League of Legends (LoL) Question: Who Should I Get?
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Who Should I Get?
Ok, so... I’m wondering which champion I should get next, I’ve got it narrowed down to Diana, Syndra, Lissandra, Orianna, and Fiora. I need a consistent pick who can hold her own and has consistent power in certain parts of the game, and isn’t extremely risky farming minions. I am leaning towards Diana, Syndra, and Lissandra because I like bursty AP midlaners. I would really appreciate any suggestions!
You mention you want the following:
Nonetheless, in your quest of searching a pick you might want to narrow down what you want, think of the following:
Now, perhaps you might think I am totally not a biased Liss OTP! Howeverr, I am mainly gravitating towards this pick because of the way you describe the laning phase. If I go by ''deleting enemies of the map''
In the end, it's all up to you! Here are some more suggestions that might or might not be interesting: