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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What champion guides should i do next?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Cho'Gath Rammus Shen 3,743

  • MasterBuilder404

    What champion guides should i do next?

    I just started making guides at march 8 my first one is at that date and my 2nd is at march 10 so i am new to mobafire
  • Answers (1)

    moon827 (14) | March 12, 2018 7:05am
    Before you start making multiple random guides, put time into one you have already made. Go more in depth, explaining why you made things the way you made them, and insight into how you play the champion, allowing your readers to understand how the champion is meant to be played, why you play it that way, etc. jhoijhoi's guide on making guides is a great way to get started, its what helped me get my guide going, and have some success with it.

    Hope this helps,

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