League of Legends (LoL) Question: Whose Hurricane? And what are we using it for?
Posted in Items | Tags: Ashe Caitlyn Corki Draven Ezreal Graves Kog'Maw Miss Fortune Runaan's Hurricane Sivir Tristana Varus Vayne 15,669
Whose Hurricane? And what are we using it for?
Not being a hardcore AD carry player myself, I'm struggling with the introduction of Runaan's Hurricane. Are we using it? If so when are we using it? And what character can use it?
Otherwise I see it on on-hit AP characters like Teemo.
Yea... not many are really using it.
I've seen Varus do it too, but not sure if worth it
You have to sacrifice important items to get it.
It seems like a tier 2 item to me...
You have to sacrifice either massive damage output from crits, sustain and damage, mobility, armorpen, or defense.
Never worth :/
But generally, I'd recommend it on any AA reliant ADC.
I've seen many champs like Ashe, Teemo, Cait, Twistedfate, KogMaw... But I think it is useful when you are building a true ADC. (which I mean high damage output in a short time)