League of Legends (LoL) Question: What do you think about Support Galio?
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What do you think about Support Galio?
So I've been meaning to try out Galio. I like the idea of his kit but he doesn't seem to be a great champion overall. I understand his abilities and was curious of what you guys think about support Galio. Does it work, how do you do it, what are its strengths/weaknesses?
Thanks <3
Thanks <3
- Excels against AP laner
- Mana hungry
- Only hard CC from ultimate, which has a long cooldown
At bot lane you're usually dealing a lot with AD instead of AP, so he's not in his element. Furthermore I'd say he's too item-reliant and brings not enough reliable CC to the table to be called a good support pick.
Like others mentioned, it could work. But I would certainly not recommend it.
effect of pushing the minion wave.
It can work, but there are champions like
When possible, play him with
Bad thing is there's few champions who can interrupt his ultimate easily like
Good thing is that few viable items for support have magic resist like
If you will build