League of Legends (LoL) Question: VERY basic question about runes from a noobie
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VERY basic question about runes from a noobie
Hey guys, im new here so go easy on me :)
So i started playing LOL a week and half ago after having watched my bros play for 2 years, but the thing is i've been setting up my builds and spells and masteries nicely from builds on here (you go guys!) but as for my runes, my brother says that to wait till i get to level 20 so the higher tier runes are unlocked and not to waste IP on them.
But the downside is i play ADC and im pretty much getting owned constantly either because i plain suck or maybe cause of the runes, can anyone tell me if runes factor much into your game at earlier levels like 1-15 and whether i should spend the IP on them, or just wait it out and take the beating like a man, thanks and keep up the great work friends.......
So i started playing LOL a week and half ago after having watched my bros play for 2 years, but the thing is i've been setting up my builds and spells and masteries nicely from builds on here (you go guys!) but as for my runes, my brother says that to wait till i get to level 20 so the higher tier runes are unlocked and not to waste IP on them.
But the downside is i play ADC and im pretty much getting owned constantly either because i plain suck or maybe cause of the runes, can anyone tell me if runes factor much into your game at earlier levels like 1-15 and whether i should spend the IP on them, or just wait it out and take the beating like a man, thanks and keep up the great work friends.......
Since level 3 runes pack more punch and you won't end up replacing them (as you would with tier2) I recommend just waiting it out.
Hope this helped :)
If you want some runes that are always useful btw, Id start with
Everything else should be playable
Your brother is right Tier 3 runes are the only ones worth buying, so be patiant till lvl 20.
But runes are really not a gamechanger, they give you more power in the beginning of the game (more ad, more ap, more armor).
If you run don't play smart no runes can help you out mate ;).