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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What does everyone think of the new ezreal rework?

Tags: Ezreal 6,013

  • moon827

    What does everyone think of the new ezreal rework?

  • Answers (8)

    Tauricus2017 (120) | October 20, 2018 12:02pm
    I really love it! But it is still hard to farm when playing AP Ezreal :/
    VexRoth (78) | October 14, 2018 12:13pm
    After playing him two or three times I find that the new voiceover is somewhat cringe inducing. I like that Essence Flux will go through minions and that you can proc it with AAs or abilities. I do wish it would attach to large minions in jungle camps as it feels somewhat useless when clearing. New splashes and model are generally welcome. Somewhat meh toward the Explorer Ezreal splash and model update, but that was never one of my favorite Ezreal skins.
    AbaddonSoulchain (16) | October 4, 2018 3:11pm
    I like it personally, he needed a new look and his kit is fine the way it is. The new W will be a welcome addition.
    Ilift13 (5) | October 3, 2018 10:04am
    I like the mobility he is a great threat with the right support and if you can master that style.
    Ilift13 (5) | October 3, 2018 10:04am
    I like the mobility he is a great threat with the right support and if you can master that style.
    unownreality (2) | September 28, 2018 8:01pm
    It seems like a lazier rework, with most of his abilities being the same thing. I like the idea of his W, but I would have liked to see his Q change a bit,and for sure a new version of Arcane shift. I think they could have done a bit better
    PhoenixianSlayer (6) | October 13, 2018 11:27am
    It seems like a lazier rework, with most of his abilities being the same thing. I like the idea of his W, but I would have liked to see his Q change a bit,and for sure a new version of Arcane shift. I think they could have done a bit better

    I wouldn't say lazy, I think the rest of his kit is fine. I liked all his abilities except Essence Flux. In my opinion, that was all that needed to be changed, so it was and they did a nice job on it. His model looks good, so I think it was a great rework all around
    Silverman43 (85) | September 24, 2018 10:34pm
    I hope Ezreal jungle will be viable. His W change can only make it better as it was almost useless in the jungle.
    JohnySalvador16 (2) | September 28, 2018 11:30am
    I think ez jgl will still be viable, his new W wont aplly on monsters but in scuttle fight might be good as you have more dmg to fight.
    Hamstertamer (74) | September 24, 2018 11:24am
    Sounds like a simple change to his W, so it's not a big rework. That ability was fairly useless so it can only be a buff. It's actually pretty funny that it works just like Illumination, putting a mark that his other spells proc. I think making him like Lux is intended.
    PsiGuard (1495) | September 24, 2018 5:52pm
    Small correction: Illumination is only triggered by Lux's basic attacks and Final Spark. Chaining Q and E won't trigger the bonus damage, whereas Ezreal's new W seems to trigger off any of his spells.
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