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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Who's easier and stronger

Posted in Champions | Tags: Ahri Lux Syndra 8,442

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    Who's easier and stronger

    I need a new mage and right now, it's between Syndra and Lux. Both seem pretty strong but I need a good and easy champion to play/master with so... Which one should I get?

    UPDATE: I forgot to add Ahri to this question xd. So like now it's between Ahri, Lux, or Syndra. Sorry y'all xP
  • Answers (4)

    HeavensXtear | April 29, 2017 10:25am
    i think you should play lux she is a lot easier to play
    Mantar0ff (2) | April 30, 2017 12:11pm
    Syndra just Syndra this is the champion who can snowball most likely every other mage in the mid lane game. It's harder than Lux but it's defenently better
    PsiGuard (1495) | April 29, 2017 4:44pm
    Get Lux if you prefer to farm out the early game and be reliable in team fights. Pick Syndra if you want to play more aggressively and get solo-kills. Both are good but I think they're suited to different playstyles.
    Ekki (86) | April 29, 2017 2:37pm
    Lux tends to be stable as an useful mid laner, but she almost never becomes extremely strong because her kit is really stable.

    On the other hand, Syndra has had times where she was must pick/ban and others where she was borderline unplayable since her kit has a bigger early/late disparity because of Transcendent.

    Now, if you're going for a good/easy champion that scales well into higher elos, Lux is one of the best mid laners at that.
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