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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Vayne or Draven?


  • dkcode

    Vayne or Draven?

    pretty self explanatory :D
  • Answers (5)

    helmasia | January 20, 2018 1:01am
    Each one has strenght and weakness, in my opinion, draven has more weakness, if he miss an axe, his damage will be lower, and his placement to catch one axe landing is predicable for grab/push/stunt/else, but i agree with Biperspectival, depend how good you are with.
    E.r.o.t.i.c.a | January 19, 2018 6:28am
    Both are strong in their own ways, so it's really up to you to chose. Both have high burst damage, but Vayne is easier to play then Draven.
    Sikidd | January 16, 2018 12:10pm
    right now vayne is really strong with the relic shield start. Draven isn't very strong and hes pretty hard to play
    Biperspectival (6) | January 15, 2018 4:30pm
    The question is: how good are you? Both are technically difficult, but if you don't do well early with Draven, you aren't worth much all game. A good Draven will carry hard; a bad one will be bad all game. A good Vayne will eventually carry hard, and a bad one will be mediocre eventually.
    orrvaa (41) | January 15, 2018 8:36am
    vayne will get nerf soon i recommend draven just base on that XD
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