Veigar starting items
Asked by Lighttora on August 22, 2015
Would starting with a flask on Veigar be better than a ring? With the flask I would have more sustain, more mana, and the slight loss in ap could easily be made up with some stacking of my q.
Think of it this way. Will Flask sustain get you 15 more lasthits with your Q? Probably not. Doran's ring is much more efficient UNLESS you get forced out of lane due to lower health sustain (losing XP and gold). Then Flask is more worthwhile.
If you take TP (some Veigar players do) then you can use TP to "sustain" in lane early so go Ring all the time.
If you may suffer from a harrass lane or are matched up with very mobile laners like Zed, Crystalline Flask or Boots of Speed with 3 Mana Potions and 2 Health Potions are always ok.
You could also go for the risky Tear of the Goddess rush by taking a Mana Crystal and 2 Health Potions however you should only do this if you have Teleport and if you do plan to go for Tear of the Goddess First, you are hurting Veigar's Early game and compensating for his late game with the Tear Stacks.