What items should support buy when his team losing at early levels?
Asked by elnawawi on November 18, 2012
What items should support buy when his team losing at early levels?
Mostly asking about the AP ranged support char like Zyra, lux, janna .. etc ..
But remember that playing zyra support means die first or second at most cases, or may be even initiate the fight yourself if you have no real tank, if Zyra die first she can do very massive AOE true damage in team fights with her passive , plus her plants who continue attack and slow enemies after death anyway, have any thought on this case?
zeke's and aegis are standard.
generally cheaper and easily obtainable items are better so i vouch for shurely
er and yeah
buy wards.
Alternative is to get something that your team benefits in teamfight such as
Void Staff
and Boots of Swiftness