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Akali Build Guide by janlon99

Middle Ultimate Season 14 Akali Guide [14.9]

Middle Ultimate Season 14 Akali Guide [14.9]

Updated on May 3, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author janlon99 Build Guide By janlon99 88 10 199,715 Views 7 Comments
88 10 199,715 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author janlon99 Akali Build Guide By janlon99 Updated on May 3, 2024
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Runes: Electrocute (If the enemies are squishy)

1 2 3
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Ultimate Season 14 Akali Guide [14.9]

By janlon99

Why you should play Akali

In my opinion Akali is the best champion in the game. You can 1v1 every other champ and ez carry a teamfight or the whole game for your team. Even if you loose your lane you can comeback with one single roam or teamfight where you get some kills which is very easy due to your execute ultimate. Also its hard to gank an Akali cause she can easily outplay the jungler with her Twilight Shroud, Shuriken Flip and Perfect Execution. In low elo its not even that rare that you kill the enemy jungler at a gank.

Maybe you will be overwhelmed at the beginning but if you invest some time in practice you will have so much fun with Akali due to her high outplay potential, many mechanics and high skillcap. If you have any questions feel free to comment in the discussion section. Good luck and have fun.

Summoner Spells

Since the Teleport-Nerfs in Season 12 I would recommend to just go Ignite & Flash every single game.


There are 2 rune pages which you should adept to the enemy team.


At the current state of the game I would recommend this rune page nearly every game. All champs are tankier now and fights will go longer. you need the DPS trough Conqueror if the enemy team has some Bruisers, Off-Tanks or Tanks.

Your keystone will be Conqueror. You can easily stack it with your abilities and passive attacks to get maximum DPS and healing. After the keystone you want to go Presence of Mind for extra energy which is very important in longer fights, Legend: Tenacity cause its the only one that makes sense and Coup de Grace for the execute damage.

There are some options in the second tree. I recommend Second Wind in 99% of games for extra sustain during the fights and in lane. Sometimes you can go Bone Plating if your lane opponent has no ranged spells and just wants to engage you like Sett, Renekton or Tryndamere. The second rune is either Unflinching if enemies have lots of cc or Overgrowth if they haven't, to get some extra health.


This rune page will make you an oneshot assassin. Since Season 12 Sustain-Changes, you should take it only if all enemies are squishy or your team already has options to take down tanky enemies.

You go Electrocute, Sudden Impact and Eyeball Collection to get maximum damage. Since Ravenous Hunter got nerfed pretty hard and now even removed from the game, the best option here is Ingenious Hunter. It synergizes very well with Hextech Rocketbelt and Banshee's Veil but the biggest advantage is, that your Zhonya's Hourglass cooldown will be much shorter so you will have it up every time you use Perfect Execution.

For the second tree its the same options like in the Conqueror-Build above.



Again there are two options depending on the enemy team.

Since Riftmaker got nerfed I would only build it if all enemies are tanky and you go for an Anti-Tank-Build with Demonic Embrace. In every other case you should go for Hextech Rocketbelt, its just the best Item for Akali.

I know some people build Night Harvester but i would only recommend it for beginners that are overwhelmed by many item actives and new abilities. Its just the worse alternative to Hextech Rocketbelt with less mobility and damage. Also you cant really use the Ability Haste cause Akali is an energy champion and your cooldowns are mainly controlled by energy.

Core Items

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League of Legends Build Guide Author janlon99
janlon99 Akali Guide
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Ultimate Season 14 Akali Guide [14.9]

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