Unlock Your Jungle Potential with Fiddlesticks: A Guide from the (former) #1 Fiddlesticks Player in the World

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Recommended Items
Runes: New players
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order The Full clear (Standard)
A Harmless Scarecrow (PASSIVE)
Fiddlesticks Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Nunu & Willump
A good nunu can run away with the game early. I usually drop my control ward in the pixel bush bot lane to avoid any lvl 2 shenanigans. You will need to ask your laners to ward his jg camps pre spawn too. If he gets ahead early its hard to come back.
Very good setup for Fiddle with his taunt - just be careful that you don't have too much AP on your team
Very good setup for Fiddle with his taunt - just be careful that you don't have too much AP on your team
Champion Build Guide
Red Side Clear (Live as of 7 June 2023)
!! Practice in practice tool before doing this.

To further develop a growth mindset, I recommend watching this video from a member of the community: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y1rXRQ4SCA. This video provides valuable insights that can help you win more games at any rank, from Challenger to Platinum.
Here are some key points to keep in mind as you work to improve your Fiddlesticks play:
1. play for survivability and high chance opportunities.
2. Before farming, take a moment to assess the state of the lanes. Look for opportunities to gank an enemy laner who is pushed up, or prepare for a counter gank if your own laner is pushed.
3. In champion select, consider your team's win condition and the gank potential of each lane. If you have a Leona and Tristana, for example, start on the top side of the map and clear towards the lane you want to focus on first.
4. Practice your clear to get consistently fast times, around 3 minutes 15 seconds or less. If you are struggling, use the practice tool and check out the clear section of this guide for video tutorials on both sides of the map.
5. Make sure to buy control wards and use them liberally for objective control.
6. Don't be afraid to attempt a level 3 gank if the opportunity arises. About 20% of the time, there will be a chance for a successful level 3 gank. Prioritize this over a full clear if you are confident you can get a kill (this will come with experience).
7. In high elo (Diamond 2 and above, but also good to be aware of at lower ranks), try to anticipate the path and intentions of the enemy jungler. For example, if they are playing Jarvan IV or Lee Sin, they are likely to attempt a level 3 gank. Communicate this information to your team to improve your awareness and attention to detail, and ultimately improve your overall performance.
If you want to take your climb to the next level today, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Discord: golden22x or join our fiddle community here https://discord.gg/uNa957vfpj

If you learn something from this guide please give it a thumbs up (Green button up the top no login required)! I will continue to provide updates every patch (it doesn't require a login)
In addition to his competitive potential, Fiddlesticks is also a lot of fun to play. As you learn how to pilot him, you will find it easier to carry games on your own. The thrill of landing a game-changing ultimate or scoring a quadra kill or pentakill is hard to beat. The low play rate of Fiddlesticks means that he is rarely picked or banned, making him a strong dark horse pick. If you follow the advice in this guide and practice with Fiddlesticks, you should have an easier time climbing the ranks.
If you would like personal coaching to improve your Fiddlesticks play, please don't hesitate to contact me on Discord at golden22x
Also doing a youtube series unranked to rank 1 fiddle here
I have achieved Challenger rank with Fiddlesticks in both the support and jungle roles in seasons 8/9 and reached Grandmaster in season 10/11. I was also invited to play support for an Academy team in OCE during season 8, but due to negative behavior, I was unable to participate for a 12-week period. Since then, I have made an effort to improve myself and take responsibility for my actions. I strive to be objective and identify areas for improvement rather than pointing out the faults of others.
This mindset is something that I am constantly working to improve, both in and out of the game. I believe that having a positive mentality is key to success, and I discuss this throughout the guide for those interested. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about me, please feel free to leave a comment on this guide, message me on Discord golden22x or visit my Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/gldn__/.
(In the short term, depending on demand)I would be happy to review a vod and provide some personalised feedback on a game that you think you did well in but couldn't carry.
This topic is more nuanced and will require more examples as each game is radically different with so many variables. I will be making a video on this topic in the near future to provide in field examples of decision making prioritisation.

Ward deep if you can safely - the illustration above shows all the spots. Don't be afraid to move vision line - as a fiddle you should have one control ward out on the map and 2 in inventory at all times. Shift them as you gain control of objectives or you need to check if a spot is warded before ulting.
Rocketbelt is risk adverse and opens up more play options than Liandries (which is good situationally against tank heavy team comps) and Night Harvester. For example, you need the stars to align for a good ulti or have flash up to reposition. With RB the enemy can be just out of range and you can easily close the distance netting kills that would otherwise not have been available to you. Its kind of a pseudo flash every 30ish secs. The higher rank you get, the smarter people are so the ms allows for ult results that you couldn't get on another item. Also the health is underrated.
The active took me a while to get used to - especially as Zhonyas and Predator are also core actives but over time you will get used to this.
Combo 2 | Fiddlesticks W + Flash (fearing)
Combo 3 | Fiddlesticks W + Flash (fearing) 2
League has so many variables. I have been coached and found so many good insights into what I was doing ineffectively and the minor enhancements that could be implemented. Don't be ashamed to get coaching - there are coaches out there who can help you for free and are a great start resource for improving. Instead of mindlessly grinding use your growth mindset and seek out objective feedback from those in higher skill brackets than you.
I am also happy to help with free advice and vod reviews (limited time based on demand) on my twitch channel Twitch.tv/gldn__
There was this video of a Master player in bot lane with a Diamond player and he was coaching him along the way. That video stood out to me because of how great this Master ADCs awareness was. He was actively pinging, actively commanding the Support he was laning with, explaning what he was doing for the audience, all while watching the map and communicating with his team. It was nuts. I had no idea Master players track so many things. Conversely, when I watch Platinum players, they can make some great moves AND I understand a lot more of what they're doing. Sometimes too much information obscures your view from the most important things.
Source: http://www.team-dignitas.org/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/2713/Communication-What-and-why-its-important/
Author: Jeff Prasad
The first thing I do when I get into champ select is copy all of my team mates names and paste into op.gg (https://youtu.be/-BJ08ryX1b0?t=160 - this is time stamped incase you haven't done this before - check out this video for how to)
If your team has more than 3AP champs (including you) or more than 2 Autofill's.. I would dodge. As a fiddle you need a good support so if your support is auto filled and you don't see any recent support games or a good win rate on a support on opgg I would also recommend dodging.
Dodging is cycled through a 24 hour windows so you can dodge once per day with limited penalty. Most importantly your mmr will stay in tact which is that variable that influences how much LP you gain and lose.
1st Dodge = 6 minutes & -3 LP
2nd Dodge = 30 minutes & -10 LP
3rd Dodge = 30 minutes & -10 LP
Look to prioritise games that have good comps to reduce your risk of a loss wherever possible.
This video here explains all the different spots and is still relevant.
Also ill be doing vod reviews for free on my twitch channel so come and learn with me if that interests you. Thanks for taking the time to read my guide and learn a bit about me. Hope you have an awesome season 13 and please let me know of your successes in the comments - I love to see them :)
IMPORTANT: If you want a more personalised experience to learn Fiddle or simply want to learn how to carry with him add me on discord golden22x today.
@SawyerNelson - https://www.twitch.tv/sawyernelson
@Teddysticks - https://www.twitch.tv/teddystick
@pieceOfSheet - https://www.twitch.tv/piece_of_sheet
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