League of Legends (LoL) Question: What is the full speed builds for Jhin in URF ?
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What is the full speed builds for Jhin in URF ?
Hey so with the recent URF mode coming back, i was wondering what the Jhin full speed builds was, since i was a Jhin main, full speed builds really fascinated me. Also knowing the full speed Runes would be great too.
Normally i would go Trinity force -> RFC -> Stattik -> Runaan -> Phantom Dancer ( With the Silver boots too ofc )
And i would go pretty fast everytime i crit, but i also see people building Guinsoo on full speed jhin too, why is that ?
If anyone can tell me the full build and runes that would be amazing, thanks in advance
Normally i would go Trinity force -> RFC -> Stattik -> Runaan -> Phantom Dancer ( With the Silver boots too ofc )
And i would go pretty fast everytime i crit, but i also see people building Guinsoo on full speed jhin too, why is that ?
If anyone can tell me the full build and runes that would be amazing, thanks in advance
Not sure why you think people build Guinsoo's on him for urf, as the item is useless for him. Most likely just to troll around and have fun.
There are so many Jhin Urf speed builds that exists, this is just one variant of it. I'd recommend to just experiment and theorycraft ones if you like it.