A good Zed makes you regret your existence. You NEED to stomp him before he gets 6, else he will oneshot you and your team. Get zhonyas, spam ping if he roams.
He oneshots you, he dodges your fear, he dodges your damage, he dodges real life. Build zhonyas, spam ping if he roams, start praying once he gets 6. Or use your ultimate move and permaban him.
Keep distance against her so she cant W you ever. Punish her roams with your fast waveclear. Everfrost got removed so she dies at all stages of the game :)
Keep in mind she can Flash+E you, though.
Passive goes brrrr. You can always stomp her in lane, and your W hard counters any engage. Unless you waste your fear and let her perform her stupid combos on you, you win.
He can poke you a lot if youre not careful enough with your distance. HIDE BEHIND TOWERS (or teammates) TO COUNTER HIS R.
He doesnt survive when you get 6.
You cant solo kill her with her passive early on without your junglers help. Farm more than she does, dont get stunned, dont let her setup epic cc chain on your team, and you easily destroy her later.
You are scared of her lvl 6 Flash+R. Whether you want it or not. Also make sure u keep distance pre-6 since shes got insane auto range.
Hes gonna outscale whether u want it or not. Your team WILL walk into his cage and give him kills ALL THE TIME. Stomp in lane, finish the game early. His comeback potential can be scary.
DONT R if his E is on the way, its gonna stun you. Otherwise you easily kill him at all stages of the game.
Also if u ever get stunned by his E, you die. Live with it.
Better gloomie wins. Are people really still playing blind pick?
Skill matchup. Hide being minions so she cant bubble you easily. Keep in mind she can increase her E bubble range using walls. If she uses R near you, always E+Fear her portal starting point.
Shes a squishy mage overall, so you easily kill her.
You need to mess up a lot to lose against her in lane. Your W hard counters her engage and cancels her R. Literally all her kit procs your passive. You lose only if you let her roam a lot and she gets fed off your teammates, then she will make your life miserable. SPAM PING WHEN SHE ROAMS OR FOLLOW. Dont let her play the game.
Dashy blinky jumpy champ, Vex loves those. Your W hard counters her, obviously. But keep in mind her chase potential, even if you fear her once you NEED to create enough distance so she cant follow. At any other time you destroy her.
Lethal got deleted lmao the champion doesn't exist, he can't even win long trades against you XD
Most Yone players will always Q3 you, so be prepared to dodge that. Keep passive fear for when he tries to engage at you. Just passive fear all his attempts to play the game.
Lethal got deleted lmao the champion doesn't exist, he can't even win long trades against you XD
Proc wind shield - fear his engage - oneshot him with your combo. Profit.
Make sure to thank him if he makes your life easier by dashing through creeps. Dont be dumb enough to R when hes got windwall up.
W fear her jump engage and win. Shes squishy as hell so your W-Q can be enough to kill her later on. But if you get stunned or not careful enough with using your passive, she can boom boom you pretty fast.
Aurelion Sol
Dont let this Deluxe Edition Veigar scale. Any CC cancels his whole kit, so you can easily beat him anytime. If he dares dealing any meaningful damage in this game, buy some magic resists and proceed beating all the stars out of him.
Your W counters her engage. Dont get hit too much by her Q, dont waste passive. If you are smart, she wont even have a chance to ult near you. Otherwise, she can carry with it.
ADC mid meta works until you learn how to deal with it. She will 100% build lethality and bully your entire team with range advantage and scary damage numbers.
If you can catch the timing when she uses her auto or an ability, you can fear her without consequences and win. Otherwise, farm from distance and call your jungler. Its not too hard to lose to her.
You will probably never see a good Azir unless theyre Faker. DONT STAND NEAR HIS SOLDIERS.
Keep in mind he can R you towards enemy tower if you are close enough.
You counter his engage and basically his existence.
Dodge his stuff, land your stuff. Its as simple as that. Your combo kills faster than his. Hes slow and squishy as well.
You wont see him often in mid lane, though.
Hes got all the potential to make your life miserable. He WILL spam towers and poke you every time he has a chance. Your best bet is to let him push and call for your junglers help, hes squishy and dies in an instant. Else play safe and prep for a lvl 6 all-in with ignite.
Game becomes a lot easier once laning phase ends though, you oneshot him easy.
A Gloomie wannabe. He can cancel your ult with E-Q, and deal some good damage. He has shorter CDs so make sure you dont waste abilities and let him poke you for free.
Life gets easier once you are 6, after all its just another squishy mage.
Egirl powers cannot overcome our gloom n doom. She has 0 kill pressure unless you eat every single ability she throws at you. Dies instantly when you R.
