League of Legends (LoL) Question: When do you engage as Akali?
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When do you engage as Akali?
I've been trying to learn
Akali (I've been searching for a main for like 3 seasons, and think it might be her!) and I've run into a problem. I've no idea what I'm actually looking for in order to get a kill as her. I've read a tonne of guides and they're like "oh gunblade is a power spike" or "use Q + Passive" to trade.
I don't understand how to actually start an engage, and when to abandon an engage. Am I meant to start my engage with my ult or my E? What do I do if I miss my E?
I know it's good to start an engage if my enemy waste an ability, but what do I do if they're playing super safe and holding onto their abilities and are just matching my push? I can't roam, or I'll lose cs and plates when they do use abilities to push. I can't engage on them because (most) mid laners have some form of cc or way to stop my engage.
I guess this is just assassin 101 to most people, but I'm just struggling to understand these concepts. Any help would be amazing!

I don't understand how to actually start an engage, and when to abandon an engage. Am I meant to start my engage with my ult or my E? What do I do if I miss my E?
I know it's good to start an engage if my enemy waste an ability, but what do I do if they're playing super safe and holding onto their abilities and are just matching my push? I can't roam, or I'll lose cs and plates when they do use abilities to push. I can't engage on them because (most) mid laners have some form of cc or way to stop my engage.
I guess this is just assassin 101 to most people, but I'm just struggling to understand these concepts. Any help would be amazing!
I guess I have been overthinking my engages too much, and I guess I won't really learn what I can do with her until I learn what I can't do. This is the first time I've ever actually played an Assassin, before this I played Veigar, Soraka and Jinx and with basically all of them the number 1 rule was "stay alive no matter the cost". I guess I just need to get used to the idea that it's more important that I get in and kill the carries than to be trying to stay alive at all costs.
Thank you so much!
or if u want to start the fight u need to find a good position were there is ni minion in your e way or his jngler is at bot or he has came so clase to u that u can q him easily
which is pretty much exactly what you're talking about.
The second bit about map awareness doesn't answer much either because you're talking about engaging with E (or Q if they're close enough which they wouldn't because I talk about people playing too safe for me to do that), which I also mention as a possibility and then I ask
Which you also don't answer...