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Recommended Items
Runes: Lazy Rune page you can run every game
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Bread & Butter
Mosstomper Smite
Threats & Synergies
Evelynn can be an extremely large problem. She power farms at a very fast speed & also has good power spikes. Quite often she can kill you in one rotation. Kaenic can prevent her from 1v9ing on you.
Champion Build Guide
Introduction & Why you might consider listening to me
Hello guys, my name is Myga - I am League of Legends coach with multiple years coaching experience. I primarily play carry junglers like Graves, Kindred, Kha'Zix & Ekko. Over many years playing at Masters/Grand Master Level (S7 onwards), and also 1000's of smurfing/boosting games I think I have developed an edge with these champions that I can share with you. In this guide I hope to give you the very basics that will help you begin on your Graves improvement journey!
If you want to take your improvement to the next level, come join my coaching community where you will be surrounded by other players who are also positive & tryharding to improve. You will be able to submit your clips & VOD Reviews where I will make you a custom VOD review video so that you know exactly what you need to do to improve! https://coachmyga.com/products/coachingprogram
If you want to take your improvement to the next level, come join my coaching community where you will be surrounded by other players who are also positive & tryharding to improve. You will be able to submit your clips & VOD Reviews where I will make you a custom VOD review video so that you know exactly what you need to do to improve! https://coachmyga.com/products/coachingprogram
Pro's & Con's
- Strong SoloQueue Jungler due to high mobility & pressure that can be created in the early game.
- Fits well into most team comps, very versatile champion & can be flex picked in multiple lanes.
- A high potential to carry every game with good itemization.
- Fun champion with a High Skill Ceiling.
- Good duelist & 1v1 character, wins a lot of duels & has a lot of potential to win unfavourable duels with good mechanics.
- A Jungler that has a good Early game & a good Late game as long as you path efficiently & play well.
- You can't offer your team much CC (Only W, and midgame you can buy Seraldya's).
- You are weak versus high peel comps (Can be good versus enchanters with Serpants Fang).
- Long ranged comps can be very punishing in mid & late game.
- Has a blockable Auto Attack. Tanks can body block your Auto's & this can be a problem in some plays. You also can't Auto through Towers & creeps.
- A unique playstyle that takes some time to get used too.
- Strong SoloQueue Jungler due to high mobility & pressure that can be created in the early game.
- Fits well into most team comps, very versatile champion & can be flex picked in multiple lanes.
- A high potential to carry every game with good itemization.
- Fun champion with a High Skill Ceiling.
- Good duelist & 1v1 character, wins a lot of duels & has a lot of potential to win unfavourable duels with good mechanics.
- A Jungler that has a good Early game & a good Late game as long as you path efficiently & play well.
- You can't offer your team much CC (Only W, and midgame you can buy Seraldya's).
- You are weak versus high peel comps (Can be good versus enchanters with Serpants Fang).
- Long ranged comps can be very punishing in mid & late game.
- Has a blockable Auto Attack. Tanks can body block your Auto's & this can be a problem in some plays. You also can't Auto through Towers & creeps.
- A unique playstyle that takes some time to get used too.
My Socials!
If you want access to even more content that will help you improve at Graves & jungling as a whole you can follow me on other socials where I post exclusive content!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/coachmyga
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MygaJG
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPDmOW9cOi4qcQlpfPPSECA
Coaching: https://coachmyga.com
Thank you all for the support & I look forward to helping and coaching many new players learn League of Legends
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/coachmyga
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MygaJG
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPDmOW9cOi4qcQlpfPPSECA
Coaching: https://coachmyga.com
Thank you all for the support & I look forward to helping and coaching many new players learn League of Legends
Playstyles/Game Plans
Early Game
You want to try and Jungle as efficiently as possible in terms of (Gold & XP) whilst also trying to utilize your early game & mobility to priority to create pressure. You win a lot of early game Jungle match ups and have the ability to outplay some of the harder ones.
Mid Game
In the Mid game you will hopefully be able to leverage the Gold & XP leads you were able to generate in the Early game. You'll start to look for more opportunities to force skirmishes or gank lanes in the mid game if you are ahead. If you are behind, you want to do your best to stall out the game and generate as much XP & Gold per minute as possible.
Late Game
In the late game you want to play based on your build. If you are playing the Lethality build you can look to make picks & one shot players. You can also try and approach team fights from Behind (Flanking), or from the side of a Skirmish.
In the late game if you're playing the bruiser builsd. You can play front to back or approach via the side on a fight. You want to make sure you have started stacking up your Grit stacks before heading in.
These are very specific. You need to assess every game & each team comp to figure out what the actual best play is. If you struggle doing this, you can watch other high elo players, look into coaching or watch your VODs to see what you did wrong. You can then correct that in the future.
I have a coaching program that teaches you exactly what you need to do differently in your games to start carrying! https://coachmyga.com/products/coachingprogram
You want to try and Jungle as efficiently as possible in terms of (Gold & XP) whilst also trying to utilize your early game & mobility to priority to create pressure. You win a lot of early game Jungle match ups and have the ability to outplay some of the harder ones.
Mid Game
In the Mid game you will hopefully be able to leverage the Gold & XP leads you were able to generate in the Early game. You'll start to look for more opportunities to force skirmishes or gank lanes in the mid game if you are ahead. If you are behind, you want to do your best to stall out the game and generate as much XP & Gold per minute as possible.
Late Game
In the late game you want to play based on your build. If you are playing the Lethality build you can look to make picks & one shot players. You can also try and approach team fights from Behind (Flanking), or from the side of a Skirmish.
In the late game if you're playing the bruiser builsd. You can play front to back or approach via the side on a fight. You want to make sure you have started stacking up your Grit stacks before heading in.
These are very specific. You need to assess every game & each team comp to figure out what the actual best play is. If you struggle doing this, you can watch other high elo players, look into coaching or watch your VODs to see what you did wrong. You can then correct that in the future.
I have a coaching program that teaches you exactly what you need to do differently in your games to start carrying! https://coachmyga.com/products/coachingprogram
Graves Skins Tierlist

Be aware you DO NOT need to purchase skins with Riot Games & This will not greatly improve your skills on Graves.
If you do use the S tier skins, these will make it harder to play in the future with the skins that are not as good. You will sometimes fail clean E movements.
Also if you are wanting to make a smurf account & have the best skin, you can buy the bundle deal "Jungle Starter Pack". This can be found in the League of Legends Client Store > Champions Tab > Bundles Tab.
This will give you extremely good value, for 650 RP you will get Graves, Crime City Graves, Vi, Neon Strike Vi, Lee Sin, Pool Party Lee Sin & a 14 day XP boost.
If you are hand leveling your smurf, you can do that faster with a 14 day XP boost & also purchasing a standalone XP boost for Wins.
If you want to skip the time & pain of handlevelling you can also buy accounts that even come with the skins you want! I recommend purchasing accounts here as they offer the highest quality botted & handlevelled accounts. I personally buy all of my handlevelled accounts Here! as I can trust they are highquality, not botted & I get the recovery information needed if I ever run into trouble or want to resell the account!
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