I doubt anyone unironically plays him mid and not jungle. Whenever he is, he cant do anything against your combos.
Buy zhonyas if his R ever seems like a threat.
Happy-Lucky-Shiny Lux can be a threat if you are bad at dodging. Her ult has about 30s CD, which means she can ult twice as often as u can.
Stand behind at least 2 minions so she cant Q stun you.
Outranges you, you prob wont kill him in lane without your jungler. Dies when you R.
If he hits E, he can deal a lot of damage or even kill you with his R. (passive fear cancels it, keep that in mind)
Run mercs and/or banshees if you are struggling.
A good Xerath is a cancer matchup. He outranges you, but you can try to trade and bully him out of lane pre-6. You NEED to rush boots early and dodge as much as you can. Make the lane your dance floor.
Life becomes easier after laning phase. He dies when you R.
Take barrier if you feel scared, rush zhonyas/mercs/banshees if youre struggling a lot.
ALWAYS keep in mind she can turn into a minion. There should NOT be 4 mage or melee minions, or 2 cannons in a wave.
Theres no limit for now many units she can stun with E, but she needs to get pretty close to you to land it, which you should take advantage of. Her Q will deal damage 2-3 more times as it hits something, dont stand in it.
Keep in mind she can Flash-R or Rocketbelt-R.
Shes a tricky champion, but its doable. Falls off late game and useless when behind. Dies when you R.
Skill matchup. A good Irelia wont ever use Q on minions and will wait until you waste your fear. You will die if you wont use passive properly.
Watch out for her trying to hide E1 in minions. Dont get stunned.
Make sure to make his life miserable early on. He is not a champion pre-6.
Use W when he engages on you. His R blinks proc your passive. If he somehow still ends up dealing damage, get banshees.
Dodge his Q slow and W his engage.
He cannot do anything against you in lane. Follow his roams or spam ping.
Theres no way you die in a 1v1.
Good Cassiopeia is nightmare. Its dodge Q or die. Try to get prio lvl 1-2. If you succeed, play like normal.
If not - play safe, farm from distance and pray. Get banshees and zhonyas.
You will almost never see him midlane, but if you do, it's a free matchup. Your W hard counters his engage, your E-Q hard counters his hp bar.
Though keep in mind, if he gets fed as jungle he can oneshot you easily. Get zhonyas to counter his ult if it happens.
He has no kill pressure pre-6. Make sure to proc his spellshield before you use fear combos. His R can setup ganks and kill you in teamfights.
Dies when you R.
Lulu mid players exist, but you don't care about it. She is either AD with fleet/pta or AP with dh/elec.
She will try to poke you a lot through E minion-Q and autos. Dies when you breathe.
Can't do much against you, unless you decide to tank her burst. Can become a problem in teamfights with her ult, but in all other cases you destroy her.
Outranges you and WILL bully you out of lane most of the times. Get boots early so you can dodge her balls. HER R BURST WILL ONESHOT YOU IF YOU'RE 50% HP OR LOWER.
After laning phase she just dies to your R.
Your W counters his existence. Dodge E stun. Make sure to not waste spells when he is able to R rollback.
Once again, your W counters his entire existence. But you need to be a bit more careful in this matchup, this guy still does damage if you waste fear or let yourself get poked a lot.
Bully him lvls 1-3, but don't get stunned by him or you will get more damage than you've dealt. Have ignite up when fighting him. Get morellos and banshees if he's fed.
Mid Morgana wants to poke you with W and setup ganks with Q and R stuns. She cannot kill you in a 1v1.
Make sure to ward bushes and hide behind minions. She dies when you R.
Keep distance, don't let him poke you with Q, get oracle lens once he's 6. He dies when you R.
Avoid orange W - Q poke, beware blue W - Q stun, as its a good setup for ganks. Don't stay near walls if she has R. W her engage. An average Qiyana will lose the lane herself. SPAM PING IF SHE ROAMS
He will dodge your fear and heal all the damage. GET OBLIVION ORB EARLY
You can't really kill him in lane. Look for roams. If he's starting to get fed, rush banshees. His damage is no joke.
He can't get close enough to you to poke. Watch out for his passive+R CC chain on ganks. If you see him charging at you, use Q fear. If you're lucky, you can W fear his Flash+R.
Make sure he doesnt get fed.
Win early game, lose late game. This guy eventually becomes too tanky to oneshot him with R combo. If you get marked in lane, consider falling back so he doesnt't get to poke you for free. BUILD MAGIC PEN AND BANSHEES UNLESS YOURE 10/0
Caitlyn mid wannabe, but with less range and less kill pressure on you.
Vex destroys ADCs mid.
