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Viego Build Guide by akaKO

Top Viego Guide (April 2024)

Top Viego Guide (April 2024)

Updated on June 3, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author akaKO Build Guide By akaKO 3,297 Views 0 Comments
3,297 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author akaKO Viego Build Guide By akaKO Updated on June 3, 2024
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Runes: Best Runes

1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Viego Guide (April 2024)

By akaKO
Choosing which side of the Jungle to start on heavily depends on what your gameplan is. As a Jungler, you want to look at trying to expand one of your allies' leads and making sure they can snowball heavily into the game. Most of the time you will want this to be your ADC, as their heavy damage from a far is really useful for you when you want to teamfight for important objectives. Because of this, ending your full clear at the Bottom lane is a good idea, as it allows you to come out of your Jungle at level 4 - 5 to help your Bottom laner.

Viego's on the Blue side are lucky, because they have the advantage of starting in their blue side Jungle and ending in their red side Jungle ready to fight in the Bottom lane. The reason they are so lucky is because they are able to defeat their Brambleback last, which means they will have the maximum uptime of the Crest of Cinders. Out of the 2 buffs, the Crest of Cinders is much more useful to Viego because it gives him a percent max health burn on basic attacks which compliments his percent max health damage passive. This is obviously much more useful than what the Crest of Insight offers, which is mana / energy regen that Viego doesnt need because of his lack of a secondary resource. The only other thing he gains from the Crest of Insight is ability haste, which is nothing compared to the Crest of Cinders. Therefore, maximising the uptime of this buff is in your best interests as it keeps you stronger for longer.
For Viegos starting on the Red side unfortunately have inverse Jungles, meaning the epic monster near the Bottom lane is the Sentinel instead. This isnt necessarily the end of the world, but it is a disadvantage for anyone on the Red side. Because of the inverse of jungles, choosing to clear your blue side first and moving on to your red side jungle will leave you in the Top lane after. Snowballing the Top laner isnt a bad idea, but the impact they have is usually not as important as your ADC, however it really depends on what the team compositions are.

Another thing you can do is an early level 2-3 gank. This isnt part of a conventional playstyle, however when executed right, this strategy can help your ally out of a tough matchup. For example, a weak early game champion vs a strong early game champion can quickly spiral out of control and result in an unstoppable opponent bullying everyone forcing a surrender. Ganking early on though can stunt this, and potentially give your ally the boost in gold and EXP that they need to at least be on level grounds with their opponent until they ultimately outscale and beat them.
Regardless of which side you are on, you can choose which side of your jungle you want to clear according to which lane you want to gank early on. Of course, the Blue side Viego will still get the Crest of Cinders for the Bottom lane unlike the Red side Viego, but with how early on it is it shouldnt matter too much.

Its also important to get vision in important and busy areas of the map. Areas like Baron and Drake pit are imperative to have vision over, as it gives you the upperhand when fighting there. You should also try to remove as much enemy vision as possible, so that you can use the fog of war against your opponents. You can do this by swapping your vision trinket for an Oracle Lense, and purchasing Pink wards from the shop. Both of these items are able to detect hidden wards which allows you to break them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author akaKO
akaKO Viego Guide
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