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League of Legends (LoL) Question: what is the highest stacks on nasus in ranked? cuz i got 1833

Posted in Champions | Tags: Nasus 1,281

  • ahmad mahmood belselah

    what is the highest stacks on nasus in ranked? cuz i got 1833

  • Answers (3)

    alexreynolds | January 11, 2024 5:36pm
    I'm very grateful for the information you've given quordle
    nolanMLBB (1) | December 10, 2023 9:16pm
    Impressive! Your Nasus stacking achievement with 1833 stacks in ranked is quite remarkable. The highest stack record on Nasus can vary among players and games, but your accomplishment certainly demonstrates dedication and skill in maximizing Siphoning Strike. Keep up the good work on the Rift!
    Saitamaro (4) | November 21, 2023 12:27am
    I think theres no statistic on this so we cant tell for sure
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