League of Legends (LoL) Question: What is the role of a support in Season 3?
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Oracle's Elixir
Sight Ward

What is the role of a support in Season 3?
What exactly is the role of a support in Season 3? How important is it for supports to have a "full build" of support items like Locket etc?
With the ward changes/trinket introduction in Season 4, how do you think this role will change?
Thanks for the replies so far, guys (+rep to all involved)! Don't forget to answer my "full build" question.
With the ward changes/trinket introduction in Season 4, how do you think this role will change?
Thanks for the replies so far, guys (+rep to all involved)! Don't forget to answer my "full build" question.
Their other major task is to be able to help out carries in doing their jobs by providing CC and or utility that helps them do so (hint:
"Supports" in this game should be redefined as a selfless role that consists of sacrificing ones own presence in the game (Well, not entirely true. They still have their crowd control to enforce their presence) to be able to take on the responsibility of warding and lessen the expense caused by warding to the other team members. They are also obliged to protect the carry at all costs and have to give their life without a second thought to achieve that goal.
Supports are quite a pathetic role currently and hopefully the season 4 changes would actually let them "be" supports instead of just ward/cc bots. Supports such as Janna, Zyra etc should be able to build ap to enforce their supportive abilities. Supports like leona, alistar and so on should be able to actually build some hp and defense instead of just the occasional Locket and a sightstone.
From the limited amount of games I've played (All mmorpg's and some rpgs, league is the only MOBA so I have no idea about other MOBA's) I've noticed that the "Supports" are either the main healing class, main crowd control class or a supportive class with a mix between crowd control, buffs and heals. Guess who protects who in pvp? Everyone protects the cleric/priest/shaman/w/e cause they can remove debuffs and heal people in a pinch. People protect the buffer class because they're severely crippled without their buffs. The crowd control class usually can protect them selves WHILE protecting the main support class. In a situation when someone gets to the supportive classes they have a ton of crowd control and respectable damage to defend themeselves, and once the players attacking the supportive classes are dealt with, they can continue to support their squad.
If someone jumps on you, and you're playing janna what would you do? Burn flash and ult to escape or just die because you might need the ult to save your carry in the next major teamfight, which could win you the game?
Of course you wouldn't waste everything you have on yourself and leave your carry unprotected in the next fight.
Instead of being the backbone of the team, the supports are more like expendable pawns once their cc is on cd.
Sorry for the rant, but as a person who enjoys supportive classes I'm not satisfied with how the supports in this game work.
but TPA is curshing the META really hard with their triple smite and especially their APC bottom.
I find the support role rather fun, you play mind games with the enemy team constantly instead of simply trying to farm for the entire darn laning phase xD. You also provide your team vision and keep them safe.
Instead of finding the support role in league boring I find it underwhelming to play, especially because your efforts are rarely appreciated and often go to waste by incompetent teams that, as you mentioned, have no idea what the support role does and never capitalize on the advantage you may provide your team.
Thankfully by supports becoming easier and more accessible I think more people would be willing to try them out and learn what they do.
To me it seems that the direct presence supports have on the game will be increased, making their overall power and contribution more visible and making them feel much more rewarding.
Overall, a good change imo =D
yay for more long *** posts
Problem with this view is that in Season 3 the support already reached a point of a somewhat high impact on the game. But most of that impact goes to waste due to the playstyle of most supports. I myself just got a new ADC in my team to support. And he showed me some stuff. And honestly even tho I am a Platinum 4 support, most of the stuff was somehow already knwon by me, but never actively used. Making use of the zone (I guess you hard that word alot already) adds up minimalistc numbers into a huge advantage.
But sadly, I see 1 in 100 supports actually using the zone and playing right anyway.
What I see in Season 4 is to make the support more accessable for people that are not used to that kinda role.
The other 4 roles are pretty similar, you farm, you kill, you carry. But the way a supports play is completely different, not only the farming part, but the stuff you do on lane.
This comes with the common assumption that supporting is boring, which is simply just playing support wrong. When actively supporting you have alot to do, which is not only warding. ( Tho I won't go into detail here).
tl;dr Season 4 will make ''playing'' support easier and more accessable
Pretty much agreeing to responses above. It's a ward machine and babysitting adc. I think It's best for support to make the calls as you have more time to keep eye
on the positioning and have little more time to look at enemies and cooldowns. (Assuming you have that kind of support that has good CC)
Has always been quite underestimated role I guess, but even more S2.