Don't let her kite you, kill with R. (Make sure she can't R dodge your ult/Fear her before casting it)
Caitlyn mid wannabe, but with some range and annoying Q. Dont let her W poke you, hide behind minions, show her your glommy power lvl 6.
His poke is easy to dodge, and hes easy to kill at all stages of the game. Corki does NOT live against you. You can bully him out of lane anytime.
She loses lane if she tries to W engage you, but a smart LB wont do that. If shes playing safe, your goal is to not let her farm.
Punish her for using E, don't waste fear if she has E up. She can deny your R combo with her R. She can R you and deny your teamfights impact.
Get banshees if she becomes a real threat.
You wont see her often in mid lane, but if you do, shes not much of a threat. Dont waste fear or she will look for a trade combo. Dont get hit by her W EVER.
She will look for roams when you're 6, follow her.
Kayle is not a champion pre-6 (and a punching bag pre-11) so if you ever see her midlane, make sure to never let her farm and punish her for every single creep shes taken. If she manages to scale through you, she becomes a problem.
Twisted Fate
Much like Azir, you prob will never see good TF players. He could be either AD (dont let him kite you for free) or AP (dodge his cards at all costs, especially gold one as it stuns you)
His ultimate is a threat only if he uses it properly.
He is tanky enough to not care about the damage you deal to him. You won't kill him in lane 1v1 early. Focus on farming, SPAM PING HIS R WHEN HES 6. The first thing he is gonna do lvl 6 is definitely ulting your team. Follow his ult roams.
Poke lane. Only a threat if you can't dodge. Keep in mind she can only cast her E root in a straight line through her plants. You can step on her plants to destroy them, but make sure shes not around or doesnt have E first. Its rare to see her mid as well.
If he somehow ends up mid, its a free lane. His poke is easy to dodge and it deals way less damage than yours. If he wastes ult on himself and not the team all the time, its over for him.
Swain can be annoying. He becomes tanky so you won't kill him 1v1 late game. Get morellos ASAP so he can't heal. Don't stand in his W eye, dodge E root. When he's 6, save fear for when he decides to R.
Difficult matchup. He simply outtrades you early and you can't do anything about it. He will buy zhonyas and ignore your ult. Focus on farming and build zhonyas/banshees. A good Viktor player is your worst counterpick. Good thing there are not many around, huh?
Hide behind minions so he can't ever poke you. Don't stay on low hp if he has R.
He dies when you R. Punish his positioning mistakes.
Rare to be seen mid. Anti-heal counters her entire identity. Don't trade early, she will outheal your damage. She can't play the game anymore when you get antiheal.
Caitlyn mid wannabe, but this one got a spellshield and some poke, still no kill potential. Vex eats mid ADCs for breakfast.
Caitlyn mid wannabe, but he can unironically destroy you in lane if you arent careful enough. Hide behind minions to counter his annoying poke. Keep in mind his blink procs your passive. He doesn't live when you R. (Make sure he can't blink dodge it, though)
Caitlyn mid wannabe, but a useless one. There's literally nothing he can do against you in lane. He dies when you R. He deals less damage than you do early. Keep in mind his passive though, its his only real chance to ever kill you if you're low ;)
Her poke hurts, she can setup ganks with her W, but eventually you outdamage her. Make sure she doesn't hit you with R+Q too often, and you win.
I've seen him mid a couple of times. Sion players are something else. He doesn't care about the damage you deal. He doesn't care about trading. He doesn't care about fighting. All the wants is to splitpush all game no matter how much behind he is. He will marry hullbreaker ASAP and destroy all your towers in less than 20 seconds if you ignore him.
But all of this also means his team is gonna be playing 4v5, so its easier to take objectives. You NEED to finish the game early and always watch the map so he doesn't finish the game solo.
Shields, heals, meows. If a Yuumi chooses you, you won't die. (Unless they're afk)
Makes you go wroom-wroom. Can shield you, and R you to save you from engages. Also buffs if she gets flowing water.
Heals. A lot. Vex doesn't mind that.
His R and your passive fear make an epic CC chain.
Vex loves everyone who can stun setup her fear combos.
Stuns everyone and makes you immortal for 2.5 seconds. Vex loves stun setups for R.
Tahm Kench
Good frontline, CC and his R can save you.
If he can land his Q, you can use W fear and kill almost anyone.
She can stun and shield, but shes also gonna steal your kills. Mages don't really synergize with each other.
Cute frontline, stuns, can gank you early as jgl and setup easy fear combos with wall E.
You MUST spam ctrl-1 at this champion. Unspoken rules.
He's got stuns too.
