiting that ability and its easy af to land so I have a tuff time
Outduels you late game. Take ignite or build early anti heal. Silence her w and then spin bc her w reduces a bunch of dmg. w her stun or use q movement to dodge it. Dont fight her in wave
Ranged matchups annoying always take flash ghost. Give up cs to let wave push early and freeze. Farm under or outside of tower. If jg ganks the lane is free bc shes so squishy. Make sure you buy control wards to clear vision so jg can gank. wait until ur jg is top side to place it over wall so she doesn't just kill it right away and zone you. Once you get strikebreaker you can flash ghost and all in her and stomp her so she doesn't even get a chance to scale into late game.
See the notes for vayne its similar matchup. Only difference is spam ping team and warn them once she hits 6 and whenever shes not in lane because she will roam and kill your teammates and if they dont pay attention they blame you and now she can dunk on you with the extra gold. While shes roaming try and push the wave with e to deny her cs and punish her for leaving bc garen has great wave clear.
dodge his r, w his fear, fight him while fear is on cd, take ignite or first back anti heal, execute him b4 he can heal. He falls off hard so ez pz
Same as warwick just make sure to dodge his axe or q out of its slow.
Dr. Mundo
A good Darrius wins but I think its pretty even. Short trades are key. save q for running away after he e's and slows you with w. phase rush will help you escape those short trades. If you cant escape his Q run to him so it doesnt stack his passive. If he uses any ability on the wave its a free trade for you especially if you can bait his e. Abuse garen passive sustain and show darius who the real Dunkmaster is.
perma band when playing adc garen
tell sup to ban this
jump and r makes you look silly trying to chase her
so kiteable
Take Bone Plate instead of second wind. Dont trade when he has empowered q. use your q or phase rush to move around his shield wall so u do dmg. ult him while his shield is on cooldown bc it can block your r. make sure you w his stun or empowered q
Boring ah lane. This matchup is basically a coinflip on who gets the better team. Try and shove wave and roam to kill mid or steal jg camps to increase your lead. Early b4 he can instaclear waves
Last hit his barrels and your chillin. Use q if you get hit to remove slow. Randuins omen is nice.
Kayle strong lvl 1 if she stack lethal tempo so dont get cheesed. pre 6 she is super easy to dive with jg help. my advice is to get 6 first and then freeze the wave and zone her off cs. All in her if she walks up. make sure u have vision of jg though in case of gank. call ur jg over to dive her if she isnt dead. once she has no sums its just free kills if jg ganks even under their turret. The goal is to set her very far behind but once she skayle its ovr 4 u
extreme movement makes it super easy to kite you and q/e poke will make it hard to use your passive. take ignite and pray jg helps
short trades are key use q to get in and phase rush to get out b4 his passive stacks up dmg. dodge his e to the side instead of trying to run out of it. closer you are to him the harder it is for him to land his q so spin next to him in and out of aa range. silence him before he can w and execute him. Ignite helps you win the 1v1 lvl 6.
Never build tank into Gwen. try not to trade when she has max stacks and dodge her scissor ability. Use q on her ult to give u movement. build anti heal
Udyr can be an annoying matchup. he can build a bunch of different things so just be mindful of what he goes and play accordingly. always w his stun or q away from his speed boost
Strong af champ and can kite you once skarl leaves. He can farm and bully adc/mid even from behind and still be impactful. dodge his q trap and be mindful of his courage bar to know if you can kill him b4 he gets skarl back.
don't fight in his R because it gives him free gw, ap, mr, and armor. Super weak early and if you can keep him from proxying you can beat him up.
U lose. fight him when e is down, no ult, or no passive stacks. if they have any other high attack speed champs then frozen heart is a good investment even though you don't use mana
beat him up early and he is kinda useless. q his slow and dont r to early bc he can r and save himself or just q and then r while hes silenced. anti heal is important and maybe build hull breaker if you are the only one that can cover his split.
your spin does almost no dmg to his minions and maiden. he can box you in and slow you to counter your mobility and gets q reset and crazy healing. use q as aa reset to get out of cage or clease his mist slow. fight him when he doesnt have mist or when hes outside of lane bc he wont have minions unless he r's
A good vlad is op. His e slow is nice bc it helps you spin on em while you carry ad he can carry ap dmg.
A good vlad is op. His e slow is nice bc it helps you spin on em while you carry ad he can carry ap dmg.
High Mobility/Tenacity
Easy to execute kit
Highly versatile
R execute is extremely powerful in team fights even when behind
Easily kiteable
simple kit makes it harder to "outplay" opponents in higher elo
Falls off late game
Garen Q is an extremely powerfull tool because it can clense slows and silence an enemy making it impossble for an enemy to escape or use ablilites for the duration of the silence. It can also be used to cancel abliities like TP, Sion q, Shen R,and Irelia W. In lane Q can be used to initiate short trades while the enemy cant use abilities and then escape before the opponent can use abiliites to deal dmg.You can also use it to escape or chase down opponents after they slow you. This attack is an aa reset.
We <3 Garen
Thank you for reading my guide if you made it this far. This is really just a brain dump for me to hold all my knowledge of Garen Gaming. I am trying my best to update it adding more info and trying new builds/playstyles. I hope you guys all have fun screaming demacia at the top of your lung in voice calls as you execute all your enemies. Feel free to leave any comments or questions you have about the guide. Good luck!!
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