League of Legends (LoL) Question: Which champion is the best to learn to counter-jungle with?
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Dr. Mundo
Lee Sin

Which champion is the best to learn to counter-jungle with?
I usually jungle with tanks but I wanted to start counter-jungling more (because I have seen just how effective it can be). Which champions are the best to learn on?
Since you want to learn counter-jungling, it's best you learn the capabilities on each individual jungler.
However, some good counter-junglers and junglers as a whole to get you started are
Shaco has a great escape / chase with his
Lee Sin is extremely strong early on because of his many damage abilities and has a relatively easy escape with wards or jumping to allies.
1) Enemy laners will always respond faster and quicker than your laners when counterjungling. Same vice versa.
2) When you see the enemy jungler across the map in a time where you can't counter-gank, counter-jungling is a great option.
However, if you are new to counterjungling, you might prefer something more quick, since Nunu and Cho'gath are rather slow champions.
Shaco for example, is maybe a bit slower with the counterjungling itself, but if you are busted, you just Deceive away. Also his boxes allows you to have more vision in the enemy jungle, which also is nice to have.
Embracing also mentioned Lee Sin, although Lee needs a bit more expierence than Shaco.
Tl;dr Pick Shaco, he is the easiest counterjungler.
Nunu has incredible clear times in the jungle by starting machete/5 heath pots and utilizing the minion damage and healing from Consume(Q) and the attack/move speed boost from Blood-boil(W). If you can get your team to give you a smite-less blue buff then, against the right jungler, you can go steal their red using Q, W, and smite; instant double buffs and your level 3 while the enemy jungler is only level 2.
I can't recommend any other jungler than these and
(that have been mentioned before), but since they're so dang slow, dont start jungle with them (counter)!