Shields, heals, meows. If a Yuumi chooses you, you won't die. (Unless they're afk)
Makes you go wroom-wroom. Can shield you, and R you to save you from engages. Also buffs if she gets flowing water.
Heals. A lot. Vex doesn't mind that.
His R and your passive fear make an epic CC chain.
Vex loves everyone who can stun setup her fear combos.
Stuns everyone and makes you immortal for 2.5 seconds. Vex loves stun setups for R.
Tahm Kench
Good frontline, CC and his R can save you.
If he can land his Q, you can use W fear and kill almost anyone.
She can stun and shield, but shes also gonna steal your kills. Mages don't really synergize with each other.
Cute frontline, stuns, can gank you early as jgl and setup easy fear combos with wall E.
You MUST spam ctrl-1 at this champion. Unspoken rules.
He's got stuns too.
Heya! I'm no challenger, but an average league player like you. But i have plenty of experience with Vex and midlane in general, and I'd love to share it with you.
Vex is a fun and easy-to-learn champion.
You may find attractive her design, the ability to show hyper mobile assassins their proper place, or just lore, and in all cases it would be a good decision to start playing her.
Once you actually get good at her, you will barely have any losing matchups. Remember that failures are a part of learning! It will always be worth to play Vex. (Unless rito nerfs her every single button :P)
Pros and Cons
+High burst damage
+Fast n safe waveclear
+Insane snowball and carry potential
+Anti-dash champion
Vex is your best choice if you are constantly being destroyed by dashy-flashy champs like Katarina, Akali, etc. She has insane burst damage and carry potential. High mobility and/or just squishy champs DO NOT LIVE AGAINST YOU.
-High mana costs early on
-Squishy mage
-No mobility without ultimate
-Can get outscaled
-Skillshot reliant
Vex is still a squishy mage that can be killed in a few seconds by certain champions. If you waste Doom 'n Gloom, you're dead. Vex perfomance is fully reliant on hitting skillshots, Shadow Surge specifically. Vex can be countered by scaling champs such as Veigar, Kayle, Aurelion Sol, as eventually they deal more damage than you or you can't even approach them without dying (Yes, Kayle, i am talking about you.)
Summoner spells
Both offense and defense spell. I mean, there sure is a reason why everyone takes it?
Aggressive choice. Helps you get early kills and reduce healing so they have 0 chance of living against you.
Safety and consistency. Take TP when you're learning or cannot kill your lane opponent (Whether it's hard matchup or tanky champ). TP also provides you the ability to quicky join fights and follow your opponents roams.
Helps you against scary assasins that can potentially oneshot you. Exhaust them when they engage and ignore all their 2k damage combo they worked so hard on ;)
An alternative choice against assasins. Highly recommended against individuals like Zed, Fizz, which you can't exhaust because of their invisibility/invincibility abilities.
Vex is a pretty straight-forward champion that doesnt have a complicated kit. However, there are still a few tricks you can learn.
General Tips
Here's a short list of general things you must remember at all times.
Don't mindlessly use Doom 'n Gloom, if there's a chance your lane opponent engages on you, or you get ganked.
If you can't see enemy botlane/jungle on the map for a while, respect this and don't engage.
If you can't see your lane opponent for a while, find out where they are and/or ping them missing.
My personal favorite! This combo catches ~90% players off-guard. You can use it to flash over walls and surprise your enemies, or to finish a low-hp enemy in lane. Make sure u have Doom 'n Gloom up!
This is your main early game trading combo with Electrocute against melee matchups and the main reason to level up Looming Darkness first. You can use it lvl 1 when your opponent is trying to cs their first minions, it procs Electrocute and deals significant damage. Most players expect you to upgrade Mistral Bolt first.
This is actually really important. The issue is, your Shadow Surge... is slow. If you randomly cast it in lane, there's a high chance your opponent will just dodge or fall back to their turret.
This is something that may seem complicated at first, but will help you a lot in lane once you understand it.
What i'm talking about is a concept of observing enemy behavior to create an effecient strategy.
This works best with champions like Lux, Katarina which can have various playstyles and ways of utilizing their kit in lane.
Imagine yourself in the following situation.
You are Vex against a Lux in lane. Lux is in range of your Looming Darkness. You cast it; how will she dodge? Does she move backwards, left, right, or towards you? Did she start moving immediately when you cast Looming Darkness, or she took a second to realize being attacked?
All of this are patterns you should notice and remember.
Does Lux dodge your abilities by moving towards you? Next time, cast your Looming Darkness a bit closer to yourself to catch her.
Does Katarina Shunpo backwards to escape your abilities? Next time, try to cast your Looming Darkness slightly behind her.
And the list goes on. When you start noticing those small things people tend to do, you will hit your abilities much easier.
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