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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Who to buy? Darius or Kha'zix?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Darius Kha'Zix 4,462

  • Redslimeking

    Who to buy? Darius or Kha'zix?

    I am a lv 23 player that is wondering who to buy next as for some reason I can't decide. Both characters (Darius and Kha'zix) seem to fit my play style and look awesome at the same time. I am also a jungle assassin main that like burst damage, but i'm looking for some flex characters so that I at least have one champion for every lane.
  • Answers (5)

    Astromdeux (4) | October 15, 2017 5:07am
    Darius is a top laner that is a solid tank and at the same time has solid damage, a fed Darius is overpowered this is a universal LoL law, he can be kited but 1v1 he is very strong. As for Khazix if you want to play a jungle assassin then he should be your pick. But if you want something that is overpowered on top I would recommend Renekton, Nasus or Pantheon. If you like being an assassin in the jungle or a viable top laner Kayn is also a viable pick.
    XtheZ115 (1) | October 12, 2017 4:39pm
    Darius is stupidly overpowered, so if you are ready to branch out to other lanes, Darius seems like the better choice.

    And that hurts to say, as Kha'Zix is is my favorite assassin.
    I Am Goliath (45) | October 12, 2017 11:19am
    I think if you're planning on learning top lane Darius is a great champion to start with, lots of newer players have a very rough time dealing with him because he is pretty bulky/tanky while still doing some good damage, and pretty much auto wins every matchup against tanks in the top lane.
    bo_monster123 | October 10, 2017 6:11pm
    I would pick Kha'zix just because you like jungle assassins. I guess you could play darius jg :^) (plz dont)
    Redslimeking (2) | October 10, 2017 8:31pm
    Nb3 makes video on Darius jg. OMG 1 shot, 500 ad Darius, parents grounded me after this!
    orrvaa (41) | October 10, 2017 2:37pm
    If you want to start learn a new lane so start with Darius and in some more games you will be able to by Kha'zix so it not a problem. If you want to focus more on your jungle play style start with Kha'zix.
    orrvaa (41) | October 11, 2017 6:23am
    Every champion the possibility to get nerf or buff, especialy when we will get to the mid season (November) when the runes will be changed. Don't try to play as meta as you can, instead make yourself better player and have fun from what you play, i think only in master/challenger elo meta have a true meaning.
    Redslimeking (2) | October 10, 2017 5:18pm
    I mean I already have a few junglers (Graves, Rengar, Warwick, and Yi), but I want a reliable pick that will stay in the meta for quite a while as for some reason any champion that I touch just gets indirectly nerfed ;-;.
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