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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Which lane is better for win

Posted in General 1,319

  • Bladharbor

    Which lane is better for win

    I play this game for six months, however i left my lane because it was not perfect role for win. Yeah yeah my old lane is top lane.

    After leaving top lane i Will Start to play Jungle u can help team with assists, getting objectives.

    But one game Enemy has a really great jungler. He Smash me and that makes me bad. I ask Myself to can i be good like him ?

    Normally in jungle i almost dominate game but in High ranks can i still dominate i Dont know.

    After this i start to play support i win sometimes sometimes lose that is normal i know but my junglers are really bad comparing to mine jungle.

    So i cant decided to which lane is better for me.

    Jungle or sup ?
  • Answers (1)

    Allanpietrzak | February 5, 2024 1:55am
    the best is mid/jgl
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