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League of Legends (LoL) Question: When is scorch earth renekton skin coming out?

Tags: Renekton 5,532

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    When is scorch earth renekton skin coming out?

    when is it coming out? Its been 6 months since it had been released in the pbe.
  • Answers (1)

    Meiyjhe (539) | November 24, 2013 10:49am
    Patience young padawan.

    My sources indicate that the skin will be released together with the magma chamber.
    Janitsu (569) | November 25, 2013 1:32pm
    Iceland server.
    drakon136 (56) | November 25, 2013 1:31pm
    I don't really think it would be a fitting skin for a new server, unless Riot opens a server for hell or something.
    Pluckin Penguin (117) | November 24, 2013 1:47pm
    Another possibility is that it may be released with the opening of a new server.
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