How important is it for supports to have a "full build" of support items like Locket etc?
This varies a lot. The higher you get the less items you are going to get, because of the vision wards. I call it ******** to be calling supports only having sightstone + boots. Most of the games I will get 1-3 kills early on and even +~8 with high damage supports, so obviously I will have item or two more.
I'm sick of the vision wars, which I have bumped into a lot lately --> Even then I will usually have shurelyas completed ~20-30 minutes, sometimes locket. Just ward with reason and supports can take at least the 1 item in the game.
Importance of items varies. The so called "silver aram wars", which means everyone goes mid 24/7 and waits for one guy to make mistake and push for tower (this appears in silver obviously). In there that 1 locket active or shurelyas/mikaels can make huge difference. I'd say items for support come less useful the higher you climb.
Other lanes rely on items more than support. Supports rely on their kit mostly and they are picked for their kit.
With the ward changes/trinket introduction in Season 4, how do you think this role will change?
I still see a lot vision wars between support. This reliefs it a little and makes the role more strategic. Supports can obvously focus on other major items with the changes, but I was hoping for something else. I don't see much of a change after all as it's still going to be a pink war fight AND trinket war.
Scouting the environment to keep Baby's safe from the impending danger of ganks, with the placement of Baby monitors.
Baby Sitters also set up a trust fund for their Baby's by giving them every last CS and killing blow. While the Baby Sitter takes up a GP 10 shop aid program aka "Welfare"
As full time Baby Sitter, Supports also have the job of cleaning and picking up after their Baby's late game that consists of cleaning up after everyone's mess forcing them to spend their money on an magical pink cleaning bottle while they clean up their jungle, of any enemy baby monitors. or to look for their baby's dirty toys/playthings, "I know that teemo doll is around here somewhere"
They also have the role of a mandated reporter. They are in charge of reporting any wrong doings of the other team. Enemy's missing/where about's having to call out suspicious behavior, Baby Monitor placements etc.
Baby Sitters are also first to blame for any wrong doings because any baby placed in their care, is just that a baby incapable of taking care of themselves. No self respecting baby sitter would ever let a baby do something dangerous.
When their baby's are all grown up, they then take on the role of mental parent waiting for a hive five, or a thanks Mom, or Dad, from their ungrateful children, most of the time taking no joy in the end game celebration.
The Job of Baby Sitter is a sad one instead of going to the movie with their friends they get stuck hanging out with little Baby's who do nothing but cry and whine.
so make sure to come back and see the completed thing it would most likely sectioned under humor most likely
Unfortunately, however I also quickly ran into the babysitter problem you so passionately and very accurately spoke about. It saddens me that this is the reality of one who fills such an important role.
Season 4 changes will allow supports to do more besides just warding and using standard crowd control stuff (like annie ult, zyra ult etc) - their utility will probably have a bigger influence on the game. They'll also be able to buy more items due to support gold changes.
In some games supports can get mikaels/shurelyas. But yeah, these are only the super long games.
In Season 3, I see support as a 'sad role' since you will mostly became selfless and give so many to others that people barely appreciate, in other words, sacrifice yourself.
I did not see any reason to dislike supports, they need more appreciations, and the system of this game just didn't give full access to that, so support are mostly like warding machine that are expendable.
I hope when entering Season 4, Riot will redefined support as class who help the team and not as expendable pawn, its just sad to see supports who sacrifice themself, they barely farm, being scolded when have kills even if its not KS, and no one actually protect them in teamfight.
Support should be class that give buff and heals, debuff enemy to help your allies and to protect them, not as some unimportant, unsignificant roles, which no one give a care in the team, while in the same time, did become important role that everyone expected, this is just wrong.
Sorry if its sound like personal rant, but I only said what needed, they need real appreciations. I often play support, and being support are just sad.... (nowaday I rarely play support, because of the reason I stated above, and because if you can't carry the game if your team suck and feed)
Also, with supports utility now scaling with certain stats (eg: next season