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League of Legends (LoL) Question: what is adc ?

Posted in General | Tags: Adaptive Helm Ahri 16,579

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    what is adc ?

    i already know top,bot,mid,jungle,support.
    but i don't know what is adc can anyone tell me ?
  • Answers (1)

    orrvaa (41) | June 21, 2018 3:31am
    ADC comes from the words Attack Damage Carry. His main purpose is to deal consistent damage in fights, and on objectives.

    ADC usually in the meta is a long range champion which based mostly on basic attacks. (attack speed, crit, AD and so on).

    Because he need to spend his gold mostly on damage he is laned with the support who should need to make his early game easier.

    If you have more questions feel free to ask
    katakuri5 | June 21, 2018 7:31am
    so where did he have to go (which lane)
    orrvaa (41) | June 21, 2018 2:17pm
    As chromuro said,
    the meta for some seasons are:
    1 top laner
    1 jungler
    1 mid laner
    2 bot laner as one of them is ADC and the other is Support.

    (i play only for 3 seasons so i don't really know any other meta)
    Chromuro (47) | June 21, 2018 7:47am
    Normally the ADC is in botlane
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