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Recommended Items
Runes: Default Build
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Default
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Veigar is weak against every engage support, however this guy can cc without a skillshot, stay at distance.
In low elo you don't always find acceptable Thresh players, but he has a really good kit.
In low elo you don't always find acceptable Thresh players, but he has a really good kit.
Champion Build Guide
Hi, I'm Nym Nonomura author of the homonymous book series named Master Nonomura. At the time of writing Mind Games Win Games (How Jedi mind games helps you win games), How to loose LP like a pro (Keep your smurf low and not get banned) and Get me Out! Support Edition are the only ones available in english on any Amazon store.
I wrote this guide to help out Mid Lane players that have to fill bottom lane. I think that
Veigar is a very safe option in the bottom lane at the moment, provided that you are patient and farm passive. I started playing League of Legends on season 3 wow! I'm a boomer now I guess, initially I was achieving very poor results (gold and below) until I learned some basics concepts beyond game mechanic. After a brief period, I grasped fundamental ideas and my ranking promptly advanced.
I wrote this guide to help out Mid Lane players that have to fill bottom lane. I think that

Please take this whole guide with a grain of salt,
Veigar in Bot Lane is not for everyone but he is definitely a legit pick. He is still a mage and brittle, high burst or fed ADC can melt your face in seconds. Don't seek to fight with Mid Laners, you generally want to just farm and grow.


Veigar in Bot Lane is a thing once you reach Emerald+ not all people likes him, and you will eventually see people dodging when you pick him. Be prepared to that evenience, and never justify your choice, will just sound like an excuse and increase doubt in your peers.

Your first concern with
Veigar is to stack his passive. This means not jut take CS like a normal ADC, but possibly kill them using your Q, pocke champions if you can but focus on the minions. Damage them with AA and then use Q to hit 2 minions with a single spell, this will help you save mana and farm faster. The more you get and the faster you will get the next stacks. Early game requisite before you go all-in if ever:

- Have 100+
Phenomenal Evil Power stacks
- Have
Hextech Rocketbelt
- Have
Sorcerer's Shoes
Utility over power, or if you prefer: "Utility Overpower" as you will beat your enemies with a synergy of items/runes rather than raw power as in the Newsbie Veigar ruens/items option. This is the best and most efficient way to play
Veigar Bot Lane, stay alive and eventually reach similar power level, you will however have enough power to beat anyone.
This is a gap closer and poking device for
Veigar you will see how this build relies on the gap-closing requirement for
Veigar to strike his enemies and secure kills. This is why we take
Ghost and later the
Rylai's Crystal Scepter as part of our core build.
Nothing special here, it is the ordinary mage boots option, you can also pick a different boot and experiment, however in general this is the only and most ideal option for
Veigar since we are using him as ADC and due to his kit and build.
This item works in tandem with
Ghost and
Hextech Rocketbelt to catch escaping enemies who deserve a
Primordial Burst on her back. This is an hybrid mage-tank item perfect for
Veigar to stay alive longer. I pick this item in every game, you have stronger alternatives in terms of power but the lose the synergy of the build.
Save for early ff or very short games, I get these three items in every game. I also buy those in this precise order. To note the
Hextech Rocketbelt has a really short colldown, so you can use it to just poke the enemeis or also to escape. Don't hold this guy back for later, if you have a chance just use it. If you think you will need it later for an all-in or contest an objective then save it

Save for early ff or very short games, I get these three items in every game. I also buy those in this precise order. To note the

Veigar is well known, but I want to linger on a very specific combo and mechanic. I often see people casting
Event Horizon the wrong way. What you want to do, is to cast it so that the border hits the enemy, I know it comes natural to "trap" the enmy inside and make him feel prisoner, but this allow him to just flash out. Instead, if you can it corectly and hit the enemy with the cage border, he will have no chance to escape. It takes time to learn and you can disable the auto-cast to learn the distance and size of your cage respect the cursor. Once you have it in the sack, then this is the ideal combo to 100-0 pretty much anyone (except very beefy guys) this is my personal routine to kill people in the Bot Lane:
Event Horizon is risky because they can escape it, due to skill animation. However consider that trapping them inside the cage, they can 100% escape it if they have
Flash on. So while landing it aiming at a border hit on spawn allow them to walk away, the other option gives them a one-click no-skill escape out of it. In other situations, you will just land your cage to hit multiple enemies or entrap them. You can also use the cage on an incoming Jungler while you finish off the enemy ADC, or again cc the support so he cannot help his partner.

- Cast
Dark Matter where is the enemy standing.
- Immediately cast
Event Horizon to hit him with the border
- Cast
Hextech Rocketbelt +
Baleful Strike to dash and damage
- Eventually finish him with
Primordial Burst if not dead already

I bet many of you are curious and are awaiting for a dissertation about the Default Rune Page in this build. I will avoid the Newbie Veigar runepage, since it is more a Mid Lane setup. Here are the main runes of this build:
This is really a golden goose, it gives extra gold and extra damage, all conveniently packed in a single rune. More gold means faster items, this helps you finish your Core earlier.
Save 300 gold on boots, by the time you will receive the free pair, you will be able to afford the
Sorcerer's Shoes after bulding the
Hextech Rocketbelt this gold sums up to the extra gold philosopy of the
First Strike rune.
Simply put this is a mana-management rune, in the build you start with a
Tear of the Goddess but you also want to replenish your mana to stay in lane for longer and deal with prolonged team fights.
Straight sinergy with the
Primordial Burst to work as a steroid, these two helps you crush enemies with low health. The rune works on all your spells, so you can surprise the enmy with unexpected higher damage.
I prefer this over the +65 static health, if you are unsure you can pick the other one, it depends if you prefer the egg today or the chicken tomorrow I guess. This is part of the survivability group, and so far it is the best in slot.
Biscuit Delivery and
Cosmic Insight are pretty straight runes and I guess there is no need to further explanation why we have those runes and not the others, however if you need clarification leave a comment.


At this point you should have all your Core Items +
Rabadon's Deathcap and you should be able to just stop anyone. Play smart using all your kit, including the intelligent use of your
Hextech Rocketbelt and
Ghost summoner. Most of the games should be over with 4 items, if the game prolongs watch out for a fall-off depending on enemy team composition, some might scale more than you at 30+ minute mark.
At any point during the game, make sure to help your Jungler securing Dragon if you are in a position to do so, do not expect the Support to stay with you every second, play safe and handle the lane solo if the Support needs to roam (hi
Bard!) or help the Mid Lane or the Jungler in a further spot respect the dragon.
Experiment in nromal games first, people will learn to respect
Veigar in Bot Lane only when they see results, going 4/0 in the first minutes is a good way to shut them up. To do so work on your Early Game pattern as shown above. Take it as a starting point, as you grow in experience you can experiment with different requisites.
Never forget that you are brittle, your survivability relies mainly on correct positioning during team fights and
Ghost as last resort. Take your time to move accordingly, dont spam skills just cause you can, sometimes if better to fall back or reposition before striking. This also applies during 2v2 fights in Bot Lane, sometimes you just want to leave the Support behind, while most of the times you will do your best to defend him and retaliate enemies hitting him.

At any point during the game, make sure to help your Jungler securing Dragon if you are in a position to do so, do not expect the Support to stay with you every second, play safe and handle the lane solo if the Support needs to roam (hi

Experiment in nromal games first, people will learn to respect

Never forget that you are brittle, your survivability relies mainly on correct positioning during team fights and

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