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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Ways to improve with ahri?

Tags: Ahri 6,873

  • Kongou sama

    Ways to improve with ahri?

    i want to know some ways to improve my skills w/ ahri who i am currently maining
    my matches are either quite good or bad
    any help?
  • Answers (1)

    LoLCable (5) | July 25, 2016 6:05am
    So definitely I want you to look at the top guide on this website. It is a complete in depth guide to Ahri. It has everything from lane match ups, item build, and why it works. It is the top rated guide in Mobafire. But just some quick pointers because I main mid lane, but I do not necessarily main Ahri. But use her passive to your advantage, pay attention in lane, build it up. Then save your Q for when the new minion wave comes, and you will have great sustain. Also, don't carelessly throw out your charm, if you know you are newer to Ahri and aren't too confident. Play defensive, only hit your charm when they come in and dive on you. Then do the standard combo of E, W, Q, or any order you want if you hit your charm. Your main damage dealer and the skill you max out first, will be Q. Obviously some champs fare better against Ahri and some get slaughtered. But if you get her down and learn how to use her ult offensively and defensively, you will be very successful in not getting caught out, and catching other people out. Ultimately sometimes it all comes down to your skillshots. If you hit your charm and your Orb of Deception, you will be successful.
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